Browse by Series
- Abakanowicz Arts and Culture Collection
- Across the Global South: Built Environments in Critical Perspective
- Acta Hyperborea
- Actors and Structures
- An Administrative History of the Johnson Presidency
- Adolescent Development and Legal Policy
- Advances in Metal Music and Culture
- The Africa List
- Afterall
- Afterlives of the Bible
- Ageing with Smartphones
- Alexander von Humboldt in English
- All About Space
- America Reframed: Political History for What Comes Next
- American Beginnings, 1500-1900
- American Country Life Association
- American Dental Association
- American Policies Abroad
- American Politics and Political Economy Series
- American Primers
- Anarchies
- Animal
- Animal Lives
- Anthropological Novellas
- Approaches to Postmodernity
- The Arab List
- Arbeit und Alltag
- Architectural Papers
- Architectural Signatures Canada
- Architecture at Rice
- Architecture of Wales
- Architecture Photography by Klaus Kinold
- Armchair Traveller
- Armchair Traveller's History
- Art and Archaeology of Southeast Asia: Hindu-Buddhist Traditions
- Art Series
- Art Since the '80s
- Arthurian Literature in the Middle Ages
- ASAA Southeast Asia Publications Series
- Asia Pacific Legal Culture and Globalization
- Asian Religions and Society
- Astrophysical Monographs
- AWP Award Series for the Novel
- Bard Graduate Center - Cultural Histories of the Material World
- The Bard Music Festival
- Bauhaus Weimar
- BCMCR New Directions in Media and Cultural Research
- Behavior Research Fund Publications
- Berlin Family Lectures
- Best of Austria
- Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana
- BICS Supplements
- Big Issues in Music
- BilderDiskurs
- Biology of the Reptilia Series
- Birds of British Columbia 4SET
- Bithell Series of Dissertations
- Black Literature and Culture
- Botanical
- Botanical Magazine Monograph
- Brandeis Library of Modern Jewish Thought
- Brandeis Series in American Jewish History, Culture, and Life
- Brandeis Series in Law and Society
- Brandeis Series on Gender, Culture, Religion, and Law
- Brenda and David McLean Canadian Studies
- Brigham Young University - Islamic Translation Series
- British Journal of Psychology Monographs
- British Prime Ministers
- Buddhism and Modernity
- Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies Supplements
- Bush School Series in the Economics of Public Policy
- The C.D. Howe Series in Canadian Political History
- Canada and International Relations
- Canadian Democratic Audit
- Canadian Modern
- Canadian Plays
- Canadian Yearbook of International Law
- Care and Conservation of Manuscripts
- The Carlsberg Papyri
- Carnegie Mellon Classic Contemporary Fiction
- Carnegie Mellon Classic Contemporary Poetry Series
- Carnegie Mellon University Press Biography
- Carnegie Mellon University Press Drama
- Carnegie Mellon University Press Essays
- Carnegie Mellon University Press Fiction Series
- Carnegie Mellon University Press Nonfiction
- Carnegie Mellon University Press Poetry in Translation
- Carnegie Mellon University Press Poetry Series
- Carpenter Lectures
- Carsten Niebuhr Institute Publications
- Centenary Classics
- Centennial Publications of the University of Chicago Press
- Center for American Places - Center Books on American Places
- Center for the Study of American Foreign Policy
- A Century Foundation Book
- Changing Media, Changing Europe
- Chicago Architecture and Urbanism
- The Chicago Foucault Project
- Chicago Guides to Academic Life
- Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing
- The Chicago History of American Civilization
- Chicago History of American Religion
- Chicago History of Science and Medicine
- Chicago in Fiction
- Chicago Lectures in Mathematics
- Chicago Lectures in Physics
- Chicago Library of Comparative Politics
- Chicago Series in Law and Society
- Chicago Series on International and Domestic Institutions
- The Chicago Series on Sexuality, History, and Society
- Chicago Shorts
- Chicago Studies in American Politics
- Chicago Studies in Ethnomusicology
- Chicago Studies in Practices of Meaning
- Chicago Studies in the History of Judaism
- Chicago Studies in the History of Judaism - The Talmud of the Land of Israel: A Preliminary Translation
- Chicago Visions and Revisions
- Chicago Visual Library
- Chicago Visual Library-French Popular Lithographic Imagery
- Chicago Visual Library-Studies in Medieval Manuscript Illumination
- Child Development Research and Social Policy
- Child Language Research Forum
- Christ & Gantenbein Review
- The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Christian Doctrine
- Cinema and Modernity
- Cityscopes
- Class 200: New Studies in Religion
- Classic American Historians
- Classic European Historians
- Classics in Anthropology
- Classics in Ethnographic Theory
- Classics of British Historical Literature
- Classics of Irish History
- Cognitive Theory of Language and Culture Series
- The Collected Works of F. A. Hayek
- The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham
- The Collected Works of Norbert Elias
- College Library of Biological Science
- Columns of Smoke
- Committee on Publications in Biology and Medicine
- Communication, Strategy, and Politics
- Comparative Literature and Culture
- Comparative Studies of Cultures and Civilizations
- Comparative Studies of New Nations
- The Complete Greek Tragedies
- The Complete Works of Lucius Annaeus Seneca
- Conceptual Structure, Discourse, and Language
- Conference for Administrative Officers of Public and Private Schools
- Conservation International - Occasional Papers in Conservation Biology
- Conservation International Field Guides
- Constitutionalism in Eastern Europe
- Contemporary Chinese Studies
- Contemporary Projects
- Contemporary Worlds
- Contrastive Structure Series
- Contributions from the Hull Botanical Laboratory
- Contributions from the Walker Museum of the University of
- Contributions to Education
- Convening Science: Discovery at the Marine Biological Laboratory
- Conversations
- Copenhagen Studies in Indo-European
- The Correspondence of Edward Hincks
- Court and the Constitution
- The Cox Family Poetry Chapbook Series
- Crime and Justice: A Review of Research
- Crime Uncovered
- Critical Anthropology
- Critical Antiquities
- The Critical Edition of the Operas of Gaetano Donizetti: Operas
- The Critical Edition of the Works of Vincenzo Bellini; Series I: Operas
- Critical Guides to Contemporary Composers
- Critical Human Rights Studies
- A Critical Inquiry Book
- Critical Lives
- Critical Photography
- Critical Stances
- Critical Studies in Architecture of the Middle East
- Critical Terms
- Critical Views
- Crossing Seas
- Crossings: Asian Cinema and Media Culture
- Cultural Dialectics
- Cultural Studies of Natures, Landscapes and Environments
- Cultural Studies Toward Transformative Curriculum and Pedagogy
- Culture and Health
- Culture Trails: Adventures in Travel
- Culture, Disease, and Well-Being
- Current Anthropology Resource Series
- CYMRU - Gothic Originals
- The Czech List
- Czech Literature Studies
- DAAP Studio Design Series
- Danish Golden Age Studies
- Danish Humanist Texts and Studies
- The David Hume Series
- Design for Business
- Design Research in Architecture
- Developmental Biology Conference Series, 1956
- Diaphanes Forward Fiction
- Directory of World Cinema
- Disability Culture and Politics
- Discourses of Weakness and Resource Regimes
- Dissertations in Linguistics
- Distributed for HKU Museum and Art Gallery
- Distributed for Nelly Fung
- Documents in Canadian Architecture
- Dynasties
- Earth
- Earth Day
- East African Mammals
- Eastern Christian Texts
- Economic Exposures in Asia
- Economic Research Studies
- Ecotourism Guides to Protected Areas
- Edible
- Edition Hochparterre at Scheidegger & Spiess
- editionMALIK
- Eigene und Fremde Welten
- Elsewhere Texts
- Embodying Inequalities: Perspectives from Medical Anthropology
- Emerging Voices
- Enactments
- Engaging Communities in City-making
- English Studies of the University of Chicago
- Envisioning Asia
- Equality | Security | Community
- Essays by Leo Steinberg
- Essays in Art and Culture
- Essays in Divinity
- Ethnicity and Democratic Governance
- Ethnographic Encounters and Discoveries
- European Communication Research and Education Association
- Evaluation of Higher Institutions
- Exposures
- Fabriks: Studies in the Working Class
- Fan Phenomena
- Fawad Kazi KSSG–OKS
- Fellowship of Catholic Scholars
- Field Guides
- Field Notes
- Fieldwork Encounters and Discoveries
- First Nations Languages
- Fish Hooks of the Pacific Islands
- Flora of Iraq
- Flora of the Guianas
- Flora of Tropical East Africa
- Flora Zambesiaca
- Focus on Contemporary Issues (FOCI)
- Focus Series
- Folktales of the World
- The Fondation Custodia Studies in the History of Art
- Food Controversies
- Foods and Nations
- Foundations of the Unity of Science: Toward an International Encyclopedia of Unified Science
- The France Chicago Collection
- French and Francophone Studies
- The French List
- The Fundamentalism Project
- Gaelic Prose
- Gender Studies in Wales
- The German List
- German Literary Classics in Translation
- Germanic Studies
- Gingko-St Andrews Series
- Global Health Humanities
- Global History
- Global Peace Studies
- Global Prosperity in Thought and Practice
- Global Punk Series
- Globalities
- Globalization and Autonomy
- Gothic Authors: Critical Revisions
- Gothic Literary Studies
- Grammars of World and Minority Languages
- Great Lives of the Ancient World
- Great Masters in Art
- Griffin Collection Series
- Grolier Hundred
- Gumshoe
- Handbooks of Ethics and Religion
- Handbooks of Social Gerontology
- Harris Memorial Foundation Lectures on International Relations
- Haskell Lectures in Comparative Religion
- The Haskell Lectures on History of Religions
- HAU - Essays In Ethnographic Theory
- Haus Curiosities
- HBI Series on Jewish Women
- Heath-Chicago Language Series
- The Herbarium Handbook
- Heritage of Sociology Series
- Hilti Art Foundation. The Collection
- Historic and Lingusitic Studies in Literature Related to the New Testament--First Series: Texts
- Historic and Lingusitic Studies in Literature Related to the New Testament--Second Series: Linguistic and Exegetical Studies
- Historical Monographs
- Historical Studies of Urban America
- Historische Politikforschung
- History and Philosophy of Education Series
- The History and Structure of Languages
- History for Peace
- The History of Cartography
- The History of Continental Philosophy
- The History of Italian Opera, Part II: Systems
- History of Medicine in Southeast Asia
- Hong Kong Matters
- Horror Studies
- How Canadians Communicate
- HRC series
- The Hungarian List
- IB - Artwork Scholarship: International Perspectives in Education
- Iberian and Latin American Studies
- Iconologies
- IHR Conference Series
- IHR Shorts
- In Between States
- In Performance
- The India List
- Institute of Advanced Legal Studies
- Institute of Commonwealth Studies
- Institute of English Studies
- Institute of Historical Research
- Institute of Latin American Studies
- Institute of Modern Languages Research
- Institute of Pacific Relations
- Intellect Books - Computers and the History of Art
- Intellect Books - European Communication Research and Education Association
- Intellect Books - Readings in Art and Design Education
- Intellect China Library
- Intellect Live
- Interaktiva
- Interdisciplinary Community Engaged Research for Health
- Interdisciplinary Urban Research
- Interfaith Series
- International Annals of Adolescent Psychiatry
- International Crime Fictions
- International Encyclopedia of Unified Science
- International Encyclopedia of Unified Science--Foundations of Unified Science
- International Labour Studies
- International Law
- Intersections in Literature and Science
- Interspecific Interactions
- Investigations of Lens and Screen Arts
- Iolo Morganwg and the Romantic Tradition
- Irish Women's Speeches
- Issues in Distance Education
- Issues in Race and Society
- The Italian List
- Itineraries
- Jacob Rader Marcus Series on the American Jewish Experience
- Japanese Linguistics
- Japanese/Korean Linguistics
- Johannes Itten. Catalogue Raisonné
- The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Series on Mental Health and Development
- The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Series on Mental Health and Development, Research Network on Adolescent Development and Juvenile Justice
- John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Series on Mental Health and Development, Research Network on Transitions to Adulthood and Public Policy
- The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Series on Mental Health and Development, Studies on Successful Adolescent Development
- The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Series on Mental Health and Development, Studies on Successful Midlife Development
- Jürgen B. Tesch
- Landmark Cases in Canadian Law
- Landmarks of Swiss Art
- Late Editions: Cultural Studies for the End of the Century
- Late Medieval and Early Renaissance Music in Facsimile
- LaurelBooks
- Law and Society
- Lecture Notes
- Legal Dimensions
- The Leo Strauss Transcript Series
- The Letters of Peter le Page Renouf (1822-97)
- Lewis Henry Morgan Lecture Series
- Library of Judeo-Arabic Literature
- Life & Times
- Life and Times New Series
- The Life of Ideas
- Linguistic Studies in Germanic
- Literary Geography
- Literature and Translation
- Living and Sustaining a Creative Life series
- Locations
- Lost Civilizations
- Louise Smith Bross Lecture Series
- Madagascar Guides
- Makers of the Modern World
- The Making Of
- Malinowski Monographs
- The Mandel Lectures in the Humanities at Brandeis University
- Mandel-Brandeis Series in Jewish Education
- Manifestos for the 21st Century
- Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica
- Manuscripta Nordica
- Markets and Governments in Economic History
- Masterclass
- Materialities in Anthropology and Archaeology
- Materials for the Study of Business
- Materials for the Study of Economics
- The McCarthy Collection
- Mediated Cities
- Medical Economic Series
- Medical Works of Moses Maimonides
- Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies
- Medieval Animals
- Medieval Lives
- The Menahem Stern Jerusalem Lectures
- Meteorological Monographs
- Metropolitan Museum Journal
- Micropolitics of Violence
- Mingling Voices Series
- Missouri Vigilantes
- Modern Americas
- Modern Architectures in History
- Modern Czech Classics
- The Modern Philology Monographs of the University of Chicago
- Modern Slovak Classics
- Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden
- Monographs of the Journal of Consumer Research
- Monographs on Greenland
- Monumenta Musicae Byzantinae, Subsidia
- Monuments of Renaissance Music
- Morality and Society Series
- More Than Concrete Blocks: Dublin City’s C20th Buildings and their Stories
- Museum under Construction
- Music, Community, and Education
- National Bureau of Economic Research Comparative Labor Markets Series
- National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report
- National Bureau of Economic Research East Asia Seminar on Economics
- National Bureau of Economic Research Macroeconomics Annual
- National Bureau of Economic Research Monograph
- National Bureau of Economic Research Project Report
- National Bureau of Economic Research Series on Long-Term Factors in Economic Development
- National Bureau of Economic Research Studies in Business Cycles
- National Bureau of Economic Research Studies in Income and Wealth
- National Bureau of Economic Research Tax Policy and the Economy
- National Bureau of Economic Research Universities-National Bureau Conference Series
- Native American Texts
- Nature of Human Society
- Nature | History | Society
- NBER-Entrepreneurship and Innovation Policy and the Economy
- NBER-Environmental and Energy Policy and the Economy
- Negro American Biographies and Autobiographies
- New Approaches to Celtic Religion and Mythology
- New Century Chaucer
- New Century Edition
- New Dimensions in Science Fiction
- New Historical Perspectives
- New Histories of Art
- New Indian Playwrights
- New Material Histories of Music
- New Plan Texts at the University of Chicago
- New Practices of Inquiry
- New Technologies in Medieval and Renaissance Studies
- New Voices
- The Non-Fiction Writing of Naguib Mahfouz
- Normative Orders
- North American Studies
- Notable Voices
- Objects Talk Back
- Objekt
- OBserving Law
- Ocean Yearbook
- Oceans in Depth
- On Words
- OPEL: Open Paths to Enriched Learning
- Opera Lab: Explorations in History, Technology, and Performance
- Oriental Institute Essays
- Osiris
- The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe
- The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe: The Toronto Series
- Ottoman and Turkish Studies
- Our Lives: Diary, Memoir, and Letters Series
- Pacific Rim Archaeology
- Patterns of Literary Criticism
- Peace, Justice, Human Rights, and Freedom in Latin America
- Pennsylvania Heritage Books
- Peonies of the World
- Performance and Communities
- Phoenix Fiction
- Phoenix Poets
- Photo Postcards from the Tom Phillips Archive
- Pictorial Worlds: Photographs from the Image Archive, ETH-Bibliothek
- Picturing History
- The Pioneers of British Columbia
- Plato & Co.
- Play on Shakespeare
- Playtext
- Pocket Guide
- The Poet's Chair: Writings from the Ireland Chair of Poetry
- Political Philosophy Now
- Politics and Society in Wales
- Popular Lectures in Mathematics
- Population and Development Series
- Postcards From
- Prague
- Prague Medieval Studies
- Prehistoric Archeology and Ecology series
- The Pride List
- Principles and Methods of Religious Education
- The Prison Manuscripts
- Proceedings of the Library Institutes at the University of Chicago
- Project Tango: Artists and Writers Together
- Public Policy Pamphlets
- Publication Series of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies
- Publications of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies
- Purich's Aboriginal Issues Series
- Race, Ethnicity, Wales and the World
- RAP Bulletin of Biological Assessment
- Rapid Assessment Program
- Rapid Biological and Social Inventories
- Readings in Western Civilization
- Reflections on Early Modernity / Réflexions sur la première modernité
- Regnum Vegetabile
- Reiner Schürmann Lecture Notes
- Reiner Schürmann Selected Writings and Lecture Notes
- Religion and Culture in the Middle Ages
- Religion and Postmodernism
- Religion und Modernity
- Renaissance English Text Society
- Renaissance Lives
- Replay
- Requirements for Certification for Elementary Schools, Secondary Schools, Junior Colleges
- Rethinking the History of Wales
- Reverb
- Review of Child Development Research
- The Rice University Campbell Lectures
- Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong Studies Series
- The Schusterman Series in Israel Studies
- Science and Its Conceptual Foundations series
- science.culture
- Scientific American Readers
- Scientists of Wales
- Seagull Essays
- The Seagull Library of French Literature
- The Seagull Library of German Literature
- Seagull World Literature
- The Selected Works of Mahasweta Devi
- The Seminars of Jacques Derrida
- Sexuality Studies
- Silk Roads
- The Slovak List
- Social cohesion
- A Social History of Modern Art
- A Social History of the Welsh La
- Social Media, Social Justice, and Our Digital Futures Series
- South Asia Across the Disciplines
- Special Issues in Ethnographic Theory
- Spotlights
- Stanford Linguistics Association
- Stanford Monographs in African Language
- Stanford Monographs in Linguistics
- Stanford Studies in Morphology and the Lexicon
- Stars and Stellar Systems
- Statistical Research Monographs
- Street Style
- Structural change in ownership
- Studia Philologica Pragensia
- Studia Poetica
- Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization
- Studies in Business Administration
- Studies in Business and Society
- Studies in Canadian Military History
- Studies in Communication, Media, and Public Opinion
- Studies in Computational Linguistics
- Studies in Constraint-Based Lexicalism
- Studies in Contemporary Linguistics
- Studies in Crime and Justice
- Studies in Game Sound
- Studies in German-Jewish Cultural History and Literature, Franz Rosenzweig Minerva Research Center, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Studies in Greek Noun Formation
- Studies in Imperialism
- Studies in Law and Economics
- Studies in Logic, Language, and Information
- Studies in the Art of the Renaissance
- Studies in the Book of Abraham
- Studies in the History and Culture of the Persianate World of The British Institute of Persian Studies
- Studies in the History of Discoveries
- Studies in the Making of Citizens
- Studies in the Theory and Applications of Diagrams
- Studies in Welsh History
- Studies of the Contemporary Asia Pacific
- Studies of the Warburg Institute
- Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute
- Studies of Urban Society
- Studies on Popular Culture
- Summits: Environmental Science, Law, and Policy
- Supplementary Educational Monographs
- Supreme Court Review
- Sustainability and the Environment
- Sustainability Project
- Swiss Architecture Yearbook
- Synthesis
- A Tale of Today
- The Tauber Institute Series for the Study of European Jewry
- Teaching and Research in Architecture
- Terra Foundation Essays
- Terrestrial Protected Areas of Madagascar
- Textbook of World and Minority Languages
- Texts and Documents Series
- Textual Sources for the Study of Religion
- Theatre and Consciousness
- Theatre in Education
- Theoretical Astrophysics
- Think Art
- Thinking About Ohio
- Thinking Literature
- Thought Form
- The TLS Companions Series
- Tocharian and Indo-European Studies
- Topographics
- Trajectories of Italian Cinema and Media
- TransAsia: Screen Cultures
- Transnational Asian Masculinities
- Transpositions
- Treasures from the Bodleian Library
- Tropical Field Guide Series
- Turning Point Elections
- UCL - Correspondence of Jeremy Bentham
- UCL - Urban Africa
- UFO: Explorations of Urbanism
- The United States in the World: Foreign Perspectives
- Universe
- University of Chicago Contributions to Philosophy
- University of Chicago Geography Research Papers
- University of Chicago Historical and Linguistic Studies
- University of Chicago Home Economics Series
- University of Chicago Mathematical Series
- University of Chicago Nature-Study Series
- University of Chicago Publications in Anthropology
- University of Chicago Science Series
- University of Chicago Social Service Monographs
- University of Chicago Sociological Series
- University of Chicago Studies in Balzac
- University of Chicago Studies in Economics
- University of Chicago Studies in Library Science
- University of Chicago Survey
- University of Wales - Bangor History of Religion
- University of Wales Press - Studies in Visual Culture
- University of Wales Press - Writers of Wales
- University of Wales Press - Writing Wales in English
- Urban Chic
- Urban Music Studies
- Walgreen Foundation Lectures
- Warburg Institute Colloquia
- Warburg Institute Studies & Texts
- Weil Institute Lectures
- The Wellek Library Lectures at the University of California Irvine
- West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics
- What Was Communism?
- Who’s Who in Research
- Wildlife Behavior and Ecology series
- Women in Culture and Society
- Women’s Suffrage and the Struggle for Democracy
- Work and Everyday Life. Ethnographic Studies on Work Cultures
- Work Around the World
- Working Canadians: Books from the CCLH
- The Works of Giuseppe Verdi, Series I: Operas
- The Works of Giuseppe Verdi, Series II: Songs
- The Works of Giuseppe Verdi, Series III: Sacred Music
- The Works of Giuseppe Verdi, Series IV: Cantatas and Hymns
- The Works of Giuseppe Verdi, Series V: Chamber Music
- The Works of Giuseppe Verdi: Piano-Vocal Scores
- The Works of Giuseppe Verdi: Study Scores
- World Film Locations
- Worlds of Desire: The Chicago Series on Sexuality, Gender, and Culture
- Writings from the Laureate for Irish Fiction
- Asian Studies
- Archaeology
- Ancient Studies
- Anthropology
- African Studies
- Architecture
- Art
- Afterall
- Art Since the '80s
- A Social History of Modern Art
- Critical Photography
- Design for Business
- Essays in Art and Culture
- Exeter Performance Studies
- Exposures
- In Between States
- In Performance
- Intellect Books - Computers and the History of Art
- Intellect Books - Readings in Art and Design Education
- Intellect Live
- Itineraries
- Louise Smith Bross Lecture Series
- Metropolitan Museum Journal
- Pictorial Worlds: Photographs from the Image Archive, ETH-Bibliothek
- Project Tango: Artists and Writers Together
- Solar Art Directives
- Studien aus dem Warburg-Haus
- Visual Culture of Wales
- Zurich University of the Arts Yearbook
- Biological Sciences
- Biography and Letters
- Cognitive Science
- Culture Studies
- Chicago Studies in Practices of Meaning
- Cornish Studies
- Crime Uncovered
- Cultural Studies of Natures, Landscapes and Environments
- Cultural Studies Toward Transformative Curriculum and Pedagogy
- Culture, Disease, and Well-Being
- Danish Humanist Texts and Studies
- Eigene und Fremde Welten
- Enactments
- Fan Phenomena
- Focus on Contemporary Issues (FOCI)
- French and Francophone Studies
- Late Editions: Cultural Studies for the End of the Century
- Modern European Thinkers
- Monographs on Greenland
- Objekt
- Playtext
- Representations of Patterns of Social Order
- Street Style
- Studies on Popular Culture
- Theatre and Consciousness
- The Rice University Campbell Lectures
- Urban Chic
- Work and Everyday Life. Ethnographic Studies on Work Cultures
- Criminology
- Chicago and Illinois
- Chemistry
- Economics and Business
- Bush School Series in the Economics of Public Policy
- editionMALIK
- Markets and Governments in Economic History
- National Bureau of Economic Research Comparative Labor Markets Series
- National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report
- National Bureau of Economic Research East Asia Seminar on Economics
- National Bureau of Economic Research Monograph
- National Bureau of Economic Research Project Report
- National Bureau of Economic Research Series on Long-Term Factors in Economic Development
- National Bureau of Economic Research Studies in Business Cycles
- National Bureau of Economic Research Studies in Income and Wealth
- National Bureau of Economic Research Universities-National Bureau Conference Series
- Population and Development Series
- The Collected Works of F. A. Hayek
- Earth Sciences
- Education
- Food and Gastronomy
- Film Studies
- Folklore and Mythology
- History
- American Beginnings, 1500-1900
- Contemporary Worlds
- Cornish Studies
- Exeter Maritime Studies
- Exeter Studies in History
- Global History
- Historical Studies of Urban America
- Historische Politikforschung
- History and Law
- History of the University in Wales
- Iolo Morganwg and the Romantic Tradition
- Lost Civilizations
- Monographs on Greenland
- Past in Perspective
- Photo Postcards from the Tom Phillips Archive
- Picturing History
- Postcards From
- Readings in Western Civilization
- Silk Roads
- Solar Blood History
- Studies in Welsh History
- The Chicago History of American Civilization
- University of Wales Press - Gwent County History
- University of Wales Press - Histories of Europe
- University of Wales Press - St David's Day Bilingual Series
- University of Wales Press - Welsh History and its Sources
- Visual History from the John Johnson Collection of Printed Ephemera
- Wales and the French Revolution
- History of Science
- Law and Legal Studies
- Language and Linguistics
- Child Language Research Forum
- Cognitive Theory of Language and Culture Series
- Conceptual Structure, Discourse, and Language
- Copenhagen Studies in Indo-European
- Danish Golden Age Studies
- Dissertations in Linguistics
- Exeter French Texts
- Exeter Hispanic Texts
- Exeter Textes Litteraires
- Japanese/Korean Linguistics
- Japanese Linguistics
- Media Languages
- Native American Texts
- Stanford Linguistics Association
- Stanford Monographs in African Language
- Stanford Monographs in Linguistics
- Stanford Studies in Morphology and the Lexicon
- Studies in Computational Linguistics
- Studies in Constraint-Based Lexicalism
- Studies in Contemporary Linguistics
- Studies in Logic, Language, and Information
- West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics
- Literature and Literary Criticism
- A Critical Inquiry Book
- Black Literature and Culture
- Bodleian Digital Texts
- Dawn Dweud
- Exeter French Texts
- Exeter Hispanic Texts
- Exeter Textes Litteraires
- Gothic Authors: Critical Revisions
- Gothic Literary Studies
- International Crime Fictions
- Intersections in Literature and Science
- Phoenix Fiction
- Phoenix Poets
- Seagull World Literature
- Solar Erotik Archive
- Solar Lit Directives
- Solar Nocturnal
- Solar Research Archive
- Solar Visionaries
- The Africa List
- The French List
- The German List
- The Italian List
- The Norwegian List
- The Selected Works of Mahasweta Devi
- The Slovak List
- University of Wales Press - Guide to Welsh Literature
- University of Wales Press - Land of the Living
- University of Wales Press - Writers of Wales
- University of Wales Press - Writing Wales in English
- Library Science and Publishing
- Media Studies
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Music
- Big Issues in Music
- Chicago Studies in Ethnomusicology
- Critical Guides to Contemporary Composers
- Late Medieval and Early Renaissance Music in Facsimile
- Monumenta Musicae Byzantinae, Subsidia
- Monuments of Renaissance Music
- New Material Histories of Music
- Opera Lab: Explorations in History, Technology, and Performance
- Reverb
- The Works of Giuseppe Verdi, Series I: Operas
- The Works of Giuseppe Verdi, Series III: Sacred Music
- The Works of Giuseppe Verdi, Series IV: Cantatas and Hymns
- The Works of Giuseppe Verdi, Series V: Chamber Music
- Middle Eastern Studies
- Medieval Studies
- Medicine
- Philosophy
- Political Science
- American Politics and Political Economy Series
- CASE Studies on Poverty, Place and Policy
- Changing Media, Changing Europe
- Chicago Series on International and Domestic Institutions
- Chicago Studies in American Politics
- Critique. Influence. Change
- Digital Barricades
- Globalities
- International Library of Policy Analysis
- International Studies in Poverty
- Just Sustainabilities
- Micropolitics of Violence
- New Perspectives in Policy and Politics
- Normative Orders
- North American Studies
- Policy and Politics in the Twenty-First Century
- Politics and Society in Wales
- Publication Series of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies
- Rebels
- Studies in Communication, Media, and Public Opinion
- Studies in Poverty, Inequality and Social Exclusion
- Studies in Social Harm
- What Was Communism?
- Psychology
- John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Series on Mental Health and Development, Research Network on Transitions to Adulthood and Public Policy
- The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Series on Mental Health and Development
- The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Series on Mental Health and Development, Research Network on Adolescent Development and Juvenile Justice
- The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Series on Mental Health and Development, Studies on Successful Adolescent Development
- The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Series on Mental Health and Development, Studies on Successful Midlife Development
- Physical Sciences
- Rhetoric and Communication
- Religion
- Afterlives of the Bible
- Bangor History of Religion
- Buddhism and Modernity
- Chicago History of American Religion
- Chicago Studies in the History of Judaism
- Chicago Studies in the History of Judaism - The Talmud of the Land of Israel: A Preliminary Translation
- Class 200: New Studies in Religion
- Danish Golden Age Studies
- Debates on Islam and Society
- Religion, Culture, and Society
- Religion and Postmodernism
- Textual Sources for the Study of Religion
- The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Christian Doctrine
- The Fundamentalism Project
- Reference and Bibliography
- Sociology
- Actors and Structures
- Ageing and the Lifecourse
- A Social History of the Welsh La
- Fieldwork Encounters and Discoveries
- Heritage of Sociology Series
- Interdisciplinary Urban Research
- International Labour Studies
- Morality and Society Series
- Publication Series of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies
- Short Guides
- Solar Seminal Cities
- Work and Everyday Life. Ethnographic Studies on Work Cultures
- Social Work
- Better Partnership Working
- Childhood
- Contemporary Issues in Social Policy: Challenges for Change
- Critical and Radical Debates in Social Work
- Evidence for Public Health Practice
- International Perspectives in Social Work
- Moral Panics in Theory and Practice
- Social Policy Review
- Social Work in Practice
- Understanding Welfare: Social Issues, Policy and Practice
- Working Together for Children
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