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Publishers Distributed by the University of Chicago Press

The publications of dozens of other publishers are included on the University of Chicago Press website, carried within our catalogs, and marketed and sold to the book trade and the public. A selection of our larger distributed publishers are listed below. Please note that the University of Chicago Press may not have sales rights for these publishers throughout the world. To visit a publisher’s home website, click on its name.

Publicity news about our distributed publishers is posted to our distributed presses Twitter feed @ChicagoDistrib.

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ACMRS Press is the publications division of the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies at Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona. Our mission is to publish, disseminate, and promote the most forward-looking, vanguard research in medieval and renaissance studies. We publish books that are historically grounded and theoretically expansive, with the aim of fostering dialogues that reach into the present moment and point us to different, more inclusive, futures. Our books analyze pre-modern history, literature, and/or culture through the lenses of ecocriticism, disability studies, critical race studies, women’s studies, postcolonial studies, new media studies, quantitative studies, performance studies, and more. Furthermore, we value projects that explore these complex topics in a manner that is accessible so as to reach as wide an audience as possible, including but not limited to classroom use. We are committed to offering our titles at competitive prices with the belief that leading edge scholarship should be affordable.

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American Meteorological Society

The American Meteorological Society publishes books focusing on the study of weather.

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Asia Ink

Asia Ink is a print and digital publisher of award-winning illustrated books created by Sherry Buchanan in 2002 to bring authoritative editorial and distinctive design to print and digital illustrated books.

In addition to its own titles, Asia Ink offers tailor-made printed and digital solutions to co-publishers, museums, galleries and collectors, drawing on an expert team of designers, editors and print and digital production managers.

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Association of University Presses

The Association of University Presses is one of the world’s largest organizations of nonprofit scholarly publishers. AUP is dedicated to the support of creative and effective scholarly communications.  AUP produces an annual membership directory distributed by the University of Chicago Press.

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Bard Graduate Center

Bard Graduate Center publishes award-winning exhibition catalogues, books, and journals focusing on scholarship in the decorative arts, design history, and material culture.

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Bodleian Library Publishing

The Bodleian Library at the University of Oxford publishes books related to their collection, in some cases facsimile editons of rare or noteworthy titles.

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Brandeis University Press

Founded 50 years ago in 1971, Brandeis University Press was part of the University Press of New England consortium. In January 2019, the consortium disbanded and Brandeis University Press became a stand-alone entity, working with the University of Chicago Press for sales, marketing and distribution. In January 2021, Brandeis University Press acquired the UPNE backlist.

The Press has a vibrant backlist of over 700 titles, and its remit is to build this list expanding into a wide variety of subject areas to represent the interests of the university, and to explore the wider world in which it is situated.

Our publishing program engages diverse subjects and perspectives in the humanities, social sciences, natural history and the environment. The Press is also committed to publishing compelling and innovative approaches to the study of the Jewish experience worldwide.

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Brandeis University Press also distributes books published by:

Historical Society of Israel
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Brigham Young University

UCP distributes Brigham Young University’s Middle Eastern Texts Initiative books worldwide.

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Campus Verlag

Founded in 1975 Campus Verlag is one of the most successful, independent German publishers of business books, general non-fiction and academic titles. Campus also publishes books in English in the social sciences, history and management.

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Carnegie Mellon University Press

Carnegie Mellon University Press, now in its forty-fourth year of publishing, was founded by Gerald Costanzo in 1972 as Three Rivers Press.  The Press publishes regional social history (titles that explore the rich history of Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania), art history, the performing arts (original plays and adaptations), literary analysis, education, and university history.

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CavanKerry Press

Our mission at CavanKerry Press is in our commitment to expanding the reach of poetry to a general readership by publishing works that explore the emotional and psychological landscapes of everyday life.

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Center for the Study of Language and Information

The Center for the Study of Language and Information, an independent research center in Stanford, CA, publishes books in information science, computing, linguistics, cognition, and philosophy.

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Conservation International

Conservation International, based in Washington, DC, publishes books related to its mission to preserve global biodiversity, including field guides, reports, and heavily-illustrated books.

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Dalton Watson Fine Books

For over forty years, Dalton Watson Fine Books has produced collectible and lushly illustrated large-format titles focusing on subjects like automotive history and sports car racing, as well as iconic cultural figures including Steve McQueen and The Beatles.

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DIAPHANES was founded in 2001 and has since gained a high reputation for independent publishing in the field of contemporary philosophy, academic studies, arts and literature. Based in Zurich and Berlin, DIAPHANES publishes in German, English and French language.

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Eburon Academic Publishers

Eburon Academic Publishers in Delft, Netherlands, publishes scholarly books in the humanities and social sciences.

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EPFL Press

EFPL Press is an imprint of the Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes Foundation, a non-profit foundation based in Lausanne, Switzerland.

We are involved in the fields of architecture, urbanism, natural sciences, engineering and management.  We publish books from the EPFL, as well as from Swiss and foreign universities.

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Field Museum of Natural History

The Field Museum, based in Chicago, IL, publishes books related to its mission to explore, explain, and sustain the Earth and its peoples, including Rapid Inventory reports and lavishly-illustrated books about the Museum’s collections.

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Gingko aims to inform and educate the interested public and work with scholars of diverse backgrounds and research interests to increase crucial understanding of the Middle East, West Asia and North Africa through conferences, publications, public events and cultural programmes. Our mission is to foster constructive, informed and open discussion based on mutual respect that gives a voice to a new generation of thinkers and opinion formers, and thereby help bridge an increasingly virulent divide between the West and the Middle East.

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The Grolier Club

Founded in 1884, the Grolier Club is America’s oldest and largest society for bibliophiles and enthusiasts in the graphic arts. Since its beginnings, the Grolier Club has published or sponsored almost 500 books and exhibition catalogues – some of them now the standard references in their fields – on such subjects as photography, William Blake, Mayan writing, Albrecht Dürer's alphabet book, and the well-known Grolier Hundred series on topics in literature, book history, science, and medicine. Many of the publications have been designed and printed by the leading book artists and typographers of the past and present, including Theodore Low De Vinne, D. B. Updike, Bruce Rogers, Stanley Morison, Joseph Blumenthal, the Mardersteigs, and Jerry Kelly. All reflect the Grolier Club’s objective to promote “the study, collecting, and appreciation of books and works on paper.”

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HAU Books is committed to publishing the most distinguished texts in classic and advanced anthropological theory. The titles aim to situate ethnography as the prime heuristic of anthropology and return it to the forefront of conceptual developments in the discipline. HAU Books is sponsored by some of the world’s most distinguished anthropology departments and research institutions and releases its titles in both print editions and open-access formats.

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Haus Publishing

Founded in 2003, Haus Publishing are London-based independent publishers of history, biography, literary fiction, political nonfiction and essays. Series include: Literary Travellers, Armchair Traveller’s Histories, Haus Curiosities, and Arabia Books.

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Hirmer Publishers

Hirmer Publishers is a German publisher based in Munich. Hirmer publishes some of its books in English editions or in bilingual German-English editions on art, architecture, photography, and antiques.

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Hong Kong University Press

Established in 1956, and part of the University of Hong Kong, Asia’s most prominent English-speaking university, we publish most of our books in English.  Building on our unique position in Asia, works published by the Press examine, critique, and celebrate Asia’s place in the world. While academics from every area of Asian Studies are represented on our list, we have gained particular renown for publications in cultural studies, film and media studies, and Chinese history and culture. 

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Hong Kong University Press also distributes books published by:

HKU Museum and Art Gallery
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Intellect Ltd

Intellect Ltd is a UK-based company committed to serving the academic community by publishing authors and editors with original thinking. 

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Intellect Ltd also distributes books published by:

HammerOn Press
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Iter Press

Iter Press advances medieval and early modern scholarship through the publication of books, journals, and finding tools in print and online. The Press is well known for its comprehensive and massive Iter Bibliography (1.5 million records) and its contributions to the fields of women and gender studies, digital humanities, and English textual studies. Through its partnerships with the University of Toronto Libraries, the University of Chicago Press, and the Electronic Textual Cultures Lab (Victoria), Iter Press encourages online dissemination of research, notably realized in its collaborations with the Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies (Toronto), the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (Tempe), and Brill (Leiden). UCP distributes Iter Press books worldwide.

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Karolinum Press, Charles University

The Karolinum Press is part of Charles University, Prague, one of Europe’s oldest universities. The Karolinum Press is the largest publisher of scientific and educational books in the Czech Republic.

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Koç University Press

Founded in 2010 Koç University Press, embraces the desire to become a pioneer suited for the university’s aim of being “the center of perfection”.  KUP books are selected from the titles that are able to offer the most sophisticated knowledge of their own fields.

The featured studies are on history, art history, politics, sociology, archaeology, gender studies, and cultural studies; positive sciences, social sciences, literary theory, art, law, medicine, and ethics; finance, economics, business, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

With the growing number of titles every year, KUP tries to close the gaps of the academic publishing and those in our intellectual world in a most influential way.

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McMullen Museum of Art, Boston College

The McMullen Museum of Art at Boston College publishes scholarly, interdisciplinary volumes in conjunction with its exhibitions.

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Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum

The Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum at Washington University in St. Louis publishes engaging catalogs with a focus on modern and contemporary art that push the forefront of critical inquiry by promoting innovative ideas, historically grounded interpretations, and original research from a variety of theoretical perspectives.

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Missouri Botanical Garden Press

Missouri Botanical Garden Press plays a key role in the Garden's mission to discover and share knowledge about plants and their environment. Through its publications, MBG Press provides an important outlet for the dissemination of botanical research. Books are primarily focused on taxonomy, biodiversity, conservation, and related topics in plant science.

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Missouri Historical Society Press

Through their publications, the Missouri Historical Society (MHS) exposes readers to perspectives of St. Louis and Missouri not usually introduced in simple history lessons. MHS publications offer readers of all backgrounds the chance to explore the historical and contemporary cultural, social, and political issues of the region—and discover the shared heritage of those who call it home.

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Missouri Historical Society Press also distributes books published by:

Edition Falkenberg
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Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw

The Museum’s mission is to collect, make available, and promote important works of 20th- and 21st-century art, highlighting arts links to important historical events, social phenomena, and scientific development.

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Museum Tusculanum Press

Museum Tusculanum Press is an independent, full range, international scholarly publisher publishing monographs, anthologies, journals, e-books, e-journals within the humanities, social sciences, and theology.

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Neubauer Collegium

The Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society explores new possibilities for humanistic research by fostering an environment in which new forms of thinking emerge and thrive.

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Newberry Library

The Newberry is a world-renowned independent research library and community of learning in Chicago, serving the public since 1887.

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New Issues Poetry & Prose

New Issues Poetry & Prose was established in 1996 by poet Herbert S. Scott. New Issues publishes four to six new poetry titles each year, as well as the winner of the AWP Award Series in the Novel. New Issues Press offices are housed in the Ernest Wilbur Building on the Oakland Campus of Western Michigan University.

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Nus Press Pte Ltd

NUS Press is the scholarly publishing division of the National University of Singapore. Established in 1971, the Press is heir to a tradition of academic publishing in Singapore that dates back some 60 years. We publish books and journals with a regional focus on Southeast Asia and a disciplinary focus on the humanities and social sciences. We have built a strong, established presence within Southeast Asia research networks across the world. We were the first Asian press to be awarded a Prize from the Association for Asian Studies. We look forward to continuing our mission of publishing in Asia, on Asia, for Asia, and the world.

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Nus Press Pte Ltd also distributes books published by:

NIAS Press
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Oberlin College Press

Oberlin College Press is a nonprofit literary press based at Oberlin College in Oberlin, Ohio. The overall goal of the press, staffed mostly by poets who volunteer their time and student interns who wish to learn about all aspects of publishing, is to produce a periodical of high standing and notable integrity, along with books of superlative quality, with respect to design as well as literary excellence and originality. At the same time, the press strives for affordability and wide availability, keeping its publications in print and reasonably priced.

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Omnidawn Publishing, Inc.

Omnidawn Publishing Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, seeks to support and expand our community of writers and readers through the work we choose to publish, which questions, in both form and content, the prevailing limits of convention. Our intent is to explore internal and external boundaries and push, with compassionate insight, the limits of risk.

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Park Books

Park Books is a European publishing house for architecture and related fields, and an international platform for architectural book projects. Park Books has been established in 2012 as an affiliate of the renowned art, photography, and architectural publishers Scheidegger & Spiess in Zürich and likewise attaches great importance to the design and material quality of its publications. The publishing house is independently owned and run by dedicated employees who bring their various strengths and experience to bear on their work.

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Paul Holberton Publishing

Paul Holberton Publishing produces art books to a consistently high standard, both of production and of editorial. We work with museums, galleries, institutions and collectors up and down the UK, in Europe, in Canada and the USA, for whom we publish, produce or distribute books, usually but not only exhibition catalogues.

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Prickly Paradigm Press

Prickly Paradigm Press publishes short and unconventional works in anthropology, critical theory, and politics.

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Reaktion Books

Reaktion Books publishes books for general readers and for academics in the arts, humanities, social sciences, and natural history.

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Renaissance Society

The Renaissance Society at the University of Chicago presents contemporary art exhibitions, events, and publications. “The Ren”—as we are known by many—is an independent, non-collecting museum driven by an uncompromising commitment to artists and their ideas.

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Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Kew Publishing is the publishing house of the United Kingdom's Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Kew publishes for scientists, academics, and the general public of all ages. Kew publishes floras, checklists, field guides, and illustrated botanical monographs. They cover many areas in plant sciences and horticulture, including taxonomy, systematics, economic and ethnobotany, conservation and ecology, the history of botany, and botanical art.

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Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew also distributes books published by:

International Palm Society
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Royal Collection Trust

Royal Collection Publications produces definitive books on the United Kingdom&’s royal residences and works of art. These include guidebooks, exhibition catalogs, scholarly catalogues raisonnés, and books on the Collection and the royal palaces and residences.

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Scheidegger & Spiess

Scheidegger & Spiess is one of Switzerland’s leading publishers for art, photography, and architecture. Working hand in hand with museums, photographers, artists, and architects of renown, we publish carefully planned, beautifully written, and lavishly designed books. Attractive visuals and first-rate materials are among the hallmarks of our products. The publishing house is independently owned and run by dedicated employees who bring their various strengths and experience to bear on their work.

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Seagull Books

With offices in London and Calcutta, Seagull Books has dedicated itself to quality arts and culture publishing. Seagull is the publisher of two novels by Mo Yan, the 2012 Nobel Laureate in Literature. From documentation of cultural history in the making, to building a climate of critique, its focus is firmly on the alternative and the experimental, and on the socially committed.

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Seagull Books also distributes books published by:

Acre Books
Zubaan Books
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Smart Museum of Art, The University of Chicago

The Smart Museum of Art at the University of Chicago publishes catalogues related to its collections and exhibitions.

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Swan Isle Press

Swan Isle Press publishes literary titles, often in bilingual Spanish/English editions.

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Swedenborg Foundation Publishers

The Swedenborg Foundation fosters broad engagement with the ideas and writings of Emanuel Swedenborg (1688–1772), the eighteenth-century scientist, philosopher, and mystic. The Foundation translates Swedenborg’s works and publishes contemporary and scholarly books and other media that explore Swedenborg’s ideas and how they relate to a variety of modern professions and interests in consciousness, spirituality, psychology, health, and ecology. The non-profit was founded in 1849 and chartered by the state of New York in 1850 as the American Swedenborg Printing and Publishing Society. The organization was renamed the Swedenborg Foundation in 1928.

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Swedenborg Foundation Publishers also distributes books published by:

New Century Edition
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Swedenborg Society

Established in 1810 and incorporated in 1925, the Swedenborg Society is an academic publisher, archive, museum, and registered educational charity whose main aim is to translate and publish the works of the Swedish scientist, philosopher, and visionary Emanuel Swedenborg (1688–1772). Its publications include the English and Latin editions of Swedenborg’s works, major reference works related to Swedenborg, a variety of foreign language editions, and a wide range of literature that charts his diverse cultural and intellectual legacy. The Swedenborg Society also organizes a broad range of cultural events, lectures, exhibitions, educational workshops, and film screenings; and it is one of the oldest independent publishers in the world.

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Tenov Books

Tenov is an independent publishing house, specialising in titles that examine the traditional disciplines of art and architecture through the ever-shifting prism of contemporary culture. Born and based in Barcelona, Tenov works hand-in-hand with its authors to carefully craft books that explore and illuminate by embracing fresh voices, new perspectives and innovative thinking.

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Terra Foundation for American Art

The Terra Foundation for American Art, based in Chicago and Paris, publishes books on historical art of the United States related to its collection, grants, and other initiatives.

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Tupelo Press

Tupelo Press, Inc., which released its first five books in fall 2001, is an independent, literary press devoted to discovering and publishing works of poetry, literary fiction, and creative nonfiction by emerging and established writers. Tupelo Press is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit company.

What we look for is a blend of urgency of language, imagination, distinctiveness, and craft. What we produce and how we produce it — from design to printing to paper quality — honors the writing in books which boast the uniquely sensual look and feel of a Tupelo Press book.

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UCL Press

Based at UCL, one of the world’s leading research universities, UCL Press's primary outputs are scholarly monographs and edited collections, but UCL Press also publishes textbooks, journals and other innovative research outputs. UCL Press's books have been accessed more than 1.99 million times by readers across the world.

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University College Dublin Press

UCD Press publishes contemporary scholarly writing in a broad range of subjects including history, literary studies, music, science and more recently migration studies, gender studies and architecture. Our Press has a special focus on Irish Studies. Our books are produced to the highest standards of design, editing, and printing while being distributed, marketed and publicised nationally and internationally.

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University of British Columbia Press

The University of British Columbia Press (UBC Press) is Canada’s leading social sciences publisher, with an international reputation for publishing high-quality works of original scholarship. Our authors' books reflect cutting-edge research, pushing the boundaries of academic discourse in new and engaging directions. Each year UBC Press publishes sixty titles in a number of fields, including Indigenous studies, Asian studies, environmental studies, gender and women’s studies, security studies, as well as planning and urban studies.

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University of British Columbia Press also distributes books published by:

Athabasca University Press
Canadian Forest Service
Concordia University Press
Dalhousie Architectural Press
Editors Canada
Laval University Press
On Point Press
Pacific Educational Press
Peter Wall Institute
Purich Publishing
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The University of Chicago Library

The University of Chicago Library publishes exhibition catalogues and books based on its collections. UCP distributes their books throughout the world.

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University of Cincinnati Press

The University of Cincinnati Press was established in 2017. The Press looks for projects across the humanities, social sciences and STEM fields that focus on trans-disciplinary social justice and community engagement and that open a dialog between scholars and practitioners. 

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University of Cincinnati Press also distributes books published by:

Acre Books
The Bernard and Shirley Kinsey Foundation for Arts and Education
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University of London Press

The University of London Press is a collaborative, non-profit, and predominantly open access publishing partner committed to making valuable humanities research widely accessible. As an integral part of the School of Advanced Study at the University of London, UoL Press supports the School’s mission to promote and facilitate humanities research through its publishing, partnerships and innovation.

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University of Scranton Press

University of Scranton Press publishes books in religion and social sciences.

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University of Wales Press

The University of Wales Press publishes English and Welsh-language books in history, political philosophy and religious studies, Welsh and Celtic studies, literary studies, European studies, and medieval studies.

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