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Books for Course Use from the University of Chicago Press

Our most-adopted books are listed below. Qualified instructors may request a physical copy or an e-book edition to examine for 90 days. We especially encourage requests for e-books. You will receive an e-book copy quickly and an e-book is free. During our working hours, you can be reading the book in minutes.

Catalog Titles


    Facts on the Ground
    Madumo, a Man Bewitched
    The Trials of Mrs. K.
    Arrernte Present, Arrernte Past
    The Meaning of Whitemen
    Nation as Network
    Behold the Black Caiman
    The Face of Peace
    Cultural Misunderstandings
    Prayers for the People
    Plundered Skulls and Stolen Spirits
    Ethnicity, Inc.
    Critical Terms for the Study of Africa
    Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes, Second Edition
    Islam Observed
    From Notes to Narrative
    The Afterlife Is Where We Come From
    Parallel Worlds
    Animal Intimacies
    Marginal Gains
    Beyond Surgery
    Siege of the Spirits
    Real Black
    Magic’s Reason
    The Chicago Guide to Collaborative Ethnography
    Reading National Geographic
    Unnatural Emotions
    I Say to You
    Wild Thought
    Exotic No More, Second Edition
    Purity and Exile
    Anthropology as Cultural Critique
    Ghetto at the Center of the World
    The World in Guangzhou
    The Gift
    The Mana of Mass Society
    The Seductions of Quantification
    Routine Crisis
    Alive in the Writing
    Make Prayers to the Raven
    Medusa’s Hair
    The Problem of the Fetish
    Remotely Global
    Renegade Dreams
    With Respect to Sex
    Pottery Analysis, Second Edition
    Political Ethnography
    Computing Taste
    Poverty and the Quest for Life
    Fusion of the Worlds
    In Sorcery’s Shadow
    Money Has No Smell
    Yaya’s Story
    Patterns in Circulation
    Shamanism, Colonialism, and the Wild Man
    Data Analysis in Qualitative Research
    Music as Social Life
    The Rites of Passage, Second Edition
    Tales of the Field
    The Invention of Culture
    Exit Zero
    Authoritarian Apprehensions
    Ethnographic Sorcery

    Art and Art History

      The Surrealism Reader
      The Art of Describing
      A Cubism Reader
      Bright Earth
      Atmospheres of Projection
      Before Mickey
      Art of the United States, 1750–2000
      The Power of Images
      Queer Behavior
      Islamic Architecture Today and Tomorrow
      How New York Stole the Idea of Modern Art
      Philosophies of Art and Beauty
      Who Is the City For?
      Magazines and the American Experience
      Living Complex
      Critical Terms for Media Studies
      What Do Pictures Want?
      Critical Terms for Art History, Second Edition
      What Is African Art?
      The Invention of Art
      What Is Contemporary Art?
      Modern Art
      Other Criteria
      Renaissance and Baroque Art
      The Sexuality of Christ in Renaissance Art and in Modern Oblivion
      Art in Chicago
      Learning to Look
      The Idols of ISIS

      Classics and Classical Works in Translation

        Aeschylus I
        Aeschylus II
        Aristotle’s "Art of Rhetoric"
        Aristotle’s "Politics"
        Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics
        Cicero on the Emotions
        Euripides I
        Euripides II
        Euripides III
        Euripides IV
        Euripides V
        Iphigenia among the Taurians
        How to Stage Greek Tragedy Today
        Greek Tragedies 1
        Greek Tragedies 2
        Greek Tragedies 3
        Artifact and Artifice
        Medieval Latin
        The History
        Works of Hesiod and the Homeric Hymns
        The Iliad of Homer
        Greek Lyrics, Second Edition
        A Short Introduction to the Ancient Greek Theater
        Ancient Mesopotamia
        Plato’s Symposium
        Oedipus the King
        Sophocles I
        Sophocles II
        The Peloponnesian War
        The Aeneid

        Earth Science, Geography, Cartography

          How to Lie with Maps, Third Edition

          Economics and Business

            The Economic Approach to Human Behavior
            Human Capital
            The Firm, the Market, and the Law
            Great Economic Thinkers
            A History of Money
            Feminist Economics Today
            Capitalism and Freedom
            Capitalism and the Historians
            The Road to Serfdom
            The Five Life Decisions
            Economics for Humans, Second Edition
            An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations


              Education, Justice, and Democracy
              Curriculum as Conversation
              The Chicago Handbook for Teachers, Second Edition
              Education and the Cult of Efficiency
              Improvement by Design
              The School and Society and The Child and the Curriculum
              The Stone Soup Experiment
              Ghosts in the Schoolyard
              Living the Drama
              Teaching Embodied
              Have a Little Faith
              Teaching Evolution in a Creation Nation
              Doing Honest Work in College, Third Edition
              Succeeding as an International Student in the United States and Canada
              The Chicago Guide to College Science Teaching
              The High-Performing Preschool
              Education in a New Society
              The Rise of the Research University
              Bad Guys Don’t Have Birthdays
              The Boy on the Beach
              Boys and Girls
              A Child’s Work
              Mollie Is Three
              A Companion to John Dewey’s "Democracy and Education"
              Empowering Education
              Preschool in Three Cultures Revisited
              Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction
              Why Learn History (When It’s Already on Your Phone)
              The Case for Contention

              Gender, Women, LGBT

                Manliness and Civilization
                Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality
                Intimate Matters
                Sexual Politics, Sexual Communities
                Documenting Intimate Matters
                From Reverence to Rape
                Queer London
                Hard-Core Romance
                Queer Between the Covers
                The Invention of Heterosexuality
                Sexual Discretion
                Human Rights and Gender Violence
                Essays on Sex Equality
                Caribbean Pleasure Industry
                With Respect to Sex
                A Desired Past
                The Comfort Women
                Critical Terms for the Study of Gender
                City of Dreadful Delight


                  University of Chicago Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 1
                  University of Chicago Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 7
                  I Write What I Like
                  University of Chicago Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 9
                  Intimate States
                  Shaped by the State
                  University of Chicago Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 5
                  University of Chicago Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 6
                  Plundered Skulls and Stolen Spirits
                  Intimate Matters
                  Building the American Republic, Volume 2
                  Critical Terms for the Study of Africa
                  The Terror of Natural Right
                  Steppin’ Out
                  The War in American Culture
                  Made in America
                  Documenting Intimate Matters
                  The Conquest of Cool
                  Reconstruction after the Civil War, Third Edition
                  Old Thiess, a Livonian Werewolf
                  University of Chicago Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 8
                  The Last Consolation Vanished
                  The Last Colonial Massacre
                  American Indians
                  A War for the Soul of America, Second Edition
                  Christianity and Race in the American South
                  Making the Second Ghetto
                  The Autumn of the Middle Ages
                  Downtown America
                  Ottoman Empire and Islamic Tradition
                  Crisis of the House Divided
                  University of Chicago Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 2
                  University of Chicago Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 4
                  The Sumerians
                  No Place of Grace
                  The Perils of Prosperity, 1914-1932
                  Discourses on Livy
                  Thinking About History
                  History of Western Civilization
                  The Islamic World
                  The Pursuit of Power
                  The Rise of the West
                  The Birth of the Republic, 1763-89, Fourth Edition
                  University of Chicago Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 3
                  Learning to Eat Soup with a Knife
                  The Tolerant Populists, Second Edition
                  Kamikaze, Cherry Blossoms, and Nationalisms
                  Polish Immigrants and Industrial Chicago
                  The Caribbean
                  Readings in Russian Civilization Volume I
                  Readings in Russian Civilization Volume II
                  Readings in Russian Civilization Volume III
                  The Work Ethic in Industrial America 1850-1920
                  The Cholera Years
                  The Chicago Companion to Tocqueville’s Democracy in America
                  What the Anti-Federalists Were For
                  Democracy in America
                  From Counterculture to Cyberculture
                  Purging the Poorest
                  New Day in Babylon
                  Building the American Republic, Volume 1
                  Places of Their Own
                  Why Learn History (When It’s Already on Your Phone)
                  Time Maps

                  History and Philosophy of Science

                    Biology and Ideology from Descartes to Dawkins
                    Technology and the Character of Contemporary Life
                    Science Unlimited?
                    Science of Science and Reflexivity
                    Making Modern Science, Second Edition
                    In Search of Mechanisms
                    Histories of Scientific Observation
                    Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact
                    Sidereus Nuncius, or The Sidereal Messenger
                    Exploring the Scientific Method
                    Theory and Reality
                    Making Natural Knowledge
                    Wrestling with Nature
                    American Genesis
                    Science and the American Century
                    The Last Writings of Thomas S. Kuhn
                    The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
                    The Beginnings of Western Science
                    Personal Knowledge
                    Making PCR
                    The Scientific Revolution
                    Medieval and Early Renaissance Medicine
                    Care and Cure
                    Sex and Death
                    The Fabric of the Heavens
                    The Whale and the Reactor

                    Journalism and Mass Media

                      When the Press Fails
                      The Craft of Science Writing
                      "The Girl in the Window" and Other True Tales
                      Sound Reporting

                      Language Study and Linguistics

                        Logic, Language, and Meaning, Volume 1
                        Logic, Language, and Meaning, Volume 2
                        Elements of Acoustic Phonetics
                        Metaphors We Live By
                        More than Cool Reason
                        Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things
                        Syntactic Development
                        Breve historia de la lengua española
                        A Brief History of the Spanish Language
                        The University of Chicago Spanish-English Dictionary, Sixth Edition: Diccionario Universidad de Chicago Inglés-Español, Sexta Edición
                        Phonetic Symbol Guide
                          The Bilingual Courtroom
                          Rights on Trial
                          Invitation to Law and Society, Second Edition
                          Reason in Law
                          Just Words
                          Working Law
                          Making Rights Real
                          Pulled Over
                          The Rights Revolution
                          The Common Place of Law
                          The Legal Analyst
                          The Culture of Control
                          Environmental Law for Biologists
                          The Making of Environmental Law
                          An Introduction to Legal Reasoning
                          Lawyers in Practice
                          The American Supreme Court, Sixth Edition
                          The Seductions of Quantification
                          Policing Immigrants
                          Unequal under Law
                          Japanese Law
                          Islam and the Rule of Justice
                          How to Do Things with Legal Doctrine
                          Issues in Law and Economics

                          Life Sciences

                            How the Earth Turned Green
                            Nature All Around Us
                            Animals Without Backbones
                            Foundations of Tropical Forest Biology
                            The Art of Being a Parasite
                            Great Transformations in Vertebrate Evolution
                            Conservation Paleobiology
                            Darwin’s Finches
                            Principles of Animal Behavior, 4th Edition
                            The Ecology of Invasions by Animals and Plants
                            The Visual Elements—Photography
                            Across the Bridge
                            The Biology of Reefs and Reef Organisms
                            Cat Musculature
                            Critical Terms for Animal Studies
                            Foundations of Animal Behavior
                            A Manual of the Mammalia
                            Environmental Law for Biologists
                            Handbook of Quantitative Ecology
                            Wild Mammals in Captivity
                            Quantifying Life
                            Why Ecology Matters
                            Foundations of Biogeography
                            Foundations of Paleoecology
                            Mathematical Models of Social Evolution
                            Foundations of Ecology II
                            After Preservation
                            The Ark and Beyond
                            The Evolution of Primate Societies
                            Plant Evolution
                            Sustainable Values, Sustainable Change
                            Principles of Soundscape Ecology
                            The Origins of Theoretical Population Genetics
                            Foundations of Ecology
                            The Gene
                            Not By Genes Alone
                            The Evidence for Evolution
                            Phylogeny and Evolution of the Angiosperms
                            Biotechnology and Society
                            The Geographic Mosaic of Coevolution
                            A Handbook of Biological Illustration

                            Literature, Literary Criticism, Poetry

                              A Sinister Assassin
                              The Gardens of Our Childhoods
                              Theories of Translation
                              The Rhetoric of Fiction
                              My Three Dads
                              Keeping the Wolves at Bay
                              The Lookout Man
                              I’ll Tell You Mine
                              Literature after Feminism
                              For Dignity, Justice, and Revolution
                              Maladies of the Will
                              No One Leaves the World Unhurt
                              Practicing New Historicism
                              Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
                              The Great Derangement
                              Professing Literature
                              Marvelous Possessions
                              Renaissance Self-Fashioning
                              Professing Criticism
                              Under the Broom Tree
                              Hard-Core Romance
                              The Animal Indoors
                              A Poet’s Guide to Poetry, Second Edition
                              Exploration and Exchange
                              speculation, n.
                              Critical Terms for Literary Study, Second Edition
                              Children’s Literature
                              The Orange Tree
                              Lucky Wreck
                              Critical Terms for Media Studies
                              Picture Theory
                              What Do Pictures Want?
                              Myth of Pterygium
                              Alive in the Writing
                              On Not Knowing
                              My Dark Room
                              A Poet’s Sourcebook
                              The Complete Danteworlds
                              Wilhelm Tell
                              Out of Order
                              Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus
                              The Autumn House Anthology of Contemporary American Poetry
                              Black, White, and in Color
                              Joyful Noise
                              In the Antarctic Circle
                              Wikipedia and the Politics of Openness
                              One Hundred and One Poems by Paul Verlaine
                              Creep Love
                              Queer Nature
                              Further News of Defeat
                              All Who Belong May Enter
                              Praise Song for My Children
                              The Dream Women Called
                              The Monkey and the Monk

                              Music and Music History

                                Thinking in Jazz
                                Creating Country Music
                                Flip the Script
                                Music as Social Life
                                La traviata


                                  State of Exception
                                  Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics
                                  Logical Reasoning with Diagrams and Sentences
                                  Philosophy in a Time of Terror
                                  The Foucault Effect
                                  The Renaissance Philosophy of Man
                                  Archive Fever
                                  The Gift of Death, Second Edition & Literature in Secret
                                  Given Time
                                  Margins of Philosophy
                                  Of Spirit
                                  The Truth in Painting
                                  Writing and Difference
                                  Michel Foucault
                                  To Save the Phenomena
                                  Theory and Reality
                                  Identity and Difference
                                  Philosophies of Art and Beauty
                                  The Meaning of the Body
                                  The Embers and the Stars
                                  Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things
                                  Meaning in History
                                  German Idealism
                                  The Laws of Plato
                                  Plato’s Sophist
                                  Plato’s Statesman
                                  Plato’s Symposium
                                  Plato’s Theaetetus
                                  Time and Narrative, Volume 1
                                  Time and Narrative, Volume 2
                                  Time and Narrative, Volume 3
                                  The Major Political Writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
                                  The Derrida-Habermas Reader
                                  The Whale and the Reactor

                                  Physical Sciences

                                    University of Chicago Graduate Problems in Physics with Solutions
                                    The Visual Elements—Photography
                                    General Relativity from A to B
                                    The Calculus
                                    General Relativity
                                    Geometrical Vectors

                                    Political Science

                                      State of Exception
                                      Why Parties?
                                      From Voice to Influence
                                      Marx at the Margins
                                      Changing Minds or Changing Channels?
                                      The Human Condition
                                      Lectures on Kant’s Political Philosophy
                                      Combative Politics
                                      Agendas and Instability in American Politics, Second Edition
                                      Lobbying and Policy Change
                                      The Politics of Information
                                      When the Press Fails
                                      In Time of War
                                      Digital Technology and Democratic Theory
                                      I Write What I Like
                                      How the Tea Party Captured the GOP
                                      Making the News
                                      Campaigning for Hearts and Minds
                                      Trading Democracy for Justice
                                      The Defense of Jisr al-Doreaa
                                      Trapped in America’s Safety Net
                                      Who Leads Whom?
                                      Race, Redistricting, and Representation
                                      White-Collar Government
                                      Reason in Law
                                      The Party Decides
                                      Talking Together
                                      Governing With the News, Second Edition
                                      The Politics of Resentment
                                      Legislating in the Dark
                                      A Preface to Democratic Theory, Expanded Edition
                                      Who Governs?
                                      The Anti-Federalist
                                      The Black Image in the White Mind
                                      Projections of Power
                                      Going to War in Iraq
                                      Golden Rule
                                      Why Americans Hate Welfare
                                      Passionate Politics
                                      Political Style
                                      Political Tone
                                      The Constitution of Liberty
                                      The Road to Serfdom
                                      The Increasingly United States
                                      Thinking Like a Political Scientist
                                      Democracy and the Left
                                      Development and Crisis of the Welfare State
                                      Is Anyone Responsible?
                                      News That Matters
                                      American Diplomacy
                                      Neither Liberal nor Conservative
                                      Turf Wars
                                      Strategic Party Government
                                      Pivotal Politics
                                      Moral Politics
                                      Insecure Majorities
                                      How Partisan Media Polarize America
                                      Art of War
                                      Discourses on Livy
                                      The Prince
                                      Uncivil Agreement
                                      The Politics of Belonging
                                      Liberalism and Empire
                                      Democracy at Risk
                                      The Submerged State
                                      Rivalry and Reform
                                      Religious Liberty and the American Founding
                                      Making an Issue of Child Abuse
                                      The Children of Light and the Children of Darkness
                                      The Irony of American History
                                      Cutting the Fuse
                                      Policing Immigrants
                                      More Than a Feeling
                                      Why Iowa?
                                      African American Political Thought
                                      The Major Political Writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
                                      Political Ethnography
                                      The Chicago Companion to Tocqueville’s Democracy in America
                                      The Concept of the Political
                                      The Leviathan in the State Theory of Thomas Hobbes
                                      Political Theology
                                      Rule Breaking and Political Imagination
                                      The Ironies of Affirmative Action
                                      Political Peoplehood
                                      Disciplining the Poor
                                      How the States Shaped the Nation
                                      What the Anti-Federalists Were For
                                      History of Political Philosophy
                                      Natural Right and History
                                      Persecution and the Art of Writing
                                      Symbolic Power, Politics, and Intellectuals
                                      The Difference Women Make
                                      Women in the Club
                                      Obama’s Race
                                      Post-Racial or Most-Racial?
                                      Democracy in America
                                      The Two Reconstructions
                                      Talking about Politics
                                      Talking about Race
                                      Ideas Have Consequences
                                      Ambiguities of Domination
                                      Peripheral Visions
                                      Dangerous Frames

                                      Psychology and Cognitive Science

                                        Creating Mental Illness
                                        The Meaning of the Body
                                        Birth of the Living God

                                        Reference and Writing

                                          Digital Paper
                                          Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks, Second Edition
                                          The Craft of Research, Fourth Edition
                                          The Chicago Guide to Fact-Checking, Second Edition
                                          Writing Fiction, Tenth Edition
                                          The Craft of Science Writing
                                          "The Girl in the Window" and Other True Tales
                                          The Architecture of Story
                                          Character, Scene, and Story
                                          The Dramatic Writer’s Companion, Second Edition
                                          The Visual Elements—Design
                                          The Visual Elements—Photography
                                          Behind the Academic Curtain
                                          Legal Writing in Plain English, Third Edition
                                          On Revision
                                          What Editors Do
                                          Writing Science in Plain English
                                          Getting In
                                          Life and Research
                                          Storycraft, Second Edition
                                          Solving Problems in Technical Communication
                                          Listening to People
                                          Cite Right, Third Edition
                                          How to Write a BA Thesis, Second Edition
                                          Economical Writing, Third Edition
                                          The Chicago Guide to Writing about Multivariate Analysis, Second Edition
                                          The Chicago Guide to Writing about Numbers, Second Edition
                                          The Chicago Guide to Communicating Science
                                          Where Research Begins
                                          The Chicago Guide to Copyediting Fiction
                                          A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, Ninth Edition
                                          Student’s Guide to Writing College Papers, Fifth Edition
                                          Information Now, Second Edition


                                            Strong Religion
                                            Conquest and Community
                                            The Cult of the Saints
                                            The Forge and the Crucible
                                            The Intellectual Adventure of Ancient Man
                                            The Body of Faith
                                            The Christianity Reader
                                            Old Thiess, a Livonian Werewolf
                                            The Babylonian Genesis
                                            The Venture of Islam, Volume 1
                                            The Venture of Islam, Volume 2
                                            The Venture of Islam, Volume 3
                                            Holy Terrors, Second Edition
                                            Critical Terms for the Study of Buddhism
                                            The Invention of World Religions
                                            The Children of Light and the Children of Darkness
                                            The Irony of American History
                                            The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine, Volume 1
                                            The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine, Volume 2
                                            The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine, Volume 3
                                            The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine, Volume 4
                                            The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine, Volume 5
                                            Major Themes of the Qur’an
                                            American Evangelicalism
                                            Critical Terms for Religious Studies
                                            The Essential Tillich
                                            Ibn Tufayl’s Hayy Ibn Yaqzan
                                            The Idols of ISIS
                                            The Bhagavadgita in the Mahabharata
                                            Saints and Society


                                              The System of Professions
                                              Mama Might Be Better Off Dead
                                              Black in White Space
                                              A Place on the Corner, Second Edition
                                              Telling About Society
                                              What About Mozart? What About Murder?
                                              Social Theory Now
                                              Brokered Subjects
                                              Temporarily Yours
                                              The Enigma of Diversity
                                              Freak Show
                                              Manufacturing Consent
                                              Social Knowledge in the Making
                                              Pathways of Desire
                                              Public Religions in the Modern World
                                              Improvising Theory
                                              Beyond Caring
                                              Both Hands Tied
                                              Generations and Collective Memory
                                              Community Health Equity
                                              Black Metropolis
                                              No Way Out
                                              Emile Durkheim on Morality and Society
                                              Working Law
                                              Everyday Troubles
                                              Shanghai Nightscapes
                                              Made in America
                                              The Wounded Storyteller
                                              From Notes to Narrative
                                              Getting a Job
                                              Sexual Fields
                                              On Collective Memory
                                              Living the Drama
                                              Race, Class, and Politics in the Cappuccino City
                                              Code of the Suburb
                                              Heat Wave
                                              Black and White Styles in Conflict
                                              Listening to People
                                              The Specter of Global China
                                              Thinking Through Methods
                                              Thinking Through Statistics
                                              George Herbert Mead on Social Psychology
                                              Mind, Self, and Society
                                              Tourist Attractions
                                              Making Hispanics
                                              Black on the Block
                                              Black Picket Fences, Second Edition
                                              Creating Country Music
                                              Post-Ethical Society
                                              The New Institutionalism in Organizational Analysis
                                              Believing in South Central
                                              Fuzzy-Set Social Science
                                              Redesigning Social Inquiry
                                              Interpretation and Social Knowledge
                                              Human Targets
                                              Not Under My Roof
                                              American Kinship
                                              Logics of History
                                              Stuck in Place
                                              The Jack-Roller
                                              Georg Simmel on Individuality and Social Forms
                                              Make Room for TV
                                              The Logic of Social Research
                                              Down, Out, and Under Arrest
                                              Symbolic Power, Politics, and Intellectuals
                                              Talk of Love
                                              Abductive Analysis
                                              Data Analysis in Qualitative Research
                                              The Challenger Launch Decision
                                              The Total Survey Error Approach
                                              Street Corner Society
                                              Wannabes, Goths, and Christians
                                              The Declining Significance of Race
                                              The Truly Disadvantaged

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