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Distributed for UCL Press

Crisis for Whom?

Critical Global Perspectives on Childhood, Care, and Migration

Distributed for UCL Press

Crisis for Whom?

Critical Global Perspectives on Childhood, Care, and Migration

A complex and nuanced interdisciplinary exploration of children in migration crises.

Children are central figures in narratives of “migration crises.” They are often depicted as either essentially vulnerable and in need of special protections, or suspiciously adult-like and a threat to national borders. This bilingual book, written in English and Spanish, challenges these simplistic narratives. Drawing on collaborations between young migrants, researchers, artists, and activists, this collection asks new questions about how crises are produced, mobility is controlled, and childhood is conceptualized. Answers to these questions have profound implications for resources, infrastructures, and relationships of care. The chapters offer insights from diverse global contexts, painting a rich and insightful tapestry about child migration. They stress that children are more than recipients of care and that the crises they face are multiple and stratifying, with long historical roots. Readers are invited to understand migration as an act of concern and love and to attend to how the solidarities between citizens and “others,” adults and children, and between children, are understood and forged.

522 pages | 17 color plates | 6.14 x 9.21 | © 2023

Geography: Economic Geography

Native American and Indigenous Studies

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Table of Contents

Introduction: Crisis for whom? Global border regimes, minorisation, (im)mobility, and care Rachel Rosen, Elaine Chase, Sarah Crafter, Valentina Glockner, Sayani Mitra Art in Dialogue 1: Ways of listening Meera Shakti Osborne   1 Emergent solidarities and children on the move: What’s ‘crisis’ got to do with it? Rachel Rosen 2 Care, Control and Crisis: Sahrawi youth as refugees and migrants Lehdia Mohamed Dafa and Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh Art in Dialogue 2 : Hierarchies of vulnerability Meera Shakti Osborne 3 The exodus of Venezuelan children and youth: Geopolitics of care and protection Nohora Constanza Niño Vega 4 Deportation as a migration crisis for children: Children’s lived experience of return from Europe to Afghanistan Nassim Majidi, Marion Guillaume, Stefanie Barratt Art in Dialogue 3: Disruption Meera Shakti Osborne 5 A decolonial analysis of crisis narratives: Latin American and Caribbean migrant children in Chilean schools Andrea Cortés Saavedra and Sara Joiko 6 The Wrestlers: the tactics and practices of care of young African ‘unaccompanied minors’ in Italy Sarah Walker Art in Dialogue 4: Policies of childhood Meera Shakti Osborne 7 Vietnamese irregular migrants in Moscow: Fractious giving and receiving of care within the transnational family Lan Anh Hoang 8 Intersecting crises: Motherhood and border control in Southern Africa Joyce Takaindisa and Ingrid Palmary Art in Dialogue 5: Which narrative Meera Shakti Osborne 9 Places-in-between: Rohingya refugee children’s changing sense of belonging Matluba Khan and Sheik Rana 10 Cultural elaboration of care: Mobility among Indigenous youth in Guatemala Lauren Heidbrink, with illustrations by Gabriela Afable   Art in Dialogue 6: Core concepts of care Meera Shakti Osborne 11 Care and (neoliberal) responsibility: Experiences of migrant and working children in Mexico and India Valentina Glockner   12 Caring research and world-making: With and for young people on the move Thea Shahrokh Art in Dialogue 7: Leaving the field Meera Shakti Osborne 13 Childhood, (im)mobility and care in Palestine: A crisis of institutional violence Mai Abu Moghli and Yamila Hussein Shannan 14 Disruptive narratives: Interconnected care and co-responsibility in theatre making processes with refugee performers Kate Duffy-Syedi and Syed Haleem Najibi Art in Dialogue 8: Cultures of care Meera Shakti Osborne Introducción: ¿Crisis según quién? Regímenes fronterizos globales, «minorización», (in)movibilidad y cuidado Rachel Rosen, Elaine Chase, Sarah Crafter, Valentina Glockner, Sayani Mitra   Arte en dialogo 1: Formas de escuchar Meera Shakti Osborne 1 Solidaridades emergentes y niñas y niños en movimiento: ¿Qué tiene que ver la ‘crisis’? Rachel Rosen 2 Cuidado, control y crisis: Las/os jóvenes saharauis como refugiados y migrantes Lehdia Mohamed Dafa y Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh Arte en dialogo 2: Jerarquías de la vulnerabilidad Meera Shakti Osborne 3 Éxodo de niños, niñas y jóvenes venezolanos: Geopolítica del cuidado y la protección Nohora Constanza Niño Vega 4 La deportación como crisis migratoria para las niñas y los niños: La experiencia vivida por niñas y niños al regresar de Europa a Afganistán Nassim Majidi, Marion Guillaume, Stefanie Barratt Arte en dialogo 3: Alteración Meera Shakti Osborne 5 Un análisis decolonial de las narrativas de crisis: Niñas y niños migrantes latinoamericanos y caribeños en escuelas chilenas Andrea Cortés Saavedra y Sara Joiko 6 Los luchadores: Las tácticas y prácticas de atención por parte de las y los jóvenes «menores no acompañados» africanos en Italia Sarah Walker Arte en dialogo 4: Políticas sobre la infancia Meera Shakti Osborne 7 Migrantes irregulares vietnamitas en Moscú: La problemática del cuidado infantil en las familias transnacionales Lan Anh Hoang 8 Crisis entrecruzadas: Maternidad y control fronterizo en África del Sur Joyce Takaindisa y Ingrid Palmary Arte en dialogo 5: ¿Qué narrativa? Meera Shakti Osborne 9 Lugares entre medias: El cambio del sentido de pertenencia de los niños rohinyás refugiados Matluba Khan y Sheik Rana 10 La Elaboración Cultural del Cuidado: La Mobilidad entre los Jóvenes Indígenas en Guatemala Lauren Heidbrink, con ilustraciones de Gabriela Afable Arte en dialogo 6: Conceptos principales del cuidado Meera Shakti Osborne 11 Cuidado y responsabilidad (neoliberal): Experiencias de niñas/os migrantes y trabajadores en México e India Valentina Glockner   12 La investigación sobre el cuidado y la creación de mundos: Con y para jóvenes migrantes Thea Shahrokh Arte en dialogo 7: Fuera del campo Meera Shakti Osborne 13 Infancia, (in)movilidad y cuidado en Palestina: Una crisis de violencia institucional Mai Abu Moghli y Yamila Hussein Shannan 14 Narrativas disruptivas: Cuidado interconectado y corresponsabilidad en los procesos de producción teatral con artistas refugiados Kate Duffy-Syedi y Syed Haleem Najibi Arte en dialogo 8: Culturas del cuidado Meera Shakti Osborne

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