How do people identify, locate, or express home? Displaced, exiled, colonized, and disenfranchised people the world over grapple with this question. Dramaturging Personal Narratives explores the relationship between personal and cultural identity by investigating how people perceive and creatively express self, home, and homeland through showcasing a variety of innovative artistic processes and resulting projects. Written in clear and accessible language, this book will appeal to professional and community-based artists who work in a wide variety of genres, scholars from creative fields, and both students and teachers at all levels of education who are interested in learning more about generating, developing, and disseminating artistic work inspired by personal narratives.

Table of Contents
Dramaturging Personal Narratives: Who am I and Where is Here?
Section One: The Ashley Plays
The Ashley Plays: The Basics
Chapter 1: Ashley Lives in Cape Town, South Africa I (2002)
Chapter 2: Ashley Lives in Cape Town, South Africa II (2006)
Chapter 3: Ashley Lives in Cape Town, South Africa III (2006)
Chapter 4: Ashley Lives in Iqaluit, Canada (2006)
Chapter 5: Ashley Lives in Namma Bhoomi, India (2008)
Chapter 6: Ashley Lives in Whitehorse, Canada (2008)
Section Two: The Virtual Ashley Plays
The Virtual Ashley Plays: The Basics
Chapter 1: Ashley Lives in Canada, Iran, South Africa, and United Kingdom (2007)
Chapter 2: Ashley Lives in Cuba, Canada, and USA (2007)
Chapter 3: Ashley lives in Cameroon, Jamaica, India, Iran, Iraq, Israel, and South Africa (2008)
Chapter 4: Common Ground Forum: “Talking ABOUT Ashley” and “Talking AS Ashley” (2007)
Section Three: Photobiography
Photobiography: The Basics
Chapter 1: Iqaluit, Nunavut, Canada and Khayelitsha Township, South Africa (2007)
Chapter 2: Whitehorse, Canada (2010)
Section Four: Roots/Routes Journeys to Home
Roots/Routes Journeys to Home: The Basics
Chapter 1: Journey I: Geoffrey Hyland, South Africa (2008)
Chapter 2: Journey II: Mfundo Tshazibane, South Africa (2007)
Chapter 3: Journey III: Mercedes Bravo, Cuba (2008)
Chapter 4: Journey IV: Jolene Arreak, Canada (2007)
Appendix: 35 Sample Lomogram images
Dramaturging Personal Narratives: Who am I and Where is Here?
Section One: The Ashley Plays
The Ashley Plays: The Basics
Chapter 1: Ashley Lives in Cape Town, South Africa I (2002)
Chapter 2: Ashley Lives in Cape Town, South Africa II (2006)
Chapter 3: Ashley Lives in Cape Town, South Africa III (2006)
Chapter 4: Ashley Lives in Iqaluit, Canada (2006)
Chapter 5: Ashley Lives in Namma Bhoomi, India (2008)
Chapter 6: Ashley Lives in Whitehorse, Canada (2008)
Section Two: The Virtual Ashley Plays
The Virtual Ashley Plays: The Basics
Chapter 1: Ashley Lives in Canada, Iran, South Africa, and United Kingdom (2007)
Chapter 2: Ashley Lives in Cuba, Canada, and USA (2007)
Chapter 3: Ashley lives in Cameroon, Jamaica, India, Iran, Iraq, Israel, and South Africa (2008)
Chapter 4: Common Ground Forum: “Talking ABOUT Ashley” and “Talking AS Ashley” (2007)
Section Three: Photobiography
Photobiography: The Basics
Chapter 1: Iqaluit, Nunavut, Canada and Khayelitsha Township, South Africa (2007)
Chapter 2: Whitehorse, Canada (2010)
Section Four: Roots/Routes Journeys to Home
Roots/Routes Journeys to Home: The Basics
Chapter 1: Journey I: Geoffrey Hyland, South Africa (2008)
Chapter 2: Journey II: Mfundo Tshazibane, South Africa (2007)
Chapter 3: Journey III: Mercedes Bravo, Cuba (2008)
Chapter 4: Journey IV: Jolene Arreak, Canada (2007)
Appendix: 35 Sample Lomogram images
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