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Fan Phenomena: Star Wars

Table of Contents
Mika Elovaara
Star Wars as a Character-Oriented Franchise
Jason Scott
Fashion from a Galaxy Far, Far Away
Jonathan Derosa
Fans, Fics & Films… “Thank the Maker(s)!”
Marc Joly-Corcoran and Sarah Ludlow
Immersive and Interactive Adaptations and Extensions of Star Wars
Jason Scott
From Bikinis to Blasters: The Role of Gender in the Star Wars Community
Erika Travis
Jediism as Religion? The Force as Old/New Religious Philosophy
Zachary Ingle
Greater than the Sum of Its Parts: The Singular Emergent Language of the Star Wars Universe
Kris Jacobs
Star Wars Generations – A Saga for the Ages, for All Ages
Brendan Cook
The Marketing of The Force: Fans, Media and the Economics of Star Wars
Neil Matthiessen
The Influence of The Force
Jason Davis and Larry Pakowski
Editor and Contributor Biographies
Image Credits
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