Distributed for University of British Columbia Press
Indigenous Legal Traditions
The essays in this book present important perspectives on the role of Indigenous legal traditions in reclaiming and preserving the autonomy of Aboriginal communities and in reconciling the relationship between these communities and Canadian governments. Although Indigenous peoples had their own systems of law based on their social, political, and spiritual traditions, under colonialism their legal systems have often been ignored or overruled by non-Indigenous laws. Today, however, these legal traditions are being reinvigorated and recognized as vital for the preservation of the political autonomy of Aboriginal nations and the development of healthy communities.

Table of Contents
Introduction: Aboriginal Legal Traditions – Which Way Out of Colonialism? / Andrée Lajoie
1 “Getting to a Better Place”: Qwi:qwelstóm, the Stó:lo, and Self-Determination / Ted Palys and Wenona Victor
2 An Apology Feast in Hazelton: Indian Residential Schools, Reconciliation, and Making Space for Indigenous Legal Traditions / Paulette Regan
3 Reconciliation without Respect? Section 35 and Indigenous Legal Orders / Minniwaanagogiizhigook (Dawnis Kennedy)
4 Legal Processes, Pluralism in Canadian Jurisprudence, and the Governance of Carrier Medicine Knowledge / Perry Shawana
5 Territoriality, Personality, and the Promotion of Aboriginal Legal Traditions in Canada / Ghislain Otis
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