Japanese/Korean Linguistics, Volume 7
Distributed for Center for the Study of Language and Information
Japanese/Korean Linguistics, Volume 7
688 pages | 6 x 9 | © 1998
Asian Studies: East Asia
Language and Linguistics: General Language and Linguistics, Phonology and Phonetics, Syntax and Semantics

Table of Contents
Asymmetry in the Interpretation of –(n)un in Korean
Chung-hye Han
Ventriloquism in Text and Talk: Functions of Self- and Other-Quotation in Japanese
Senko K. Maynard
Part I: Conversation
Turn-taking in Japanese Conversation: Grammar, Intonation, and Pragmatics
Hiroko Furo
So? (On Japanese Connectives sorede, dakara, and ja)
Mutsuko Endo Hudson
Co-Construction in Japanese Revistied: We Do “Finish Each Other’s Sentences”
Makoto Hayashi and Junko Mori
It Takes Two to Dance: The Interactional Determinants of NP Intonation Units with a Marked Rising Intonation (hangimonkei) in Japanese Conversation
Tsuyoshi Ono, Eri Yoshida, and Mieko Banno
Hai and Ee: An Interactional Analysis
Naomi Hanaoka McGloin
Some Uses and Meanings of Utterance: Initial iya in Japanese Discourse
Scott Saft
Part II: Language and Culture
The Use and Non-Use of Honorifics in Sales Talk in Kyoto and Osaka: Are They Rude or Friendly?
Shigeko Okamoto
What the Language in Television Commercials Reveals About Cultural Preferences: A Glimpse into Japanese, American, and Korean Advertising Strategies
Susan Strauss and Yong-Yae Park
Color Naming and Color Categorization in Korean
Rodney E. Tyson
Part III: Historical Linguistics
Kakari Particles and the Merger of the Predicative and Attributive Forms in the Japanese Verbal System
Peter Hendriks
The Correspondence Between the Form and Meaning of the Predicative Grammatical Categories in Classical Japanese
Katsunobu Izutsu
Part IV: Semantics and Pragmatics
An Analysis of Japanese Ne in Terms of the Theory of Territory of Information
Akio Kamio
The Complementizer Toyuu in Japanese
Yoshiko Matsumoto
Where the Progressive and the Resultative Meet: A Typology of Imperfect Morphology in Japanese, Korean, Chinese, and English
Yasuhiro Shirai
Pronoun Drop and Perspective in Japanese
Satoshi Uehara
Part V: Syntax and Semantics
WH-Scope Identification via Quasi-Binding
Daeho Chung
Attachment Ambiguity in Head Final Languages
Yuki Hirose and Soon Ae Chun
Thetic Markers and Japanese/Korean Perception Verb Complements
Hisako Ikawa
Syntactic Reflexes of Tripartite Structures of Generic Sentences
Youngchul Jun
Resultatives: English vs. Korean
Soowon Kim and Joan Maling
Branchingness and Phrasing in Japanese
Kiyomi Kusumoto
Is There a Genuine Himself Type Local Anaphor in Korean and Japanese?
Gunsoo Lee
On the Null Beneficiary in Benefactive Constructions in Japanese
Nanako Machida
The Japanese Dummy Verbs and the Organization of Grammar
Keiko Miyagawa
Morphosyntactic Realization of Aspectual Structure
William McClure
Predicate Cleft Constructions in Japanese and Korean: The Role of Dummy Verbs in TP/VP-Preposing
Kunio Nishiyama and Eun Cho
Raising Asymmetry and Improper Movement
Hiromu Sakai
Optimality and Economy of Expression in Japanese and Korean
Peter Sells
The Laziest Pronouns
Satoshi Tomioka
A Note on Scope Dependencies in Japanese Multiple Wh-questions
Shin Watanabe
Semantics and Pragmatics of Contrastive Topic in Korean and English
Hae-Kyung Wee
Part VI: Phonetics and Phonology
Voicedness Alterations In the Tohoku Dialect of Japanese
Sachiko Ohno
On the Irregular Behavior of h in Korean
Sechang Lee
Correspondence in Korean Hypocoristic Truncation
Seung-Hoon Shin
Noun Faithfulness: Evidence from Accent in Japanese Dialects
Jennifer L. Smith
Focus Realization in Japanese English and Korean English Intonation
Motoko Ueyama and Sun-Ah Jun
Part VII: Demonstrative Workshop
Formal Dependency, Organization of Grammar, and Japanese Demonstratives
Hajime Hoji
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