Japanese/Korean Linguistics, Volume 13
Distributed for Center for the Study of Language and Information
Japanese/Korean Linguistics, Volume 13
Japanese and Korean are typologically quite similar languages, and the linguistic phenomena of the former often hve counterparts in the latter. These collections from the annual Japanese/Korean linguistics conference include essays on the phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, historical linguistics, discourse analysis, prosody, and psycholinguistics of both languages. Such comparative studies deepen our understanding of both languages and will be a useful reference to students and scholars in either field.

Table of Contents
Part I
Historical Linguistics, Phonetics and Phonology
Preservation of Lexical Prominence in Vocative Chant
Young-Mee Yu Cho & Mariko Saiki
Japanese/Korean Vowel Correspondences
Bjarke Frellesvig & John Whitman
Acoustic Properties of Japanese and English Vowels: Effects of Phonetic and Prosodic Context
Miwako Hisagi, Kanae Nishi & Winifred Strange
Default Prosody and Relative Clause Attachment in Japanese
Sun-Ah Jun & Chisato Koike
On the Proper Treatment of NonCrispEdges
Shigeto Kawahara
Where have all the Lax Stops Gone? On the Possible Restructuring of the Korean Stop System
Seung-Hoon Shin & Stuart Davis
Romanization and Phonemicization of Japanese
Timothy J. Vance
Part II
Morphology, Morphosyntax and Syntax
Gerund Phrases as NPs with N Heads: No Empty or Mixed Categories
Hee-Rahk Chae
Extended Parallel Morphology for Korean V-e V Compounds
Youngju Choi
Dummy Plural Marker-Tul in Gapping and the Theory of Gapping
Daeho Chung
A Morphological Constraint on Negation in Imperatives in Korean
Chung-Hye Han & Chungmin Lee
On Adnominal ‘Focus-Sensitive’ Particles in Japanese
J.-R. Hayashishita
Reconstruction Effects in Passive and Scrambling in Japanese
Hajime Hoji
Classifiers and Plural Marking
Chonghyuck Kim
Korean Copular Constructions: A Lexical Sharing Approach
Jong-Bok Kim, Peter Sells & Michael T. Wescoat
Subject Scrambling
Heejeong Ko
A Phonologically Null Copula Functioning as a Light Verb in Japanese
Yutaka Sato
A Unified Syntactic Account of Morphological Causatives in Korean
Minjeong Son
Process Nominals and Morphological Complexity
James Hye Suk Yoon & Chongwoon Park
Part III
Semantics, Acquisition and Psycholinguistics
Scope Inversion in Japanese: Contrastive Topics Require Scalar Implicatures
Yurie Hara
Korean Children’s Syntactic and Semantic Development of Dative Constructions in L1
Hee-Sook Kim & Eun-Joo Moon
Korean Children’s Interpretation of Sentences Containing ‘Every’ and ‘Not’
Meesook Kim, Chung-Hye Han, Jeffrey Lidz & Julien Musolino
Internally Headed Relatives Parallel Direct Perception Complements
Min-Jo Kim
Motion and State: Verbs tul-/na- (K) and hairu/deru (J) ‘enter’/’exit’
Chungmin Lee
Semantic Divergence of –(R)are: From Different Perspective
David Y. Oshima
Motion Verbs, Telicity, and Argument Projection
Natsuko Tsujimura
Part IV
Grammaticalization and Functional Grammar
A Corpus-based Study of the Grammaticalization for the Korean Connectives mye and myense to Sentence Final Particles
Minju Kim
Morpheme Insertions in Japanese Causative and Potential Expressions
Judy Okada
From Rhetoric to Grammar: Grammaticalization of Rhetorical Strategies in Korean
Seongha Rhee
Nominalized Predicates as Directives in Japanese Discourse
Nina A. Yoshida
Part V
Pragmatics, Discourse and Sociolinguistics
The Pragmatics of Japanese Sentence-final Forms
Haruko Minegishi Cook
Turn Extensions as Turn-Constructional Practice: Word Order Variability in Korean Conversation
Haeyeon Kim
Single Full NP Turns with Rising Intonation in Korean Conversation
Haeyeon Kim & Young-Cheol Yim
When Best Friends Do Not Use Their Own Home Language
Chunhua Ma
Expressive Function of Japanese Adnominal Demonstrative Konna/Sonna/Anna
Keiko Naruoka
Culture and Interactional Styles: The Interpretation of Reactive Tokens in Japanese Conversations
Shigeko Okamoto & Shie Sato
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