Medieval Philosophy Redefined
The Development of Cenoscopic Science, AD354 to 1644 (From the Birth of Augustine to the Death of Poinsot)
Distributed for University of Scranton Press
Medieval Philosophy Redefined
The Development of Cenoscopic Science, AD354 to 1644 (From the Birth of Augustine to the Death of Poinsot)
With Medieval Philosophy Redefined John Deely provides an in-depth, original history of medieval philosophy, tracing a common thread that coherently unifies and defines what he calls “the Latin Age”—which reaches unbroken from the fifth-century work of Augustine through to the seventeenth-century work of Poinsot. That common thread is the philosophy of sign. Sure to be controversial, this volume will be required reading for all students and scholars of the history of philosophy and medieval specialists.

Table of Contents
List of Diagrams
List of Dating Abbreviations
Preamble: What Is the Point of Studying Medieval Philosophy and Why Should It be Redefined?
Chapter 1: Medieval Philosophy Redefined: The Latin Age, c.400–1635
Chapter 2: The Geography of the Latin Age
Chapter 3: The Fading Light of Antiquity: Neoplatonism and the Tree of Porphyry,
c.3rd–5th cent. AD
Chapter 4: Founding Fathers of the Latin Age: Augustine and Boethius
Chapter 5: The Five Centuries of Darkness, c.525–1025
Chapter 6: Dawning of the Main Development: Anselm, Abaelard, Lombard
Chapter 7: Enter Aristotle, c.1150
Chapter 8: Albert and Aquinas: Focusing the Challenge of Reason
Chapter 9: After Aquinas but before Fonseca: Bacon, Scotus, Ockham, D’Ailly, Soto
Chapter 10: Poinsot’s Triumph (1632): The Success and Failure of the Latin Age
Chapter 11: The Crash and Burn of Scholasticism, c.1600–1650
Chapter 12: After Poinsot: Peirce
Last Word to the Reader
Timetable of Latin Age Figures
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