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Table of Contents

Part I: Foundations
1. How Different is Partial Logic?
[I]Tore Langholm[I]
2. Sequent Formalizations of Three-Valued Logic
[I]Douglas Busch[I]
3. Modalities for Reasoning about Knowledge and Uncertainties
[I]Wiebe van der Hoek and John-Jules Meyer[I]
4. Fundamentals of Partial Modal Logic
[I]Jan Jaspars and Elias Thijsse[I]
Part II: Case Studies
5. A Study in Modal Embeddings of NML3
[I]Patrick Doherty and Witold Lukaszewicz[I]
6. A Model-based Approach to Predictive Causal Reasoning
[I]John Bell[I]
7. Partial Semantics for Truth Maintenance
[I]Cees Witteveen[I]
8. Combining Partial and Classical Semantics. A Hybrid Approach to Belief and Awareness
[I]Elias Thijsse[I]
9. Autoepistemic Logic as a Basis for Automating Nonmonotonic Reasoning
[I]Ilkka Niemelä[I]
Name Index
Subject Index

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