Selected Papers on Fun and Games
Distributed for Center for the Study of Language and Information
Selected Papers on Fun and Games
Donald E. Knuth’s influence in computer science ranges from the invention of methods for translating and defining programming languages to the creation of the TeX and METAFONT systems for desktop publishing. His award-winning textbooks have become classics that are often given credit for shaping the field, and his scientific papers are widely referenced and stand as milestones of development over a wide variety of topics. The present volume is the eighth in a series of his collected papers.

Table of Contents
1 The Potrzebie System of Weights and Measures
2 Official Tables of the Potrzebie System
3 The Revolutionary Potrzebie
4 A MAD Crossword
5 Counterexample to a Statement of Peano
6 The Complexity of Songs
8 Math Ace: The Plot Thickens
9 Billiard Balls in an Equilateral Triangle
10 Representing Numbers Using Only One 4
11 Very Magic Squares
12 The Gamow–Stern Elevator Problem
13 Fibonacci Multiplication
14 A Fibonacci-Like Sequence of Composite Numbers
15 Transcendental Numbers Based on the Fibonacci Sequence
16 Supernatural Numbers
17 Mathematical Vanity Plates
18 Diamond Signs
19 The Orchestra Song
20 Gnebbishland
21 A Carol for Advent
22 Randomness in Music
23 Basketball’s Electronic Coach
24 The Triel: A New Solution
25 The Computer as Master Mind
26 Move It Or Lose It
27 Adventure
28 Ziegler’s Giant Bar
29 TH5E4 CH3EmIC2A12 Ca3P4Er
30 N-Ciphered Texts
31 Disappearances
32 Lewis Carroll’s word-ward-ware-dare-dame-game
33 Blood, Sweat, and Tears
34 Biblical Ladders
35 ETAOIN SHRDLU Non-Crashing Sets
36 Quadrata Obscura (Hidden Latin Squares)
37 5 x 5 x 5 Word Cubes by Computer
38 Dancing Links
39 Nikoli Puzzle Favors
40 Uncrossed Knight’s Tours
41 Celtic Knight’s Tours
42 Long and Skinny Knight’s Tours
43 Leaper Graphs
44 Number Representations and Dragon Curves
45 Mathematics and Art: The Dragon Curve in Ceramic Tile
46 Christmas Cards
47 Geek Art
48 Memories of Martin Gardner
49 An Earthshaking Announcement
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