Selling War
The Role of the Mass Media in Hostile Conflicts from World War I to the "War on Terror"
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Selling War
The Role of the Mass Media in Hostile Conflicts from World War I to the "War on Terror"
This book is the first collection of essays to explore the changing relationships between war, media, and the public from a multidisciplinary perspective and over an extended historical period. It is also the first textbook for students in this field, discussing a wide range of theoretical concepts and methodological tools for analyzing the nature of these relationships. Shedding new light on conflicts spanning from World War I through the so-called War on Terror, the contributors explore the roles of traditional media, war blogs, and eyewitness reporting; of war correspondents and embedded journalism; and of propaganda, wartime public relations, and information warfare.
367 pages | 3 halftones, 20 diagrams | 7 x 9 | © 2013
Intellect Books - European Communication Research and Education Association
History: Military History

Table of Contents
Preface: Perspectives on the Changing Role of the Mass Media in Hostile Conflicts
Matthias Karmasin, Gabriele Melischek, Josef Seethaler, and Romy Wōhlert
Introduction: Delivering War to the Public: Shaping the Public Sphere
Philip Seib
Matthias Karmasin, Gabriele Melischek, Josef Seethaler, and Romy Wōhlert
Introduction: Delivering War to the Public: Shaping the Public Sphere
Philip Seib
Part I: ‘Never Such Innocence Again’: Propaganda and Total War
War and the Public Sphere: European Examples from the Seven Years’ War to World War I
Reinhard Stauber
Discourses of War
Diego Lazzarich
Between Indifference and News Hunger: Media Effects and the Public Sphere in Nazi Germany during Wartime
Jürgen Wilke
Perception of Newspapers and Magazines in Field Post Correspondence during World War II
Clemens Schwender
Part II: Visual Turn, War PR and the Changing Relationships between Politics, Media and the Public Sphere
Between Reporting and Propaganda: Power, Culture and War Reporting
Daniel C. Hallin
Just Wars and Persuasive Communication: Analyzing Public Relations in Military Conflicts
Magnus-Sebastian Kutz
An Iconography of Pity and a Rhetoric of Compassion: War and Humanitarian Crises in the Prism of American and French Newsmagazines (1967–95)
Valérie Gorin
Women, the Media and War: The Representation of Women in German Broadsheets between 1980 and 2000
Romy Frōhlich
‘Something Has Changed’: International Relations and the Media after the ‘Cold War’
Josef Seethaler and Gabriele Melischek
Surging Beyond Realism: How the US Media Promote War Again and Again
Robert M. Entman
Part III: Globalization and the ‘Postmodern’ War of Images
The Coverage of Terrorism and the Iraq War in the ‘Issue-Attention Cycle’
Stephan Russ-Mohl
The Media and Humanitarian Intervention
Philip Hammond
Shifting Frames in a Deadlocked Conflict? News Coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Nel Ruigrok, Wouter van Atteveldt and Janet Takens
Public Discourse on the Georgian War in Russia and the EU: A Content Analysis of the Coverage in Traditional Print Media and Emerging Online Media
Cordula Nitsch and Dennis Lichtenstein
Limitations of Journalism in War Situations: A Case Study from Georgia
Roman Hummel
Mass-Mediated Debate about Torture in Post-9/11 America
Brigitte L. Nacos
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