Trade in Byzantium
Papers from the Third International Sevgi Gönül Byzantine Studies Symposium
Distributed for Koç University Press
Trade in Byzantium
Papers from the Third International Sevgi Gönül Byzantine Studies Symposium
In the Byzantine Empire, Constantinople served not only as an administrative, military, and religious center, but also as one of trade and commerce. The city was selected as the new imperial capital due to its geographical advantages, its vast hinterland, its situation as an ideal vantage point for travel by land and sea, and its safe natural harbors, making it a perfect location for trade. Considering that medieval Anatolia, and especially Constantinople, was located at the center of a broad trade network and was a center of both production and consumption, trade is rightfully a continuing subject matter of Byzantine studies. In addition, since 2004, the Directorate of the Istanbul Archaeological Museums has carried out archaeological research in Üsküdar, Sirkeci, and Yenikapi, as part of the Marmaray and Metro projects. The excavations have revealed spectacular artifacts and new knowledge on Byzantine trade, ship-building technology, and ships and their cargo. In light of harbor excavation results and information accumulated from other ongoing research, it was the right time to re-evaluate trade in Byzantium. New findings and knowledge arising from the Yenikapi excavations, in particular, gave reason to revisit issues of trade in Byzantium again.
The articles collected in this volume derive from papers presented at the Third International Sevgi Gönül Byzantine Studies Symposium on “Trade in Byzantium” held in Istanbul on 24–27 June 2013.
The articles collected in this volume derive from papers presented at the Third International Sevgi Gönül Byzantine Studies Symposium on “Trade in Byzantium” held in Istanbul on 24–27 June 2013.

Table of Contents
Preface - Ömer M. Koç
Editors’ Foreword - Paul Magdalino and Nevra Necipoglu
Opening Speech Zeynep Mercangoz
Paul Magdalino and Nevra Necipoglu Introduction
1. Commerce And Control
Sarris, Peter / Merchants, Trade, and Commerce in Byzantine Law from Justinian I to Basil II
Cheynet, Jean-Claude / Quelques Nouveaux Sceaux de Commerciaires (Some New Seals of Kommerkiarioi)
Kaplan, Michel / Monks and Trade in Byzantium from the Tenth to the Twelfth Century
Smyrlis, Kostis / Trade Regulation and Taxation in Byzantium, Eleventh-Twelfth Centuries
2. Commodities And Ceramics
Koder, Johannes / Salt for Constantinople
Morrisson, Cecile / Trading in Wood in Byzantium: Exchange and Regulations
Rotman, Youval / Byzantium and the International Slave Trade in the Central Middle Ages
Francois, Veronique / A Distribution Atlas of Byzantine Ceramics: A New Approach to the Pottery Trade In Byzantium
Vroom, Joanita / Byzantine Sea Trade in Ceramics: Some Case Studies in the Eastern Mediterranean (Ca. Seventh-Fourteenth Centuries)
3. Merchants And The Market In Constantinople
Magdalino, Paul / The Merchant of Constantinople
Jacoby, David / Constantinople as Commercial Transit Center, Tenth to Mid-Fifteenth Century
Pitarakis, Brigitte / The Byzantine Marketplace: A Window onto Daily Life and Material Culture
Agir, Aygül / Bizans Baskentinde Müslüman Tacirler Için Mimarlik: Mitaton (Architecture for Muslim Merchants in The Byzantine Capital: The Mitaton)
4. Centers And Networks In Anatolia
Dalanay, Yaman / Communications and Trade in Western Asia Minor During the Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Periods: The Case of Ephesos
Kahyaoglu, Mehmet / Portolan Charts and Harbor Towns in Western Asia Minor Towards the end of the Byzantine Empire
Kulzer, Andreas / Byzantine Lydia: Some Remarks on Communication Routes and Settlement Places
Redford, Scott / Caravanserais and Commerce
Turnator, Ece / Trade and Textile Industry in the State of Nicaea Through the Romance Oflivistros and Rodamne (Thirteenth Century)
Akisik-Karakullukçu, Aslihan / The Empire of Trebizond in the World-Trade System: Economy and Culture
Kegis, Murat / Trabzon Imparatoru III. Aleksios’un Khrysoboullosiarina Göre Venediklilerin Trabzon Ticareti Hakkinda Gözlemler (Observations on the Trade of the Venetians with Trebizond, Based on the Chrysobulls of Alexios III, the Emperor of Trebizond)
5. Ships And Harbors: New Archaeological Evidence
Kocabas, Ufuk - Isil Özsait-Kocabas - Evren Türkmenoglu - Taner Güler and Namik Kiliç / The World’s Largest Collection of Medieval Shipwrecks: The Ships of the Theodosian Harbor
Polat, Mehmet Ali / Yenikapi’nin Yükleriyle Batmis Gemileri (Yenikapi Shipwrecks Found with their Cargoes)
Günsenin, Nergis / Ganos Limani’ndan Portus Theodosiacus’a (From Ganos Harbor to Portus Theodosiacus)
Bulgurlu, Vera / Yenikapi’daki Theodosius Limani Kazilarindan Bizans Kursun Mühürleri (Byzantine Lead Seals From The Theodosian Harbor Excavations At Yenikapi)
Baran Çelik, Gulbahar / Yenikapi Theodosius Limani Kazisi Zemberek Biçimli Fibulalari (Crossbow Fibulas from the Yenikapi Theodosian Harbor Excavations)
Doger, Lale and Harun Ozdas / Adrasan: Ceramic Finds from a Byzantine Shipwreck
Akyürek, T. Engin / Andriake: The Port of Myra in Late Antiquity
Uçkan, B. Yelda Olcay / Olympos’ta Ticaret (Trade in Olympos)
Preface - Ömer M. Koç
Editors’ Foreword - Paul Magdalino and Nevra Necipoglu
Opening Speech Zeynep Mercangoz
Paul Magdalino and Nevra Necipoglu Introduction
1. Commerce And Control
Sarris, Peter / Merchants, Trade, and Commerce in Byzantine Law from Justinian I to Basil II
Cheynet, Jean-Claude / Quelques Nouveaux Sceaux de Commerciaires (Some New Seals of Kommerkiarioi)
Kaplan, Michel / Monks and Trade in Byzantium from the Tenth to the Twelfth Century
Smyrlis, Kostis / Trade Regulation and Taxation in Byzantium, Eleventh-Twelfth Centuries
2. Commodities And Ceramics
Koder, Johannes / Salt for Constantinople
Morrisson, Cecile / Trading in Wood in Byzantium: Exchange and Regulations
Rotman, Youval / Byzantium and the International Slave Trade in the Central Middle Ages
Francois, Veronique / A Distribution Atlas of Byzantine Ceramics: A New Approach to the Pottery Trade In Byzantium
Vroom, Joanita / Byzantine Sea Trade in Ceramics: Some Case Studies in the Eastern Mediterranean (Ca. Seventh-Fourteenth Centuries)
3. Merchants And The Market In Constantinople
Magdalino, Paul / The Merchant of Constantinople
Jacoby, David / Constantinople as Commercial Transit Center, Tenth to Mid-Fifteenth Century
Pitarakis, Brigitte / The Byzantine Marketplace: A Window onto Daily Life and Material Culture
Agir, Aygül / Bizans Baskentinde Müslüman Tacirler Için Mimarlik: Mitaton (Architecture for Muslim Merchants in The Byzantine Capital: The Mitaton)
4. Centers And Networks In Anatolia
Dalanay, Yaman / Communications and Trade in Western Asia Minor During the Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Periods: The Case of Ephesos
Kahyaoglu, Mehmet / Portolan Charts and Harbor Towns in Western Asia Minor Towards the end of the Byzantine Empire
Kulzer, Andreas / Byzantine Lydia: Some Remarks on Communication Routes and Settlement Places
Redford, Scott / Caravanserais and Commerce
Turnator, Ece / Trade and Textile Industry in the State of Nicaea Through the Romance Oflivistros and Rodamne (Thirteenth Century)
Akisik-Karakullukçu, Aslihan / The Empire of Trebizond in the World-Trade System: Economy and Culture
Kegis, Murat / Trabzon Imparatoru III. Aleksios’un Khrysoboullosiarina Göre Venediklilerin Trabzon Ticareti Hakkinda Gözlemler (Observations on the Trade of the Venetians with Trebizond, Based on the Chrysobulls of Alexios III, the Emperor of Trebizond)
5. Ships And Harbors: New Archaeological Evidence
Kocabas, Ufuk - Isil Özsait-Kocabas - Evren Türkmenoglu - Taner Güler and Namik Kiliç / The World’s Largest Collection of Medieval Shipwrecks: The Ships of the Theodosian Harbor
Polat, Mehmet Ali / Yenikapi’nin Yükleriyle Batmis Gemileri (Yenikapi Shipwrecks Found with their Cargoes)
Günsenin, Nergis / Ganos Limani’ndan Portus Theodosiacus’a (From Ganos Harbor to Portus Theodosiacus)
Bulgurlu, Vera / Yenikapi’daki Theodosius Limani Kazilarindan Bizans Kursun Mühürleri (Byzantine Lead Seals From The Theodosian Harbor Excavations At Yenikapi)
Baran Çelik, Gulbahar / Yenikapi Theodosius Limani Kazisi Zemberek Biçimli Fibulalari (Crossbow Fibulas from the Yenikapi Theodosian Harbor Excavations)
Doger, Lale and Harun Ozdas / Adrasan: Ceramic Finds from a Byzantine Shipwreck
Akyürek, T. Engin / Andriake: The Port of Myra in Late Antiquity
Uçkan, B. Yelda Olcay / Olympos’ta Ticaret (Trade in Olympos)
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