The University of London Press is a collaborative, non-profit, and predominantly open access publishing partner committed to making valuable humanities research widely accessible. As an integral part of the School of Advanced Study at the University of London, UoL Press supports the School’s mission to promote and facilitate humanities research through its publishing, partnerships and innovation.
The Metopes of the Temple of Apollo Epikourios at Bassai
A Corpus of Greek Graffiti from Dalmatia
The Victoria History of Leicestershire: Lutterworth
The Victoria History of Leicestershire: Ibstock
The Victoria History of Herefordshire: Colwall
The Victoria History of Shropshire: Wem
Queer Between the Covers
Christian Felix Weiße the Translator
The Social and Political Life of Latin American Infrastructures
Mapping Crisis
Cultural Worlds of the Jesuits in Colonial Latin America
The Victoria History of Hampshire: Dummer and Kempshott, Two Chalkland Parishes
Menander "Misoumenos" or "The Hated Man"
Opposing Patriarchy
A Horizon of (Im)possibilities
International Responses to Mass Atrocities in Africa
New World Objects of Knowledge
A Matter of Trust
Possible Worlds
Voice, Silence and Gender in South Africa’s Anti-Apartheid Struggle
A British Book Collector
Glanz und Abglanz: Two Centuries of German Studies in the University of London
Greek & Roman Philosophy 100 BC-200 AD. Volumes 1-2 (BICS Supplement 94.1-2)
Gender in medieval places, spaces and thresholds
Human Rights, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in The Commonwealth
Healthcare in Ireland and Britain 1850-1970: Voluntary, regional and comparative perspectives
Heroic Chancellor: Winston Churchill and the University of Bristol, 1929 to 1965
In Protest: 150 Poems for Human Rights
Images And Texts: Papers In Honour Of Eric Handley (BICS Supplement 129)
Intercultural and Intertextual Encounters in Michael Roes’s Travel Fiction
The Agon in Classical Literature
The Afterlife of Apuleius
The Afterlife of Herodotus and Thucydides
The Afterlife of Cicero
Administering the Empire, 1801-1968
Legal Records at Risk
A Liberal Tide?
International Handbook on Clinical Tax Education
Contemporary Challenges in Securing Human Rights
Documenting the Roman Army: Essays in Honour of Margaret Roxan (BICS Supplement 81)
The Digital Classicist 2013
Cicero’s Republic (BICS Supplement 76)
The Concept of the Book: The Production, Progression and Dissemination of Information
Cultures of Anti-Racism in Latin America and the Caribbean
Creative Spaces: Urban Culture and Marginality in Latin America
Creating Ethnicities & Identities in the Roman World
Chile and the Inter-American Human Rights System
The Family Firm
From North Africa to France: Family Migration in Text and Film
Erôs and the Polis: love in context
The emergence of post-hybrid identities: a comparative analysis of national identity formations in Germany’s hip-hop culture
British History 1600-2000: Expansion in Perspective
Unweaving The Odyssey
Urban Microcosms 1789-1940
Understanding ALBA: Progress, Problems, and Prospects of Alternative Regionalism in Latin America and the Caribbean
The Victoria History of Hampshire: Cliddesden, Hatch and Farleigh Wallop
Victoria County History of Cumbria: Kirkoswald and Renwick
The Victoria History of Middlesex: St Clement Danes, 1660-1900
A World You Do Not Know
Women and the Law
Writing and the West German Protest Movements: The Textual Revolution
Women Political Prisoners in Germany: Narratives of Self and Captivity, 1915-91
Marginal Scholarship and Textual Deviance (BICS Supplement 84)
Modus Operandi: Essays in Honour of Geoffrey Rickman (BICS Supplement 71)
Making Sense of the Census Revisited
Medieval Londoners
Memory, migration and (de)colonisation in the Caribbean and beyond
Marathon – 2,500 Years. Proceedings of The Marathon Conference 2010 (BICS Supplement 124)
Medieval Merchants and Money: Essays in Honour of James L. Bolton
mit worten lûter unde glanz: Metapoetics in Konrad von Würzburg’s Trojanerkrieg
The Non-Independent Territories of the Caribbean and Pacific: Continuity or Change?
Nicaraguan Exceptionalism? Debating the Legacy of the Sandinista Revolution
Natural Resource Development and Human Rights in Latin America
The new refugees: crime and forced displacement in Latin America
We Mark Your Memory: writings from the descendants of indenture
Rethinking Past and Present in Cuba: essays in memory of Alistair Hennessy
Revisiting the Falklands-Malvinas Question
Ravenna: its role in earlier medieval change and exchange
A return to the village: community ethnographies and the study of Andean culture in retrospective
’She said she was in the family way’: Pregnancy and infancy in modern Ireland
Studies on Porphyry (BICS Supplement 98)
Shaping Migration between Europe and Latin America: New Perspectives and Challenges
Society and its Outsiders in the Novels of Jakob Wassermann
Suffrage and citizenship in Ireland, 1912-18
Philosophy, Science & Exegesis: In Greek, Arabic & Latin Commentaries (BICS Supplement 83.1)
Philosophy, Science & Exegesis: In Greek, Arabic & Latin Commentaries (BICS Supplement 83.2)
Paraguay in the 1970s
Provincialising nature: multidisciplinary approaches to the politics of the environment in Latin America
Protest and Reform in German Literature and Visual Culture, 1871-1918
The Personal Impact of Nazi Persecution. Experiences and Life Stories
Poets as Readers in Nineteenth-Century France: Critical Reflections
Profession and Performance: Aspects of oratory in the Greco-Roman world
Octavia Hill, social activism and the remaking of British society
Proceedings of the British-Chinese History Conference, Peking University, Beijing, April 2009
Refugee Reception in Southern Africa
The Victoria History of Middlesex
Pieter Geyl and Britain
European Socialists Across Borders
Anti-Communism in Britain During the Early Cold War
Gender, Emotions and Power, 1750–2020
The Glasgow Sugar Aristocracy
Democracy in Mexico
Caciquismo in Twentieth-Century Mexico
Right On?
Recasting Commodity and Spectacle in the Indigenous Americas
The Political Power of the Word
Obama’s Washington
Organized Labour and Politics in Mexico
Making Institutions Work in Peru
Wars, Parties and Nationalism
The Victoria History of Essex: Newport
The Victoria History of Hampshire: Steventon
The Victoria History of Gloucestershire: Yate
Unknown Galen (BICS Supplement 77)
Themes in Plato, Aristotle, and Hellenistic Philosophy
To Make the Earth Bear Fruit
The Secret of Secrets
Studies in the Formation of the Nation-state in Latin America
A Guide to the Naval Records in the National Archives of the UK
Fractured Politics
The Fevered Novel from Balzac to Bernanos: Frenetic Catholicism in Crisis, Delirium and Revolution
Borges and Europe Revisited
Broken Government?
America’s Americans: Population Issues in U.S. Society and Politics
Reading, Gender and Identity in Seventeenth-Century England
Adulthood in Britain and the United States from 1350 to Generation Z
Brazil: Essays on History and Politics
Nuevos Desplazados
Mapping Post-War Italian Literature
Roman Military Diplomas VI
Books, Readers and Libraries in Fiction
Innovations in Teaching History
Providing for the Poor
The Poets Laureate of the Long Eighteenth Century, 1668–1813
The Politics of Women’s Suffrage
Precarious Professionals
The Margins of Late Medieval London, 1430–1540
Masculinity and Danger on the Eighteenth-Century Grand Tour
Unite, Proletarian Brothers!
The Signature in Law
Star Chamber Matters
Magna Carta: history, context and influence
Law, Humanities and the COVID Crisis
Individuals and Institutions in Medieval Scholasticism
Giving Birth in Eighteenth-Century England
Freedom Seekers
Electronic Evidence
Electronic Signatures in Law
Electronic Evidence and Electronic Signatures
The Creighton Century, 1907–2007
The Control of the Past
Children’s Experiences of Welfare in Modern Britain
Coal Country
Church and People in Interregnum Britain
Cinemas and Cinema-Going in the United Kingdom
Civilian Specialists at War
The Clinical Legal Education Handbook
Becoming a Historian
Achieving Access to Justice in a Business and Human Rights Context
Arthur Schnitzler in Great Britain
A Critical Encounter: Bataille and Blanchot
The Terms of Our Surrender
Thomas Frederick Tout (1855–1929)
Thou Shalt Forget
Television Drama in Spain and Latin America: Genre and Format Translation
The Ties That Bind
Talking History
Theses in Progress 2017: Historical research for higher degrees in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland list no. 78 part II
Teachers of History in the Universities of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland 2017
Theses Completed 2016: Historical research for higher degrees in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland list no. 78 part 1
The Victoria History of Hampshire: Mapledurwell
The Victoria History of Herefordshire: Eastnor
The Victoria History of Leicestershire: Castle Donington
The Victoria History of Gloucestershire: Cheltenham Before the Spa
The Victoria History of Leicestershire: Buckminster and Sewstern
The Victoria History of Middlesex: Knightsbridge and Hyde
The Victoria History of Hampshire: Medieval Basingstoke
The Victoria County History of Herefordshire: Bosbury
People, Texts and Artefacts: Cultural Transmission in the Medieval Norman Worlds
Dethroning historical reputations: universities, museums and the commemoration of benefactors
Designed for Play
Before Grenfell
Mapping the State
Capitalism, Colonisation and the Ecocide-Genocide Nexus
More-than-Human Histories of Latin America and the Caribbean
Judicial Institutions in Nineteenth-Century Latin America
Joaquim Nabuco, British Abolitionists, and the End of Slavery in Brazil
Independence and Revolution in Spanish America: Perspectives and Problems
India, Greece and Rome 1757–2007 (BICS Supplement 108)
Imagines Italicae (3 vols) (BICS Supplement 110)
A history of the French in London: liberty, equality, opportunity
Healthcare Reform and Poverty in Latin America
Gender and Historiography: Studies in the earlier middle ages in honour of Pauline Stafford
Governing Mexico
Guilds and Association in Europe, 900-1900
Global Impact, Local Action
Guilds, Society and Economy in London 1450-1800
Greek large-scale bronze statuary: the late archaic and classical periods
Greek Drama III: Essays in Honour of Kevin Lee (BICS Supplement 87)
The Financing of Politics
Football in the Americas
Francisco De Miranda
Fujimori’s Peru
Freethinkers, Libertines and Schwarmer
Envisioning Global LGBT Human Rights: (Neo)colonialism, Neoliberalism, Resistance and Hope
Exclusion and Engagement
The European Revolutions of 1848 and the Americas
The East Pediment of the Parthenon - From Perikles to Nero
Electra, ancient and modern: aspects of the reception of the tragic heroine (BICS Supplement 113)
Brazil Since 1985
Brave new world: Imperial and democratic nation-building in Britain between the wars
Brazil and South Korea
Blackburn’s ‘Worthy Citizen’: The Philanthropic Legacy of R.E. Hart
American Civilization
Amazonia at the Crossroads
The Afterlife of Plutarch
The Afterlife of Virgil
The afterlife of Ovid
Ancient approaches to Plato’s ‘Republic’
Mexican Soundings
Mexican Foreign Policy at the Turn of the Twenty-first Century
Menander ’Perikeiromene’ or ’The Shorn Head’
London and beyond: Essays in honour of Derek Keene
Dilemmas of Political Change in Mexico
Development Prospects in Cuba
Democracy After Pinochet
Dialogues With the Past: Classical reception theory and practice – Volume 1 & 2 (BICS Supplement 126 -16.2)
Caribbean Literature After Independence
Caamano in London
Contesting Clio’s Craft
Currency & exchange in ancient Pompeii
Constance Pascal (1877–1937): Authority, Femininity and Feminism in French Psychiatry
The 1922 General Election Reconsidered
Forging Fraternity in Late Medieval Society
Some Other Amazonians
Science and the Creative Imagination in Latin America
The Struggle for an Enlightened Republic
Studies on Wealth in the Ancient World (BICS Supplement 133)
Seeing Red: New economic and social perspectives on Gallo-Roman terra sigilata (BICS Supplement 102)
Space in Greek Tragedy (BICS Supplement 131)
Sifting the soil of Greece. The early years of the British School at Athens (1886–1919) (BICS Supplement 111)
Reconciling Rwanda
The Rule of Law in Latin America
Regional Integration in Latin America and the Caribbean
Receiving the Komos. Ancient and modern receptions of the Victory Ode (BICS Supplement 112)
Quebec and the Heritage of Franco-America
Word on the Street
World Crisis Effects on Social Security in Latin America and the Caribbean
What Future for Human Rights in a Non-Western World?
Women’s Movement in international perspective: Latin America and Beyond
Writing and Muslim Identity: Representations of Islam in German and English Transcultural Literature, 1990-2006
Vanishing Acts on Ancient Greek Amulets
Territories, Commodities and Knowledges
Technology’s Pulse: Essays on Rhythm in German Modernism
This America We Dream of
Tides and Floods: New Research on London and the Tidal Thames from the Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century
Terrorism, Italian Style: Representations of Political Violence in Contemporary Italian Cinema
The Political Economy of the Public Budget in the Americas
The Pinochet Case
The Pinochet Case
The Politics of Religion in an Age of Revival: Studies in Nineteenth-century Europe and Latin America
Proclaiming Revolution: Bolivia in Comparative Perspective
Philoponus and the rejection of Aristotelian science (2nd edition) (BICS Supplement 103)
Persuasive Language in Cicero’s Pro Milone: A close reading and commentary
Names on Terra Sigillata. Volume 9 (T to EXIMUS) (BICS Supplement 102.9)
Names on Terra Sigillata. Volume 1 (A to AXO) (BICS Supplement 102.1)
Names on Terra Sigillata. Volume 8 (S to Symphorus) (BICS Supplement 102.8)
Names on Terra Sigillata. Volume 7 P to RXEAD (BICS Supplement 102.7)
Names on Terra Sigillata. Volume 6. MASCLUS I-BALBUS to OXITTUS (BICS Supplement 102.6)
Names on Terra Sigillata. Volume 4. F to KLUMI (BICS Supplement 102.4)
Names on Terra Sigillata. Volume 3. CERTIANUS to EXSOBANO (BICS Supplement 102.3)
Names on Terra Sigillata. Volume 2. B to CEROTCUS (BICS Supplement 102.2)
Names on Terra Sigillata. Volume 5. L to MASCLUS II (BICS Supplement 102.5)
Postcards, Translators and Esperanto Pioneers
The Victoria History of Essex: Harwich, Dovercourt and Parkeston in the 19th Century
Empty Spaces: perspectives on emptiness in modern history
The Victoria History of Herefordshire: Cradley
Democratising History
Atlantic Isles
The Victoria History of Essex: Southend
Liberation Theology and Praxis in Contemporary Latin America
British Working-Class and Radical Writing Since 1700
A Corpus of Greek Graffiti from Dalmatia
The Victoria History of Leicestershire: Lutterworth
The Victoria History of Leicestershire: Ibstock
The Victoria History of Herefordshire: Colwall
The Victoria History of Shropshire: Wem
Queer Between the Covers
Christian Felix Weiße the Translator
The Social and Political Life of Latin American Infrastructures
Mapping Crisis
Cultural Worlds of the Jesuits in Colonial Latin America
The Victoria History of Hampshire: Dummer and Kempshott, Two Chalkland Parishes
Menander "Misoumenos" or "The Hated Man"
Opposing Patriarchy
A Horizon of (Im)possibilities
International Responses to Mass Atrocities in Africa
New World Objects of Knowledge
A Matter of Trust
Possible Worlds
Voice, Silence and Gender in South Africa’s Anti-Apartheid Struggle
A British Book Collector
Glanz und Abglanz: Two Centuries of German Studies in the University of London
Greek & Roman Philosophy 100 BC-200 AD. Volumes 1-2 (BICS Supplement 94.1-2)
Gender in medieval places, spaces and thresholds
Human Rights, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in The Commonwealth
Healthcare in Ireland and Britain 1850-1970: Voluntary, regional and comparative perspectives
Heroic Chancellor: Winston Churchill and the University of Bristol, 1929 to 1965
In Protest: 150 Poems for Human Rights
Images And Texts: Papers In Honour Of Eric Handley (BICS Supplement 129)
Intercultural and Intertextual Encounters in Michael Roes’s Travel Fiction
The Agon in Classical Literature
The Afterlife of Apuleius
The Afterlife of Herodotus and Thucydides
The Afterlife of Cicero
Administering the Empire, 1801-1968
Legal Records at Risk
A Liberal Tide?
International Handbook on Clinical Tax Education
Contemporary Challenges in Securing Human Rights
Documenting the Roman Army: Essays in Honour of Margaret Roxan (BICS Supplement 81)
The Digital Classicist 2013
Cicero’s Republic (BICS Supplement 76)
The Concept of the Book: The Production, Progression and Dissemination of Information
Cultures of Anti-Racism in Latin America and the Caribbean
Creative Spaces: Urban Culture and Marginality in Latin America
Creating Ethnicities & Identities in the Roman World
Chile and the Inter-American Human Rights System
The Family Firm
From North Africa to France: Family Migration in Text and Film
Erôs and the Polis: love in context
The emergence of post-hybrid identities: a comparative analysis of national identity formations in Germany’s hip-hop culture
British History 1600-2000: Expansion in Perspective
Unweaving The Odyssey
Urban Microcosms 1789-1940
Understanding ALBA: Progress, Problems, and Prospects of Alternative Regionalism in Latin America and the Caribbean
The Victoria History of Hampshire: Cliddesden, Hatch and Farleigh Wallop
Victoria County History of Cumbria: Kirkoswald and Renwick
The Victoria History of Middlesex: St Clement Danes, 1660-1900
A World You Do Not Know
Women and the Law
Writing and the West German Protest Movements: The Textual Revolution
Women Political Prisoners in Germany: Narratives of Self and Captivity, 1915-91
Marginal Scholarship and Textual Deviance (BICS Supplement 84)
Modus Operandi: Essays in Honour of Geoffrey Rickman (BICS Supplement 71)
Making Sense of the Census Revisited
Medieval Londoners
Memory, migration and (de)colonisation in the Caribbean and beyond
Marathon – 2,500 Years. Proceedings of The Marathon Conference 2010 (BICS Supplement 124)
Medieval Merchants and Money: Essays in Honour of James L. Bolton
mit worten lûter unde glanz: Metapoetics in Konrad von Würzburg’s Trojanerkrieg
The Non-Independent Territories of the Caribbean and Pacific: Continuity or Change?
Nicaraguan Exceptionalism? Debating the Legacy of the Sandinista Revolution
Natural Resource Development and Human Rights in Latin America
The new refugees: crime and forced displacement in Latin America
We Mark Your Memory: writings from the descendants of indenture
Rethinking Past and Present in Cuba: essays in memory of Alistair Hennessy
Revisiting the Falklands-Malvinas Question
Ravenna: its role in earlier medieval change and exchange
A return to the village: community ethnographies and the study of Andean culture in retrospective
’She said she was in the family way’: Pregnancy and infancy in modern Ireland
Studies on Porphyry (BICS Supplement 98)
Shaping Migration between Europe and Latin America: New Perspectives and Challenges
Society and its Outsiders in the Novels of Jakob Wassermann
Suffrage and citizenship in Ireland, 1912-18
Philosophy, Science & Exegesis: In Greek, Arabic & Latin Commentaries (BICS Supplement 83.1)
Philosophy, Science & Exegesis: In Greek, Arabic & Latin Commentaries (BICS Supplement 83.2)
Paraguay in the 1970s
Provincialising nature: multidisciplinary approaches to the politics of the environment in Latin America
Protest and Reform in German Literature and Visual Culture, 1871-1918
The Personal Impact of Nazi Persecution. Experiences and Life Stories
Poets as Readers in Nineteenth-Century France: Critical Reflections
Profession and Performance: Aspects of oratory in the Greco-Roman world
Octavia Hill, social activism and the remaking of British society
Proceedings of the British-Chinese History Conference, Peking University, Beijing, April 2009
Refugee Reception in Southern Africa
The Victoria History of Middlesex
Pieter Geyl and Britain
European Socialists Across Borders
Anti-Communism in Britain During the Early Cold War
Gender, Emotions and Power, 1750–2020
The Glasgow Sugar Aristocracy
Democracy in Mexico
Caciquismo in Twentieth-Century Mexico
Right On?
Recasting Commodity and Spectacle in the Indigenous Americas
The Political Power of the Word
Obama’s Washington
Organized Labour and Politics in Mexico
Making Institutions Work in Peru
Wars, Parties and Nationalism
The Victoria History of Essex: Newport
The Victoria History of Hampshire: Steventon
The Victoria History of Gloucestershire: Yate
Unknown Galen (BICS Supplement 77)
Themes in Plato, Aristotle, and Hellenistic Philosophy
To Make the Earth Bear Fruit
The Secret of Secrets
Studies in the Formation of the Nation-state in Latin America
A Guide to the Naval Records in the National Archives of the UK
Fractured Politics
The Fevered Novel from Balzac to Bernanos: Frenetic Catholicism in Crisis, Delirium and Revolution
Borges and Europe Revisited
Broken Government?
America’s Americans: Population Issues in U.S. Society and Politics
Reading, Gender and Identity in Seventeenth-Century England
Adulthood in Britain and the United States from 1350 to Generation Z
Brazil: Essays on History and Politics
Nuevos Desplazados
Mapping Post-War Italian Literature
Roman Military Diplomas VI
Books, Readers and Libraries in Fiction
Innovations in Teaching History
Providing for the Poor
The Poets Laureate of the Long Eighteenth Century, 1668–1813
The Politics of Women’s Suffrage
Precarious Professionals
The Margins of Late Medieval London, 1430–1540
Masculinity and Danger on the Eighteenth-Century Grand Tour
Unite, Proletarian Brothers!
The Signature in Law
Star Chamber Matters
Magna Carta: history, context and influence
Law, Humanities and the COVID Crisis
Individuals and Institutions in Medieval Scholasticism
Giving Birth in Eighteenth-Century England
Freedom Seekers
Electronic Evidence
Electronic Signatures in Law
Electronic Evidence and Electronic Signatures
The Creighton Century, 1907–2007
The Control of the Past
Children’s Experiences of Welfare in Modern Britain
Coal Country
Church and People in Interregnum Britain
Cinemas and Cinema-Going in the United Kingdom
Civilian Specialists at War
The Clinical Legal Education Handbook
Becoming a Historian
Achieving Access to Justice in a Business and Human Rights Context
Arthur Schnitzler in Great Britain
A Critical Encounter: Bataille and Blanchot
The Terms of Our Surrender
Thomas Frederick Tout (1855–1929)
Thou Shalt Forget
Television Drama in Spain and Latin America: Genre and Format Translation
The Ties That Bind
Talking History
Theses in Progress 2017: Historical research for higher degrees in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland list no. 78 part II
Teachers of History in the Universities of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland 2017
Theses Completed 2016: Historical research for higher degrees in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland list no. 78 part 1
The Victoria History of Hampshire: Mapledurwell
The Victoria History of Herefordshire: Eastnor
The Victoria History of Leicestershire: Castle Donington
The Victoria History of Gloucestershire: Cheltenham Before the Spa
The Victoria History of Leicestershire: Buckminster and Sewstern
The Victoria History of Middlesex: Knightsbridge and Hyde
The Victoria History of Hampshire: Medieval Basingstoke
The Victoria County History of Herefordshire: Bosbury
People, Texts and Artefacts: Cultural Transmission in the Medieval Norman Worlds
Dethroning historical reputations: universities, museums and the commemoration of benefactors
Designed for Play
Before Grenfell
Mapping the State
Capitalism, Colonisation and the Ecocide-Genocide Nexus
More-than-Human Histories of Latin America and the Caribbean
Judicial Institutions in Nineteenth-Century Latin America
Joaquim Nabuco, British Abolitionists, and the End of Slavery in Brazil
Independence and Revolution in Spanish America: Perspectives and Problems
India, Greece and Rome 1757–2007 (BICS Supplement 108)
Imagines Italicae (3 vols) (BICS Supplement 110)
A history of the French in London: liberty, equality, opportunity
Healthcare Reform and Poverty in Latin America
Gender and Historiography: Studies in the earlier middle ages in honour of Pauline Stafford
Governing Mexico
Guilds and Association in Europe, 900-1900
Global Impact, Local Action
Guilds, Society and Economy in London 1450-1800
Greek large-scale bronze statuary: the late archaic and classical periods
Greek Drama III: Essays in Honour of Kevin Lee (BICS Supplement 87)
The Financing of Politics
Football in the Americas
Francisco De Miranda
Fujimori’s Peru
Freethinkers, Libertines and Schwarmer
Envisioning Global LGBT Human Rights: (Neo)colonialism, Neoliberalism, Resistance and Hope
Exclusion and Engagement
The European Revolutions of 1848 and the Americas
The East Pediment of the Parthenon - From Perikles to Nero
Electra, ancient and modern: aspects of the reception of the tragic heroine (BICS Supplement 113)
Brazil Since 1985
Brave new world: Imperial and democratic nation-building in Britain between the wars
Brazil and South Korea
Blackburn’s ‘Worthy Citizen’: The Philanthropic Legacy of R.E. Hart
American Civilization
Amazonia at the Crossroads
The Afterlife of Plutarch
The Afterlife of Virgil
The afterlife of Ovid
Ancient approaches to Plato’s ‘Republic’
Mexican Soundings
Mexican Foreign Policy at the Turn of the Twenty-first Century
Menander ’Perikeiromene’ or ’The Shorn Head’
London and beyond: Essays in honour of Derek Keene
Dilemmas of Political Change in Mexico
Development Prospects in Cuba
Democracy After Pinochet
Dialogues With the Past: Classical reception theory and practice – Volume 1 & 2 (BICS Supplement 126 -16.2)
Caribbean Literature After Independence
Caamano in London
Contesting Clio’s Craft
Currency & exchange in ancient Pompeii
Constance Pascal (1877–1937): Authority, Femininity and Feminism in French Psychiatry
The 1922 General Election Reconsidered
Forging Fraternity in Late Medieval Society
Some Other Amazonians
Science and the Creative Imagination in Latin America
The Struggle for an Enlightened Republic
Studies on Wealth in the Ancient World (BICS Supplement 133)
Seeing Red: New economic and social perspectives on Gallo-Roman terra sigilata (BICS Supplement 102)
Space in Greek Tragedy (BICS Supplement 131)
Sifting the soil of Greece. The early years of the British School at Athens (1886–1919) (BICS Supplement 111)
Reconciling Rwanda
The Rule of Law in Latin America
Regional Integration in Latin America and the Caribbean
Receiving the Komos. Ancient and modern receptions of the Victory Ode (BICS Supplement 112)
Quebec and the Heritage of Franco-America
Word on the Street
World Crisis Effects on Social Security in Latin America and the Caribbean
What Future for Human Rights in a Non-Western World?
Women’s Movement in international perspective: Latin America and Beyond
Writing and Muslim Identity: Representations of Islam in German and English Transcultural Literature, 1990-2006
Vanishing Acts on Ancient Greek Amulets
Territories, Commodities and Knowledges
Technology’s Pulse: Essays on Rhythm in German Modernism
This America We Dream of
Tides and Floods: New Research on London and the Tidal Thames from the Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century
Terrorism, Italian Style: Representations of Political Violence in Contemporary Italian Cinema
The Political Economy of the Public Budget in the Americas
The Pinochet Case
The Pinochet Case
The Politics of Religion in an Age of Revival: Studies in Nineteenth-century Europe and Latin America
Proclaiming Revolution: Bolivia in Comparative Perspective
Philoponus and the rejection of Aristotelian science (2nd edition) (BICS Supplement 103)
Persuasive Language in Cicero’s Pro Milone: A close reading and commentary
Names on Terra Sigillata. Volume 9 (T to EXIMUS) (BICS Supplement 102.9)
Names on Terra Sigillata. Volume 1 (A to AXO) (BICS Supplement 102.1)
Names on Terra Sigillata. Volume 8 (S to Symphorus) (BICS Supplement 102.8)
Names on Terra Sigillata. Volume 7 P to RXEAD (BICS Supplement 102.7)
Names on Terra Sigillata. Volume 6. MASCLUS I-BALBUS to OXITTUS (BICS Supplement 102.6)
Names on Terra Sigillata. Volume 4. F to KLUMI (BICS Supplement 102.4)
Names on Terra Sigillata. Volume 3. CERTIANUS to EXSOBANO (BICS Supplement 102.3)
Names on Terra Sigillata. Volume 2. B to CEROTCUS (BICS Supplement 102.2)
Names on Terra Sigillata. Volume 5. L to MASCLUS II (BICS Supplement 102.5)
Postcards, Translators and Esperanto Pioneers
The Victoria History of Essex: Harwich, Dovercourt and Parkeston in the 19th Century
Empty Spaces: perspectives on emptiness in modern history
The Victoria History of Herefordshire: Cradley
Democratising History
Atlantic Isles
The Victoria History of Essex: Southend
Liberation Theology and Praxis in Contemporary Latin America
British Working-Class and Radical Writing Since 1700
Titles By Publisher
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