Established in 1956, and part of the University of Hong Kong, Asia’s most prominent English-speaking university, we publish most of our books in English. Building on our unique position in Asia, works published by the Press examine, critique, and celebrate Asia’s place in the world. While academics from every area of Asian Studies are represented on our list, we have gained particular renown for publications in cultural studies, film and media studies, and Chinese history and culture.
Studies in Colloquial Chinese and Its History
The Cinema of Wang Bing
The Making of Chinese-Sinophone Literatures as World Literature
War and Revolution in South China
Searching for Sweetness
Daily Giving Service
Sir Robert Ho Tung
Working the System
Contract Law in Hong Kong
Women We Love
The Chinese Idea of a University
Chinese Cinema
Frontiers of Memory in the Asia-Pacific
The First British Trade Expedition to China
Hong Kong’s Link to the US Dollar
Imagined Geographies
Integrated Systematic Nephrology
New Asian Disorder
Rebel Men
Grounded at Kai Tak
Guide for Design, Installation, and Assessment of Post-installed Reinforcements
The Many Faces of Ruan Dacheng
Malaysian Cinema in the New Millennium
Mastery of Words and Swords
Queering Chinese Kinship
The Public Sector in Hong Kong
Land Administration and Practice in Hong Kong
On Saving Face
Death and Life of Nature in Asian Cities
Asian Revitalization
Chiang Yee and His Circle
Eros of International Relations
The Authorship of Place
Jin Yan
The Chinese Literati on Painting
Director in Action
Functional Constituencies
First Queer Voices from Thailand
Early Chinese Texts on Painting
A Social History of the Chinese Book
More than 1001 Days and Nights of Hong Kong Internment
Maid to Queer
New University Putonghua, Volume 1
Wang Renmei
Ruan Ling-Yu
Sino-French Trade at Canton, 1698–1842
Poetry against Torture
Portraits of 21st Century Chinese Universities
Prince Gao’s Occupation of Annan and the Rise of Regional Autonomy under the Late Tang
Painting Her Way
Professional Learning Together
Perspectives on Marine Environmental Change in Hong Kong, 1977–2001
Power and Identity in the Chinese World Order
The Power of Supply and Demand
The Peach Blossom Fan
Pricing Foreign Exchange Options
Privatization of Urban Land in Shanghai
Professional and Continuing Education in Hong Kong
Proceedings of the International Seminar on Natural Family Planning and Family Life Education
Professional Practices of Human Resource Management in Hong Kong
The Perfect Dictatorship
Pacific Crossing
Promoting All-Round Education for Girls
Paths of Justice
Problem-Based Medical Case Management, Second Edition
Popular Memories of the Mao Era
Places of Nature in Ecologies of Urbanism
Piecing Together Sha Po
Picturing Technology in China
A Perpetual Fire
Preventing Family Violence
The Pusan International Film Festival, South Korean Cinema and Globalization
Pictures of Tilling and Weaving
Paper Scissors Stone
Peter Ho-Sun Chan’s He’s a Woman, She’s a Man
Professional Communication
Public Success, Private Sorrow
Philippine English
The Poetics of Difference and Displacement
Profits, Politics and Panics
Power and Charity
The Political Economy of Sino-American Relations
Population and Society in Contemporary Tibet
A Practical Approach to Conditions of Contract for Civil Engineering Works
An Ordinary Man
Opulence of the Jao’s Lotus
Officialdom Unmasked
Old Masters Repainted
Old China Through G. E. Morrison’s Eyes (Revised Edition)
Oceanic Archives, Indigenous Epistemologies, and Transpacific American Studies
On Telling Images of China
The Old Shanghai A–Z
Officialdom Unmasked
Learning Diversity in the Chinese Classroom
Language Education in China
Lifelong Learning in Action
Land Administration and Practice in Hong Kong, Fourth Edition
A Lifetime in Academia
The Lending Power of PISA
Learning About Water & Matter
Life in the Tang Dynasty
Legal Discourse across Cultures and Systems
Light the Darkness
Law, Morality, and the Private Domain
Learning Language Through Literature in Secondary Schools
Linear Optimization in Applications
Laws of Banking and Finance in the Hong Kong SAR
The Last Half Century of Chinese Overseas
Learning Language Through Literature
Language in Hong Kong at Century’s End
Libraries and Information Centres in Hong Kong
Lugard in Hong Kong
Learning and Teaching in the Chinese Classroom
Lens on China
The Last of China’s Literati
Korean Masculinities and Transcultural Consumption
Knowledge Across Cultures
Knowledge Is Pleasure
Jumping Through Hoops
Japanese Cinema Goes Global
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
John Woo’s Bullet in the Head
Johnnie To Kei-Fung’s PTU
John Woo’s A Better Tomorrow
Imperial Contagions
Investigative Journalism in China
Introduction to the Hong Kong Basic Law, Second Edition
International Studies of Educational Achievement
Introduction to Crime, Law and Justice in Hong Kong
Ink Dances in Limbo
Information Technology and Innovation in Language Education
Information Technology and the Challenge for Hong Kong
An Introduction to the Cape d’Aguilar Marine Reserve, Hong Kong
International Commercial Arbitration in Hong Kong
Islam in Hong Kong
Independent Language Learning
Imagining Gay Paradise
Intimating the Sacred
In the Ruins of the Japanese Empire
Indonesian Cinema after the New Order
Images of the Canton Factories 1760–1822
Introduction to the Hong Kong Basic Law, Second Edition
International Education and the Chinese Learner
International Education and the Chinese Learner
Imperial Masquerade
Islands and Continents
Impacts of Modernities (Traces 3)
Impacts of Modernities (Traces 3)
Incense Tree
Humour in Chinese Life and Letters
Hong Kong’s Housing Policy
Hong Kong Internment, 1942–1945
Hong Kong’s Chinese History Curriculum from 1945
Hong Kong, China and 1997
Hong Kong Culture
Historical Fragments of Lha btsun, Master of Sakya School of Tibetan Buddhism in the 13th–14th Century 13–14?????????????????
Heart of Coral
Hong Kong Mobile
HKU SPACE and Its Alumni
Hands On or Hands Off? The Nature and Process of Economic Policy in Hong Kong
Hong Kong Invaded! A ’97 Nightmare
Hong Kong Reintegrating with China
Hong Kong Commercial Law
Hong Kong’s Young Children
The Hong Kong School Curriculum
Hong Kong
Hong Kong Public Law Reports, Vol. 4, Part 3 (1994)
Hong Kong Public Law Reports, Vol. 4, Part 2 (1994)
Hong Kong Public Law Reports, Vol. 4, Part 1 (1994)
The Huaqiao Warriors
Hong Kong Public Law Reports, Vol. 2 (1992)
Hong Kong Public Law Reports, Vol. 3, Part 4 (1993)
Hong Kong Public Law Reports, Vol. 3, Part 3 (1993)
Hong Kong Public Law Reports, Vol. 3, Part 2 (1993)
Hong Kong Public Law Reports, Vol. 3, Part 1 (1993)
Harnessing Information Power
Hong Kong Public Law Reports, Vol. 1 (1991)
Hong Kong Images
Hong Kong Cantopop
Hong Kong Media Law
Harbin to Hanoi
Humour in Chinese Life and Culture
Hong Kong Land for Hong Kong People
The Happy Hsiungs
Hong Kong Legal Principles
Hong Kong As It Was
Hands On or Hands Off? The Nature and Process of Economic Policy in Hong Kong
Hong Kong x 24 x 365
Hong Kong’s New Constitutional Order
Higher Education in Post-Mao China
Hills and Streams
Hong Kong’s Watershed
The Great Difference
Globalization and Education
Gaming, Governance and Public Policy in Macao
Global Stories—Literary Journalism
Globalization and the Humanities
Getting Heard
Growing with Hong Kong
A Guide to Pain Medicine
A Guide to Medical, Health and Welfare Libraries and Information Resources in Hong Kong
Geography and the Environment in Southeast Asia
G. E. Morrison’s Journey in Northwest China in 1910 (2 volumes)
Gender, Health, and History in Modern East Asia
Gaming, Governance and Public Policy in Macao
Form and Impression
Following Ni Yunlin’s Spirit
Feelings of the Brush
For Each and Everyone
Family-Based Mental Health Care in Rural China
The Fragile Scholar
Family Mediation
Friends and Teachers
Foreign Investment in China
Fossils from a Rural Past
Fang Zhaoling
The First Chinese American
Feeling Asian Modernities
Foreigners under Mao
From Object to Concept
Floating on a Malayan Breeze
Fruit Chan’s Made in Hong Kong
Filming Margins
English as a Lingua Franca in ASEAN
English in Singapore
Eastern Figures
East Asian Pop Culture
e-Learning Initiatives in China
Early Childhood Care and Education in the Asia Pacific Region
Educational Reforms in Russia and China at the Turn of the 21st Century
Evidence2 + Evidence3 = Evidence5 = Evidence = One (Double Evidence Plus Triple Evidence Equals Quintuple Evidence If and Only If Evidence Is Unitary)
Edward S. T. Ho
Education, Growth, Aid and Development
Education in Developing Asia Vol.1
Education and Political Transition
Education and the Politics of Language
Education in China and Abroad
Essays in Commemoration of the Golden Jubilee of the Fung Ping Shan Library (1932–1982) (2 vols)
The Economic Integration of Greater China
Elderly Chinese in Pacific Rim Countries
Educational Leadership and Change
Early Chinese Work in Natural Science
An East India Company Cemetery
Essays on Aviation and Travel Law in Hong Kong
Education in Hong Kong, Pre-1841 to 1941
Exchange Rate Regimes and Macroeconomic Management in Asia
Europe and China
Eileen Chang
Escape from Hong Kong
East River Column
Everything in Style
Emperor Qianlong’s Hidden Treasures
Expand Your English
English Exposed
Enclave to Urbanity
East Sails West
English in Asian Popular Culture
English in Asian Popular Culture
The Empress and Mrs. Conger
Ethics in Early China
Early China Coast Meteorology
Enriching Lives
Electing Hong Kong’s Chief Executive
Elusive Pirates, Pervasive Smugglers
Education for Social Citizenship
English Explained
Enchanted by Lohans
Clinical Communication Skills
Cheques, Second Edition
Chinese Ideas about Nature and Society
Celebrity in China
Current Trends in Comparative Endocrinology (2 volumes)
Confucianism and Christianity
The Corals of Hong Kong
Community Problems and Social Work in Southeast Asia
The Chinese Learner
The City as a Centre of Change in Asia
The Chinese Exotic
Chinese-English Contrastive Grammar
Conditional Spaces
China Abroad
Colours of Money, Shades of Pride
Colonial Hong Kong and Modern China
Comfort Women Activism
A City Mismanaged
A Chinese Melting Pot
China’s Urban Labor Market
Construction Contract Essentials in Hong Kong
Chinese Indonesians in Post-Suharto Indonesia
Contract Law in Hong Kong, Third Edition
The Classical Gardens of Shanghai
Crime and the Chinese Dream
Chinese Opera
Cantonese Society in Hong Kong and Singapore
Curriculum, Schooling and Society in Hong Kong
Critical Zone 3
A Century of Travels in China
Cross-Dressing in Chinese Opera
Carl Crow—A Tough Old China Hand
Critical Zone 2
China and Capitalism
Contours of Culture
Changing Rice Bowl
Changing Church and State Relations in Hong Kong, 1950–2000
City Voices
Cognitive Neuroscience Studies of the Chinese Language
China Bound and Unbound
City of Broken Promises
Burden or Legacy
Bilingual Education
Béthanie et Nazareth
Breathing Space
Business Expansion and Structural Change in Pre-War China
A Biographical Sketch-Book of Early Hong Kong
Better Supervision Better Teaching
Building Hong Kong
The Book of Literary Design
Building Enclosure in Hong Kong
A Bibliography of Hong Kong Marine Science
The Bivalvia
Basic and Applied Aspects of Vestibular Function
Brushing History Against the Grain
Buying Beauty
Beneath the Banyan Tree
The Bewitching Braid
Buddhist Visual Cultures, Rhetoric, and Narrative in Late Burmese Wall Paintings
Boys’ Love, Cosplay, and Androgynous Idols
The British Presence in Macau, 1635–1793
The New Chinese Documentary Film Movement
New Music in China and The C. C. Liu Collection at the University of Hong Kong
The New Legal Order in Hong Kong
Narratives of Free Trade
Neurology in Practice, Fifth Edition
News under Fire
New Television, Globalisation, and the East Asian Cultural Imagination
No Man an Island
A Macao Narrative
Maintaining Control
Management and Economics of Construction Safety in Hong Kong
Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage
The Making of Women Entrepreneurs in Hong Kong
Modern Construction Project Management, Second Edition
The Marine Flora and Fauna of Hong Kong and Southern China V
The Mangrove Ecosystem of Deep Bay and the Mai Po Marshes, Hong Kong
The Marine Biology of the South China Sea III
The Marine Flora and Fauna of Hong Kong and Southern China IV
The Malacofauna of Hong Kong and Southern China III
The Marine Biology of the South China Sea I & II (2 vols.)
The Myth of Neighbourhood Mutual Help
The Marine Flora and Fauna of Hong Kong and Southern China III (2 vols.)
The Malacofauna of Hong Kong and Southern China II (2 vols)
May Days in Hong Kong
Mandarin Pronunciation Explained with Diagrams, Revised Edition
The Memoirs of Jin Luxian, Volume 1
Melancholy Drift
Merchants’ Daughters
Moving Millions
Madmen and Other Survivors
Moving Poetry
Metacinema in Contemporary Chinese Film
Making Icons
Mu Shiying
Mongolia and the United States
Merchants of Canton and Macao
Macao’s Church of Saint Paul
Mabel Cheung Yuen-Ting’s An Autumn’s Tale
Masculinities and Hong Kong Cinema
Macao and the British, 1637–1842
The Dragon and the Crown
Developing Materials for TOC English
Discourses of Cultural China in the Globalizing Age
Discourse as Cultural Struggle
Disputed Territories
Developing Learning Environments
Dispersal and Renewal
Doctoral Dissertations on Hong Kong, 1900–1997
Drugs, Law and the State
Directions in Self-Access Language Learning
The Defences of Macau
The Dynamics of Beijing–Hong Kong Relations
Diasporic Histories
Drawing New Color Lines
A Dictionary of Hong Kong English
Discourses of Cultural China in the Globalizing Age
Discourse as Cultural Struggle
Dissertation Writing in Practice
China in Revolution
Contact Moments
Cinema at the City’s Edge
Cultural Studies and Cultural Industries in Northeast Asia
Collaborative Colonial Power
The Canton Trade
City Stage
Crossing Oceans
Common Careers, Different Experiences
China’s Legal Awakening
Contract Law in Hong Kong, Expanded Second Edition
China’s Pan-Pearl River Delta
Curriculum, Schooling and Society in Hong Kong
Comparative Education
Changing Times, Changing Territories
Chinese Lesson
The Correspondence between Prof. Paul Demiéville and Prof. Jao Tsung-i
Changing Conceptions of Teaching and Learning in Hong Kong
Comparative Higher Education
Clinical Voice Assessment and Therapy
Clinical Voice Assessment and Therapy
Corporate Governance and Financial Reform in China’s Transition Economy
Critical Zone 1
China’s English
Cross-Dressing in Chinese Opera
Changing the Curriculum
The Challenge of Hong Kong’s Reintegration with China
Changing Nature’s Course
A Clinical Atlas of Chinese Infants
Communication Disorders
Baptism by Yang Jiang
Asian Englishes
Activating Peer Support
Assessment for Learning
The Archaeology of Hong Kong
All Roads Lead to the American City
An Annotated Bibliography of Chinese Film Studies
At the Epicentre
At Home with Density
At Home with Density
Asian Marine Biology 18 (2001)
Asian Marine Biology 17 (2000)
Asian Marine Biology 16 (1999)
All the King’s Women
Asian Marine Biology 15 (1998)
Asian Marine Biology 14 (1997)
Asian Marine Biology 13 (1996)
Art and Place
Asian Marine Biology 12 (1995)
Asian Marine Biology 11 (1994)
Asian Marine Biology 10 (1993)
Asian Marine Biology 9 (1992)
Asian Marine Biology 8 (1991)
Asian Voices in English
Asian Marine Biology 7 (1990)
Asian Marine Biology 5 (1988)
Asian Marine Biology 4 (1987)
Asian Marine Biology 3 (1986)
Asian Marine Biology 2 (1985)
Asian Marine Biology 1 (1984)
Asian Crossings
Asian Diasporas
All Things Dusk
Americans and Macao
Ancestral Images
As Normal as Possible
All Roads Lead to the American City
Andrew Lau and Alan Mak’s Infernal Affairs—The Trilogy
The Administrative History of the Hong Kong Government Agencies 1841–2002
Art, Politics, and Commerce in Chinese Cinema
Art, Politics, and Commerce in Chinese Cinema
Anglo-Chinese Diplomacy 1906–1920
Crime, Justice and Punishment in Colonial Hong Kong
Yonfan’s Bugis Street
Yonfan’s Bugis Street
Yuen Woo Ping’s Wing Chun
Watching Over Hong Kong
World Weavers
Wuming (No Name) Painting Catalogue Vol. 2 Li Shan
Wuming (No Name) Painting Catalogue Vol. 5 Shi Zhenyu
Wuming (No Name) Painting Catalogue Vol. 12 Zheng Zigang
Wuming (No Name) Painting Catalogue Vol. 7 Wang Aihe
Wandering Spirit
Wild Flowers of South China and Hong Kong, Part 2
Walking Macao, Reading the Baroque
Working with Youth-at-Risk in Hong Kong
World Englishes in Asian Contexts
Work and Society
Whose Business Values? Some Asian and Cross-Cultural Perspectives
Works by Fang Zhaoling
Wuming (No Name) Painting Catalogue Vol. 11 Zhao Wenliang
The Wilderness by Ts’ao Yu
The Wilderness by Ts’ao Yu
Wuming (No Name) Painting Catalogue Vol. 6 Tian Shuying
Wang Kuo-wei’s Jen-chien Tz’u-hua
Wuming (No Name) Painting Catalogue Vol. 4 Ma Kelu
Walking Macao, Reading the Baroque
Where There Are Asians, There Are Rice Cookers
Wuming (No Name) Painting Catalogue Vol. 3 Liu Shi
Wuming (No Name) Painting Catalogue Vol. 8 Wei Hai
World Englishes in Asian Contexts
Wong Kar-wai’s Happy Together
Wong Kar-wai’s Ashes of Time
Wuming (No Name) Painting Catalogue Vol. 10 Zhang Wei
Wuming (No Name) Painting Catalogue Vol. 9 Yang Yushu
Water Driven
Values Education for Dynamic Societies
The Voices of Macao Stones
Virtual Design Studio
Votes Without Power
Visualizing Beauty
The Virgin Mary and Catholic Identities in Chinese History
Via Ports
Voluntary Organizations in the Chinese Diaspora
Understanding South Asian Minorities in Hong Kong
UNESCO’s Origins, Achievements, Problems and Promise
The Unified Stroke
Universe of the Mind
Unity and Diversity
Understanding Marriage
The United States Constitution
University of Hong Kong
Underground Front
Understanding English Homonyms
Universities in Translation
Understanding Corporate Governance in China
Ulaanbaatar beyond Water and Grass
Uneasy Partners
University Autonomy, the State, and Social Change in China
Stepping Forth into the World
Suicide in Asia
Structure, Audience and Soft Power in East Asian Pop Culture
Staging Revolution
Shipping and Logistics Law
Small God, Big City
Sex and Desire in Hong Kong
Scottish Mandarin
Structure, Audience and Soft Power in East Asian Pop Culture
School Guidance and Counselling
Studies of Chinese Linguistics
The Scripting of a National History
Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship in Hong Kong
Situating Sexualities
The Sources of Hong Kong Law
Surviving Nirvana
Repositioning the Hong Kong Government
Return Migration and Identity
Reading Chinese Transnationalisms
Reluctant Regulators
Regulating Private Tutoring for Public Good
The Realm of Amalgamation
Respiratory Medicine
Reef Fishes of Hong Kong
Responding to Child Abuse
Rogue Flows
Remade in Hollywood
Reading Du Fu
Returning Home with Glory
Revolutions as Organizational Change
Reforming Law Reform
Rethinking Visual Narratives from Asia
Remembering China from Taiwan
Rebuilding the Ancestral Village
Reluctant Heroes
Reclaimed Land
Race Panic and the Memory of Migration (Traces 2)
Race Panic and the Memory of Migration (Traces 2)
The Road
The Quest for Gold
The Quest of Noel Croucher
Queer Singapore
Queer Bangkok
Queer Chinese Cultures and Mobilities
Queer Politics and Sexual Modernity in Taiwan
Zoning and Property Rights
Y K Pao
Young People and Careers
Tort Law in Hong Kong
Teaching Abroad
Toward Critical Patriotism
Textbook of Neonatal Medicine
Tales from No. 9 Ice House Street
Teaching the Chinese Learner
Target Oriented Curriculum Evaluation Project
Traditional Jingdezhen Wares from Contemporary Kilns
To Serve and to Lead
TV Drama in China
Telecommunications Development in Asia
Telecommunications Development in Asia
Translation, Biopolitics, Colonial Difference (Traces 4)
Translation, Biopolitics, Colonial Difference (Traces 4)
Town Planning in Hong Kong
Tales from No. 9 Ice House Street
Town Planning Practice
Town Planning in Hong Kong
Topics in Pathology for Hong Kong
Teaching and Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language
Talk to Me in Cantonese
Tsui Hark’s Peking Opera Blues
Tsui Hark’s Peking Opera Blues
Talk Radio, the Mainstream Press, and Public Opinion in Hong Kong
Talk Radio, the Mainstream Press, and Public Opinion in Hong Kong
Troubling American Women
Thistle and Bamboo
The Taking of Hong Kong
Through the Looking Glass
TV Drama in China
Tsui Hark’s Zu
Taste of Macau
Shanghai Lalas
The Soul of Beijing Opera
The Six-Day War of 1899
Southern District Officer Reports
Shaping the Health of Hong Kong
The Shek Kip Mei Myth
Staging Nation
A Seventh Child and the Law
Sustainable Development in Hong Kong
A Seventh Child and the Law
Schooling in Hong Kong
Social Work Intervention in Health Care
China’s Foreign Places
The Sinking of the Lisbon Maru
Horror to the Extreme
Asian Celebrity Cultures in the Digital Age
Revitalization in Asia
The Search for a Vanishing Beijing
Being Eurasian
Contemporary Hong Kong Government and Politics, Third Edition
China’s Energy Security in the Twenty-First Century
A Contemporary History of the Chinese Zheng
Han Heroes and Yamato Warriors
Heritage and History in the China–Australia Migration Corridor
Coercive Commerce
Hong Kong Foodways
Man in a Hurry
Making National Heroes
Pandemic Minds
Psychosis and Schizophrenia in Hong Kong
The Wolf Economy Awakens
When the Yellow River Floods
Outlaws of the Sea
The New Politics of Beijing–Hong Kong Relations
Baptism by Yang Jiang
Steamships across the Pacific
Watch with Wonder
Chinese Music in Print
Christianity and Education in Modern China
Voice Therapy for Children
The National Security Law of Hong Kong
The Placemakers of Hong Kong
Chinese Rank Badges
Chinese Art and Its Encounter with the World
Classroom Management
Painting Architecture
Philippine Gay Culture
Scribes of Gastronomy
The Making of Macau’s Fusion Cuisine
King Hu’s A Touch of Zen
Life on the Fringe
Hong Kong Public and Squatter Housing
Tracing China
Modern Chinese Counter-Enlightenment
Lu Xun and World Literature
Surrealism from Paris to Shanghai
Penalties of Empire
A New Documentary History of Hong Kong, 1945–1997
Redefining Heresy and Tolerance
Yi Jing, Book of Changes, The Great Walls of China Series
The Universal Scream
Shan Shui, Mountain Water
Queer TV China
The 70’s Biweekly
Ordinary Moments +
The Last Emperor Revisited
Journalism Ethics
Ecologies of Urbanism in India
Carnival of Dreams
Meiji Graves in Happy Valley
Rosie Young
Tuberculosis Control and Institutional Change in Shanghai, 1911–2011
My Life in Medicine
How COVID-19 Took Over the World
Socializing Medicine
National Security and Fundamental Freedoms
The Idea of a China Arrest Warrant
The Sensuous Cinema of Wong Kar-wai
Early Buddhist Teachings
Academic English
Written in Stone
HK Phil 50+
Evolving Creative Mindsets
Towards a Future for BRICS+
The Empress and the Dragon Throne
Sustaining Landscapes
Cross and Dragon – Matteo Ricci and China
On the Steppes of Dreams
The Cinema of Wang Bing
The Making of Chinese-Sinophone Literatures as World Literature
War and Revolution in South China
Searching for Sweetness
Daily Giving Service
Sir Robert Ho Tung
Working the System
Contract Law in Hong Kong
Women We Love
The Chinese Idea of a University
Chinese Cinema
Frontiers of Memory in the Asia-Pacific
The First British Trade Expedition to China
Hong Kong’s Link to the US Dollar
Imagined Geographies
Integrated Systematic Nephrology
New Asian Disorder
Rebel Men
Grounded at Kai Tak
Guide for Design, Installation, and Assessment of Post-installed Reinforcements
The Many Faces of Ruan Dacheng
Malaysian Cinema in the New Millennium
Mastery of Words and Swords
Queering Chinese Kinship
The Public Sector in Hong Kong
Land Administration and Practice in Hong Kong
On Saving Face
Death and Life of Nature in Asian Cities
Asian Revitalization
Chiang Yee and His Circle
Eros of International Relations
The Authorship of Place
Jin Yan
The Chinese Literati on Painting
Director in Action
Functional Constituencies
First Queer Voices from Thailand
Early Chinese Texts on Painting
A Social History of the Chinese Book
More than 1001 Days and Nights of Hong Kong Internment
Maid to Queer
New University Putonghua, Volume 1
Wang Renmei
Ruan Ling-Yu
Sino-French Trade at Canton, 1698–1842
Poetry against Torture
Portraits of 21st Century Chinese Universities
Prince Gao’s Occupation of Annan and the Rise of Regional Autonomy under the Late Tang
Painting Her Way
Professional Learning Together
Perspectives on Marine Environmental Change in Hong Kong, 1977–2001
Power and Identity in the Chinese World Order
The Power of Supply and Demand
The Peach Blossom Fan
Pricing Foreign Exchange Options
Privatization of Urban Land in Shanghai
Professional and Continuing Education in Hong Kong
Proceedings of the International Seminar on Natural Family Planning and Family Life Education
Professional Practices of Human Resource Management in Hong Kong
The Perfect Dictatorship
Pacific Crossing
Promoting All-Round Education for Girls
Paths of Justice
Problem-Based Medical Case Management, Second Edition
Popular Memories of the Mao Era
Places of Nature in Ecologies of Urbanism
Piecing Together Sha Po
Picturing Technology in China
A Perpetual Fire
Preventing Family Violence
The Pusan International Film Festival, South Korean Cinema and Globalization
Pictures of Tilling and Weaving
Paper Scissors Stone
Peter Ho-Sun Chan’s He’s a Woman, She’s a Man
Professional Communication
Public Success, Private Sorrow
Philippine English
The Poetics of Difference and Displacement
Profits, Politics and Panics
Power and Charity
The Political Economy of Sino-American Relations
Population and Society in Contemporary Tibet
A Practical Approach to Conditions of Contract for Civil Engineering Works
An Ordinary Man
Opulence of the Jao’s Lotus
Officialdom Unmasked
Old Masters Repainted
Old China Through G. E. Morrison’s Eyes (Revised Edition)
Oceanic Archives, Indigenous Epistemologies, and Transpacific American Studies
On Telling Images of China
The Old Shanghai A–Z
Officialdom Unmasked
Learning Diversity in the Chinese Classroom
Language Education in China
Lifelong Learning in Action
Land Administration and Practice in Hong Kong, Fourth Edition
A Lifetime in Academia
The Lending Power of PISA
Learning About Water & Matter
Life in the Tang Dynasty
Legal Discourse across Cultures and Systems
Light the Darkness
Law, Morality, and the Private Domain
Learning Language Through Literature in Secondary Schools
Linear Optimization in Applications
Laws of Banking and Finance in the Hong Kong SAR
The Last Half Century of Chinese Overseas
Learning Language Through Literature
Language in Hong Kong at Century’s End
Libraries and Information Centres in Hong Kong
Lugard in Hong Kong
Learning and Teaching in the Chinese Classroom
Lens on China
The Last of China’s Literati
Korean Masculinities and Transcultural Consumption
Knowledge Across Cultures
Knowledge Is Pleasure
Jumping Through Hoops
Japanese Cinema Goes Global
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
John Woo’s Bullet in the Head
Johnnie To Kei-Fung’s PTU
John Woo’s A Better Tomorrow
Imperial Contagions
Investigative Journalism in China
Introduction to the Hong Kong Basic Law, Second Edition
International Studies of Educational Achievement
Introduction to Crime, Law and Justice in Hong Kong
Ink Dances in Limbo
Information Technology and Innovation in Language Education
Information Technology and the Challenge for Hong Kong
An Introduction to the Cape d’Aguilar Marine Reserve, Hong Kong
International Commercial Arbitration in Hong Kong
Islam in Hong Kong
Independent Language Learning
Imagining Gay Paradise
Intimating the Sacred
In the Ruins of the Japanese Empire
Indonesian Cinema after the New Order
Images of the Canton Factories 1760–1822
Introduction to the Hong Kong Basic Law, Second Edition
International Education and the Chinese Learner
International Education and the Chinese Learner
Imperial Masquerade
Islands and Continents
Impacts of Modernities (Traces 3)
Impacts of Modernities (Traces 3)
Incense Tree
Humour in Chinese Life and Letters
Hong Kong’s Housing Policy
Hong Kong Internment, 1942–1945
Hong Kong’s Chinese History Curriculum from 1945
Hong Kong, China and 1997
Hong Kong Culture
Historical Fragments of Lha btsun, Master of Sakya School of Tibetan Buddhism in the 13th–14th Century 13–14?????????????????
Heart of Coral
Hong Kong Mobile
HKU SPACE and Its Alumni
Hands On or Hands Off? The Nature and Process of Economic Policy in Hong Kong
Hong Kong Invaded! A ’97 Nightmare
Hong Kong Reintegrating with China
Hong Kong Commercial Law
Hong Kong’s Young Children
The Hong Kong School Curriculum
Hong Kong
Hong Kong Public Law Reports, Vol. 4, Part 3 (1994)
Hong Kong Public Law Reports, Vol. 4, Part 2 (1994)
Hong Kong Public Law Reports, Vol. 4, Part 1 (1994)
The Huaqiao Warriors
Hong Kong Public Law Reports, Vol. 2 (1992)
Hong Kong Public Law Reports, Vol. 3, Part 4 (1993)
Hong Kong Public Law Reports, Vol. 3, Part 3 (1993)
Hong Kong Public Law Reports, Vol. 3, Part 2 (1993)
Hong Kong Public Law Reports, Vol. 3, Part 1 (1993)
Harnessing Information Power
Hong Kong Public Law Reports, Vol. 1 (1991)
Hong Kong Images
Hong Kong Cantopop
Hong Kong Media Law
Harbin to Hanoi
Humour in Chinese Life and Culture
Hong Kong Land for Hong Kong People
The Happy Hsiungs
Hong Kong Legal Principles
Hong Kong As It Was
Hands On or Hands Off? The Nature and Process of Economic Policy in Hong Kong
Hong Kong x 24 x 365
Hong Kong’s New Constitutional Order
Higher Education in Post-Mao China
Hills and Streams
Hong Kong’s Watershed
The Great Difference
Globalization and Education
Gaming, Governance and Public Policy in Macao
Global Stories—Literary Journalism
Globalization and the Humanities
Getting Heard
Growing with Hong Kong
A Guide to Pain Medicine
A Guide to Medical, Health and Welfare Libraries and Information Resources in Hong Kong
Geography and the Environment in Southeast Asia
G. E. Morrison’s Journey in Northwest China in 1910 (2 volumes)
Gender, Health, and History in Modern East Asia
Gaming, Governance and Public Policy in Macao
Form and Impression
Following Ni Yunlin’s Spirit
Feelings of the Brush
For Each and Everyone
Family-Based Mental Health Care in Rural China
The Fragile Scholar
Family Mediation
Friends and Teachers
Foreign Investment in China
Fossils from a Rural Past
Fang Zhaoling
The First Chinese American
Feeling Asian Modernities
Foreigners under Mao
From Object to Concept
Floating on a Malayan Breeze
Fruit Chan’s Made in Hong Kong
Filming Margins
English as a Lingua Franca in ASEAN
English in Singapore
Eastern Figures
East Asian Pop Culture
e-Learning Initiatives in China
Early Childhood Care and Education in the Asia Pacific Region
Educational Reforms in Russia and China at the Turn of the 21st Century
Evidence2 + Evidence3 = Evidence5 = Evidence = One (Double Evidence Plus Triple Evidence Equals Quintuple Evidence If and Only If Evidence Is Unitary)
Edward S. T. Ho
Education, Growth, Aid and Development
Education in Developing Asia Vol.1
Education and Political Transition
Education and the Politics of Language
Education in China and Abroad
Essays in Commemoration of the Golden Jubilee of the Fung Ping Shan Library (1932–1982) (2 vols)
The Economic Integration of Greater China
Elderly Chinese in Pacific Rim Countries
Educational Leadership and Change
Early Chinese Work in Natural Science
An East India Company Cemetery
Essays on Aviation and Travel Law in Hong Kong
Education in Hong Kong, Pre-1841 to 1941
Exchange Rate Regimes and Macroeconomic Management in Asia
Europe and China
Eileen Chang
Escape from Hong Kong
East River Column
Everything in Style
Emperor Qianlong’s Hidden Treasures
Expand Your English
English Exposed
Enclave to Urbanity
East Sails West
English in Asian Popular Culture
English in Asian Popular Culture
The Empress and Mrs. Conger
Ethics in Early China
Early China Coast Meteorology
Enriching Lives
Electing Hong Kong’s Chief Executive
Elusive Pirates, Pervasive Smugglers
Education for Social Citizenship
English Explained
Enchanted by Lohans
Clinical Communication Skills
Cheques, Second Edition
Chinese Ideas about Nature and Society
Celebrity in China
Current Trends in Comparative Endocrinology (2 volumes)
Confucianism and Christianity
The Corals of Hong Kong
Community Problems and Social Work in Southeast Asia
The Chinese Learner
The City as a Centre of Change in Asia
The Chinese Exotic
Chinese-English Contrastive Grammar
Conditional Spaces
China Abroad
Colours of Money, Shades of Pride
Colonial Hong Kong and Modern China
Comfort Women Activism
A City Mismanaged
A Chinese Melting Pot
China’s Urban Labor Market
Construction Contract Essentials in Hong Kong
Chinese Indonesians in Post-Suharto Indonesia
Contract Law in Hong Kong, Third Edition
The Classical Gardens of Shanghai
Crime and the Chinese Dream
Chinese Opera
Cantonese Society in Hong Kong and Singapore
Curriculum, Schooling and Society in Hong Kong
Critical Zone 3
A Century of Travels in China
Cross-Dressing in Chinese Opera
Carl Crow—A Tough Old China Hand
Critical Zone 2
China and Capitalism
Contours of Culture
Changing Rice Bowl
Changing Church and State Relations in Hong Kong, 1950–2000
City Voices
Cognitive Neuroscience Studies of the Chinese Language
China Bound and Unbound
City of Broken Promises
Burden or Legacy
Bilingual Education
Béthanie et Nazareth
Breathing Space
Business Expansion and Structural Change in Pre-War China
A Biographical Sketch-Book of Early Hong Kong
Better Supervision Better Teaching
Building Hong Kong
The Book of Literary Design
Building Enclosure in Hong Kong
A Bibliography of Hong Kong Marine Science
The Bivalvia
Basic and Applied Aspects of Vestibular Function
Brushing History Against the Grain
Buying Beauty
Beneath the Banyan Tree
The Bewitching Braid
Buddhist Visual Cultures, Rhetoric, and Narrative in Late Burmese Wall Paintings
Boys’ Love, Cosplay, and Androgynous Idols
The British Presence in Macau, 1635–1793
The New Chinese Documentary Film Movement
New Music in China and The C. C. Liu Collection at the University of Hong Kong
The New Legal Order in Hong Kong
Narratives of Free Trade
Neurology in Practice, Fifth Edition
News under Fire
New Television, Globalisation, and the East Asian Cultural Imagination
No Man an Island
A Macao Narrative
Maintaining Control
Management and Economics of Construction Safety in Hong Kong
Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage
The Making of Women Entrepreneurs in Hong Kong
Modern Construction Project Management, Second Edition
The Marine Flora and Fauna of Hong Kong and Southern China V
The Mangrove Ecosystem of Deep Bay and the Mai Po Marshes, Hong Kong
The Marine Biology of the South China Sea III
The Marine Flora and Fauna of Hong Kong and Southern China IV
The Malacofauna of Hong Kong and Southern China III
The Marine Biology of the South China Sea I & II (2 vols.)
The Myth of Neighbourhood Mutual Help
The Marine Flora and Fauna of Hong Kong and Southern China III (2 vols.)
The Malacofauna of Hong Kong and Southern China II (2 vols)
May Days in Hong Kong
Mandarin Pronunciation Explained with Diagrams, Revised Edition
The Memoirs of Jin Luxian, Volume 1
Melancholy Drift
Merchants’ Daughters
Moving Millions
Madmen and Other Survivors
Moving Poetry
Metacinema in Contemporary Chinese Film
Making Icons
Mu Shiying
Mongolia and the United States
Merchants of Canton and Macao
Macao’s Church of Saint Paul
Mabel Cheung Yuen-Ting’s An Autumn’s Tale
Masculinities and Hong Kong Cinema
Macao and the British, 1637–1842
The Dragon and the Crown
Developing Materials for TOC English
Discourses of Cultural China in the Globalizing Age
Discourse as Cultural Struggle
Disputed Territories
Developing Learning Environments
Dispersal and Renewal
Doctoral Dissertations on Hong Kong, 1900–1997
Drugs, Law and the State
Directions in Self-Access Language Learning
The Defences of Macau
The Dynamics of Beijing–Hong Kong Relations
Diasporic Histories
Drawing New Color Lines
A Dictionary of Hong Kong English
Discourses of Cultural China in the Globalizing Age
Discourse as Cultural Struggle
Dissertation Writing in Practice
China in Revolution
Contact Moments
Cinema at the City’s Edge
Cultural Studies and Cultural Industries in Northeast Asia
Collaborative Colonial Power
The Canton Trade
City Stage
Crossing Oceans
Common Careers, Different Experiences
China’s Legal Awakening
Contract Law in Hong Kong, Expanded Second Edition
China’s Pan-Pearl River Delta
Curriculum, Schooling and Society in Hong Kong
Comparative Education
Changing Times, Changing Territories
Chinese Lesson
The Correspondence between Prof. Paul Demiéville and Prof. Jao Tsung-i
Changing Conceptions of Teaching and Learning in Hong Kong
Comparative Higher Education
Clinical Voice Assessment and Therapy
Clinical Voice Assessment and Therapy
Corporate Governance and Financial Reform in China’s Transition Economy
Critical Zone 1
China’s English
Cross-Dressing in Chinese Opera
Changing the Curriculum
The Challenge of Hong Kong’s Reintegration with China
Changing Nature’s Course
A Clinical Atlas of Chinese Infants
Communication Disorders
Baptism by Yang Jiang
Asian Englishes
Activating Peer Support
Assessment for Learning
The Archaeology of Hong Kong
All Roads Lead to the American City
An Annotated Bibliography of Chinese Film Studies
At the Epicentre
At Home with Density
At Home with Density
Asian Marine Biology 18 (2001)
Asian Marine Biology 17 (2000)
Asian Marine Biology 16 (1999)
All the King’s Women
Asian Marine Biology 15 (1998)
Asian Marine Biology 14 (1997)
Asian Marine Biology 13 (1996)
Art and Place
Asian Marine Biology 12 (1995)
Asian Marine Biology 11 (1994)
Asian Marine Biology 10 (1993)
Asian Marine Biology 9 (1992)
Asian Marine Biology 8 (1991)
Asian Voices in English
Asian Marine Biology 7 (1990)
Asian Marine Biology 5 (1988)
Asian Marine Biology 4 (1987)
Asian Marine Biology 3 (1986)
Asian Marine Biology 2 (1985)
Asian Marine Biology 1 (1984)
Asian Crossings
Asian Diasporas
All Things Dusk
Americans and Macao
Ancestral Images
As Normal as Possible
All Roads Lead to the American City
Andrew Lau and Alan Mak’s Infernal Affairs—The Trilogy
The Administrative History of the Hong Kong Government Agencies 1841–2002
Art, Politics, and Commerce in Chinese Cinema
Art, Politics, and Commerce in Chinese Cinema
Anglo-Chinese Diplomacy 1906–1920
Crime, Justice and Punishment in Colonial Hong Kong
Yonfan’s Bugis Street
Yonfan’s Bugis Street
Yuen Woo Ping’s Wing Chun
Watching Over Hong Kong
World Weavers
Wuming (No Name) Painting Catalogue Vol. 2 Li Shan
Wuming (No Name) Painting Catalogue Vol. 5 Shi Zhenyu
Wuming (No Name) Painting Catalogue Vol. 12 Zheng Zigang
Wuming (No Name) Painting Catalogue Vol. 7 Wang Aihe
Wandering Spirit
Wild Flowers of South China and Hong Kong, Part 2
Walking Macao, Reading the Baroque
Working with Youth-at-Risk in Hong Kong
World Englishes in Asian Contexts
Work and Society
Whose Business Values? Some Asian and Cross-Cultural Perspectives
Works by Fang Zhaoling
Wuming (No Name) Painting Catalogue Vol. 11 Zhao Wenliang
The Wilderness by Ts’ao Yu
The Wilderness by Ts’ao Yu
Wuming (No Name) Painting Catalogue Vol. 6 Tian Shuying
Wang Kuo-wei’s Jen-chien Tz’u-hua
Wuming (No Name) Painting Catalogue Vol. 4 Ma Kelu
Walking Macao, Reading the Baroque
Where There Are Asians, There Are Rice Cookers
Wuming (No Name) Painting Catalogue Vol. 3 Liu Shi
Wuming (No Name) Painting Catalogue Vol. 8 Wei Hai
World Englishes in Asian Contexts
Wong Kar-wai’s Happy Together
Wong Kar-wai’s Ashes of Time
Wuming (No Name) Painting Catalogue Vol. 10 Zhang Wei
Wuming (No Name) Painting Catalogue Vol. 9 Yang Yushu
Water Driven
Values Education for Dynamic Societies
The Voices of Macao Stones
Virtual Design Studio
Votes Without Power
Visualizing Beauty
The Virgin Mary and Catholic Identities in Chinese History
Via Ports
Voluntary Organizations in the Chinese Diaspora
Understanding South Asian Minorities in Hong Kong
UNESCO’s Origins, Achievements, Problems and Promise
The Unified Stroke
Universe of the Mind
Unity and Diversity
Understanding Marriage
The United States Constitution
University of Hong Kong
Underground Front
Understanding English Homonyms
Universities in Translation
Understanding Corporate Governance in China
Ulaanbaatar beyond Water and Grass
Uneasy Partners
University Autonomy, the State, and Social Change in China
Stepping Forth into the World
Suicide in Asia
Structure, Audience and Soft Power in East Asian Pop Culture
Staging Revolution
Shipping and Logistics Law
Small God, Big City
Sex and Desire in Hong Kong
Scottish Mandarin
Structure, Audience and Soft Power in East Asian Pop Culture
School Guidance and Counselling
Studies of Chinese Linguistics
The Scripting of a National History
Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship in Hong Kong
Situating Sexualities
The Sources of Hong Kong Law
Surviving Nirvana
Repositioning the Hong Kong Government
Return Migration and Identity
Reading Chinese Transnationalisms
Reluctant Regulators
Regulating Private Tutoring for Public Good
The Realm of Amalgamation
Respiratory Medicine
Reef Fishes of Hong Kong
Responding to Child Abuse
Rogue Flows
Remade in Hollywood
Reading Du Fu
Returning Home with Glory
Revolutions as Organizational Change
Reforming Law Reform
Rethinking Visual Narratives from Asia
Remembering China from Taiwan
Rebuilding the Ancestral Village
Reluctant Heroes
Reclaimed Land
Race Panic and the Memory of Migration (Traces 2)
Race Panic and the Memory of Migration (Traces 2)
The Road
The Quest for Gold
The Quest of Noel Croucher
Queer Singapore
Queer Bangkok
Queer Chinese Cultures and Mobilities
Queer Politics and Sexual Modernity in Taiwan
Zoning and Property Rights
Y K Pao
Young People and Careers
Tort Law in Hong Kong
Teaching Abroad
Toward Critical Patriotism
Textbook of Neonatal Medicine
Tales from No. 9 Ice House Street
Teaching the Chinese Learner
Target Oriented Curriculum Evaluation Project
Traditional Jingdezhen Wares from Contemporary Kilns
To Serve and to Lead
TV Drama in China
Telecommunications Development in Asia
Telecommunications Development in Asia
Translation, Biopolitics, Colonial Difference (Traces 4)
Translation, Biopolitics, Colonial Difference (Traces 4)
Town Planning in Hong Kong
Tales from No. 9 Ice House Street
Town Planning Practice
Town Planning in Hong Kong
Topics in Pathology for Hong Kong
Teaching and Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language
Talk to Me in Cantonese
Tsui Hark’s Peking Opera Blues
Tsui Hark’s Peking Opera Blues
Talk Radio, the Mainstream Press, and Public Opinion in Hong Kong
Talk Radio, the Mainstream Press, and Public Opinion in Hong Kong
Troubling American Women
Thistle and Bamboo
The Taking of Hong Kong
Through the Looking Glass
TV Drama in China
Tsui Hark’s Zu
Taste of Macau
Shanghai Lalas
The Soul of Beijing Opera
The Six-Day War of 1899
Southern District Officer Reports
Shaping the Health of Hong Kong
The Shek Kip Mei Myth
Staging Nation
A Seventh Child and the Law
Sustainable Development in Hong Kong
A Seventh Child and the Law
Schooling in Hong Kong
Social Work Intervention in Health Care
China’s Foreign Places
The Sinking of the Lisbon Maru
Horror to the Extreme
Asian Celebrity Cultures in the Digital Age
Revitalization in Asia
The Search for a Vanishing Beijing
Being Eurasian
Contemporary Hong Kong Government and Politics, Third Edition
China’s Energy Security in the Twenty-First Century
A Contemporary History of the Chinese Zheng
Han Heroes and Yamato Warriors
Heritage and History in the China–Australia Migration Corridor
Coercive Commerce
Hong Kong Foodways
Man in a Hurry
Making National Heroes
Pandemic Minds
Psychosis and Schizophrenia in Hong Kong
The Wolf Economy Awakens
When the Yellow River Floods
Outlaws of the Sea
The New Politics of Beijing–Hong Kong Relations
Baptism by Yang Jiang
Steamships across the Pacific
Watch with Wonder
Chinese Music in Print
Christianity and Education in Modern China
Voice Therapy for Children
The National Security Law of Hong Kong
The Placemakers of Hong Kong
Chinese Rank Badges
Chinese Art and Its Encounter with the World
Classroom Management
Painting Architecture
Philippine Gay Culture
Scribes of Gastronomy
The Making of Macau’s Fusion Cuisine
King Hu’s A Touch of Zen
Life on the Fringe
Hong Kong Public and Squatter Housing
Tracing China
Modern Chinese Counter-Enlightenment
Lu Xun and World Literature
Surrealism from Paris to Shanghai
Penalties of Empire
A New Documentary History of Hong Kong, 1945–1997
Redefining Heresy and Tolerance
Yi Jing, Book of Changes, The Great Walls of China Series
The Universal Scream
Shan Shui, Mountain Water
Queer TV China
The 70’s Biweekly
Ordinary Moments +
The Last Emperor Revisited
Journalism Ethics
Ecologies of Urbanism in India
Carnival of Dreams
Meiji Graves in Happy Valley
Rosie Young
Tuberculosis Control and Institutional Change in Shanghai, 1911–2011
My Life in Medicine
How COVID-19 Took Over the World
Socializing Medicine
National Security and Fundamental Freedoms
The Idea of a China Arrest Warrant
The Sensuous Cinema of Wong Kar-wai
Early Buddhist Teachings
Academic English
Written in Stone
HK Phil 50+
Evolving Creative Mindsets
Towards a Future for BRICS+
The Empress and the Dragon Throne
Sustaining Landscapes
Cross and Dragon – Matteo Ricci and China
On the Steppes of Dreams
Titles By Publisher
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