Elizabeth Branch Dyson
Assistant Editorial Director, Executive Editor
I acquire Chicago’s books—for both scholarly and general audiences—in sociology, education, and music, especially jazz and blues studies. I am particularly looking for books in the social sciences that challenge our thinking and point us in the right direction.
I welcome books on education broadly—from early childhood education to higher ed and beyond. Recent titles include Nora Gross’s moving Brothers in Grief: The Hidden Toll of Gun Violence on Black Boys and Their Schools, and two different looks at the social costs of college in Ingrid A. Nelson’s Yet Another Costume Party Debacle: Why Racial Ignorance Persists on Elite College Campuses and Anthony Simon Laden’s Networks of Trust: The Social Costs of College and What We Can Do about Them.
Our wide-ranging sociology list features books of theory, history, mixed methods, longitudinal studies, and more, but its heart belongs to ethnography, as exemplified by Neil Gong’s new book, Sons, Daughters, and Sidewalk Psychotics: Mental Illness and Homelessness in Los Angeles. Shani Adia Evans gives us a new look at gentrification in We Belong Here: Gentrification, White Spacemaking, and a Black Sense of Place. Carrie M. Lane’s new book, More Than Pretty Boxes: How the Rise of Professional Organizing Shows Us the Way We Work Isn’t Working, takes the reader on a remarkable journey from professional organizers to a critique of work and life in the neoliberal era. Take a look also at Abigail Ocobock’s surprising Marriage Material: How an Enduring Institution Is Changing Same-Sex Relationships and Claire Laurier Decoteau’s compelling latest, Emergency: COVID-19 and the Uneven Valuation of Life.
In music, we are proud to have recently published two provocative new books: Gavin Steingo’s Interspecies Communication: Sound and Music beyond Humanity and Michael Gallope’s The Musician as Philosopher. And Bob Gluck has returned with a new book on Pat Metheny, Pat Metheny: Stories beyond Words. My colleague Marta Tonegutti acquires the larger part of the music list, including the critical editions of Verdi, New Material Histories of Music series, and the Opera Lab series.
I studied English literature and music at Yale, then taught middle school for a few years before joining Chicago in 2000. Until 2019, I acquired our books in philosophy; that list is now sponsored by Kyle Wagner. And until 2021, I acquired the Chicago Studies in Ethnomusicology series, which is now sponsored by Mollie McFee.
Assistant Editor Mollie McFee ably assists me and is a close collaborator in all of these endeavors.
Prospective authors are encouraged to consult our submission guidelines. We also provide an overview about publishing with Chicago here.
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