History of Ideas
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Department and Discipline
The Surrealism Reader
State of Exception
The Delight Makers
Engineering the Revolution
Kinaesthetic Knowing
Designs of Destruction
The Institutional Revolution
Rationalizing Capitalist Democracy
Bleak Liberalism
Imaginary Cities
Marx at the Margins
Nietzsche’s Earthbound Wisdom
America’s Philosopher
A Genealogy of Manners
The Human Condition
On Hysteria
Scientific History
Rethinking Therapeutic Culture
Fictions of the Cosmos
Jean-Paul Marat
The Water Kingdom
Becoming Historians
Collective Memory and the Historical Past
The Symbolic Construction of Reality
Vulgar Marxism
Erasmus of Rotterdam
Sacred Relics
One Discipline, Four Ways
Triumph and Solidarity
The X Club
The Huxleys
Madness and Enterprise
The Creighton Century, 1907–2007
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An Artificial History of Natural Intelligence
Arthur Schopenhauer
The Invention of Madness
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The Virtual Haydn
The Culture of Feedback
The Forbidden Image
The Light-Green Society
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Galileo, Courtier
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A Violent Peace
Maps and Politics
Philosophy in a Time of Terror
Evolutionary Restraints
On the Edge of the Abyss
Darwin Deleted
Spirit and System
The University of Chicago
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Magical Criticism
The Law of God
The Legend of the Middle Ages
The Wisdom of the World
On the Future of History
Beyond the Frontier
Richard Hofstadter
Hope and Scorn
Time Travelers
Islam and World History
After Freud Left
A Peaceful Conquest
The Making of Tocqueville’s America
The Teaching Archive
From Natural Philosophy to the Sciences
Follow Your Conscience
Sociology in America
With the World at Heart
History as a Kind of Writing
The Individual and the Cosmos in Renaissance Philosophy
Bentham and Australia
Shaped by the State
The Climate of History in a Planetary Age
One Planet, Many Worlds
Turning On the Mind
Canada’s Voice
Proceedings of the British-Chinese History Conference, Peking University, Beijing, April 2009
Empire of Religion
Objects in Air
A Defense of Judgment
Promiscuous Knowledge
The Curious History of Weights & Measures
Visions of Sodom
The Scientific Revolution
The Open Mind
The Birth of Theory
Rhetoric in the European Tradition
History’s Shadow
Museums and American Intellectual Life, 1876-1926
Worthy of Freedom
The Young Descartes
The Cultural Turn in U. S. History
The Perfection of Nature
Regimens of the Mind
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A Date with Language
The Scientific Journal
Music in Golden-Age Florence, 1250–1750
Curious and Modern Inventions
Preliminary Discourse to the Encyclopedia of Diderot
Nietzsche’s Journey to Sorrento
The Best Effect
The Moral Authority of Nature
The Political Thought of Aneurin Bevan
New Technologies and Renaissance Studies III
Show Me the Bone
The Returns of Fetishism
Aesthetics at Large
The End of the World
Homosexuality and Psychoanalysis
Far Afield
The Mountain
Company Men
The Culture of Male Beauty in Britain
Darwin’s Sacred Cause
No Exit
Atlas, or the Anxious Gay Science
Eugene O’Neill’s America
The Promise of Pragmatism
What Nostalgia Was
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Inventing the Alphabet
Essays on Individualism
The Chastity Plot
The Enlightenment
On the Spirit of Rights
Power and Time
How the Clinic Made Gender
Plowshares into Swords
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Lines of Thought
The End of Kings
Figuring Jerusalem
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The Limits of History
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Narratives of Low Countries History and Culture
The Maggie Murphs 1906-73
Feminist Economics Today
Jane Addams’s Evolutionary Theorizing
Sartre, Foucault, and Historical Reason, Volume Two
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The Limits of Matter
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Making Time
Lies, Passions, and Illusions
The Passing of an Illusion
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Guilds, Society and Economy in London 1450-1800
Baroque Science
Sidereus Nuncius, or The Sidereal Messenger
Telling It Like It Wasn’t
Deep Refrains
Imagining Judeo-Christian America
Plough, Sword, and Book
The Naked Truth
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The Human Body in the Age of Catastrophe
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From Power to Prejudice
A Precarious Happiness
Basel in the Age of Burckhardt
The Secret History of Emotion
The Courtiers’ Anatomists
On Collective Memory
Political Descent
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After the Death of God
The Globe
Medieval Arabic Thought: Essays in Honour of Fritz Zimmermann
The Lost Promise of Patriotism
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Outsider Scientists
The Scientific Literature
The Territories of Science and Religion
Of Bridges
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A War for the Soul of America, Second Edition
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In Defense of Disciplines
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The Nature of the Book
Paris Concealed
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Putting Wales First
The Burden of Responsibility
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The Enlightenment and Original Sin
Groovy Science
Imagination, Meditation, and Cognition in the Middle Ages
A Language of Its Own
The Participant
The Alpine Enlightenment
The Religion of Existence
Materials and Expertise in Early Modern Europe
Lifespan Narratives
Speculative Communities
Nightmares in the Dream Sanctuary
Time’s Reasons
How Knowledge Moves
Roads of Excess, Palaces of Wisdom
Utopias and the Millennium
The Queen’s Dolls’ House
Savages, Romans, and Despots
Béthanie et Nazareth
No Place of Grace
Socrates and the Jews
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Naïve Readings
Playing the Fool
Fortunes of War
Powers of Distinction
Allies and Rivals
Dreamland of Humanists
The Autonomy of History
A New Orient
The American Adam
Anatomy of a Train Wreck
Music and the New Global Culture
Victorian Popularizers of Science
Victorian Scientific Naturalism
The Legacy of the Enlightenment
When Science and Christianity Meet
Philosophical Melancholy and Delirium
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The Force of Truth
Eros and Inwardness in Vienna
The Mismeasure of Progress
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Preserving the Spell
Lives of the Great Languages
Germany’s Ancient Pasts
Talking History
The Knowledge of Nature and the Nature of Knowledge in Early Modern Japan
Dublin and the Great Irish Famine
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The Weimar Origins of Rhetorical Inquiry
The Genesis Quest
The Signature in Law
Desiring Arabs
Islam in Liberalism
The Capital Order
When Spinoza Met Marx
The Forgotten Sense
The Science of Walking
The Bourgeois Virtues
The Chattering Mind
Making Spirit Matter
On Knowing--The Social Sciences
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Historical Knowledge, Historical Error
Philosophy Between the Lines
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Terms of Exchange
On the Shoulders of Giants
This Radical Land
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A Tract for Our Times
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The Victorian Eye
On the Animation of the Inorganic
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Pragmatism’s Evolution
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Acolytes of Nature
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The Culmination
The Price of Misfortune
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The Specter of the Archive
Walter Ralegh’s "History of the World" and the Historical Culture of the Late Renaissance
A Heart at Leisure from Itself
Decay and Afterlife
The Correspondence between Princess Elisabeth of Bohemia and René Descartes
Disputed Inheritance
The New Prometheans
The Worldmakers
Terrestrial Lessons
The Experimental Fire
After the Map
American Nietzsche
Epidemic Empire
Conceptual Harmonies
The Making of Romantic Love
Light in Germany
Osiris, Volume 34
The Cuban Cure
Permanent Crisis
Ethics and the Orator
The Third Lens
The Gene
Darwin and the Making of Sexual Selection
Debating Darwin
Kuhn’s ’Structure of Scientific Revolutions’ at Fifty
The Romantic Conception of Life
Was Hitler a Darwinian?
Time and Narrative, Volume 1
Time and Narrative, Volume 2
Time and Narrative, Volume 3
Max Weber
The Restless Clock
Sentimental Savants
Before Nature
Image and Reality
Marx’s Dream
The Most Powerful Idea in the World
What Gardens Mean
The Pursuit of Harmony
Emblems of Mind
The Latest Catastrophe
Giordano Bruno
The Other Renaissance
Bursting the Limits of Time
Earth’s Deep History
Richard Owen
We Made Uranium!
The Control of the Past
The Refracted Muse
Demos Rising
Maps of Paradise
The Idea of Waste
The Natural Origins of Economics
A Philosopher’s Economist
Nietzsche Pursued
Nietzsche’s Kind of Philosophy
A Genealogy of Terror in Eighteenth-Century France
About Method
Quotations from Chairman Mao
Midlife Crisis
The Return of Resentment
The Geographical Imagination in America, 1880-1950
Courtly Love, the Love of Courtliness, and the History of Sexuality
Why Everyone Hates White Liberals (Including White Liberals)
Laughter at the Foot of the Cross
The Pocket Epicurean
The Pocket Stoic
Looking Back through Our Identities
The Most Secret Quintessence of Life
Catastrophic Thinking
Mathematical Recreations in the Middle Ages
Capitalism and the Emergence of Civic Equality in Eighteenth-Century France
Logics of History
Before Voltaire
The Newton Wars and the Beginning of the French Enlightenment
The Accommodated Animal
The Scientific Life
The Scientific Revolution
A Social History of Truth
Invisible Hands
Good Music
The Work and the Gift
Tortured Subjects
Vital Minimum
States of Terror
This Is Enlightenment
Sovereign of the Market
Becoming a New Self
From Sight to Light
Intoxicating Manchuria
Ways of Making and Knowing
History Within
Boundaries of the State in US History
Osiris, Volume 35
Violent Sensations
The Idea of India
Darwin’s Evolving Identity
Huxley’s Church and Maxwell’s Demon
A Global Enlightenment
An Unnatural Attitude
The Trouble with Wagner
Picturing Tropical Nature
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
Traveling in Place
Egyptian Oedipus
The Myth of Disenchantment
Inventing Philosophy’s Other
Theory as Practice
Action versus Contemplation
Wisdom from the Ancients
Apropos of Something
Abiding Grace
I Speak of the City
Latin America
The Man Who Flattened the Earth
Interacting with Print
The Opening of the American Mind
The European Revolutions of 1848 and the Americas
The Hidden Game of Baseball
Power without Victory
Against Innocence
The Old Regime and the Revolution, Volume II
Reading the Book of Nature
American Exceptionalism
Historians in Public
Distant Horizons
Pieter Geyl and Britain
The Lost Black Scholar
The Singer’s Needle
Unacknowledged Kinships
Androids in the Enlightenment
The Disordered Police State
Practicing Utopia
On Borrowed Time
Banquet at Delmonico’s
The Halle Orphanage as Scientific Community
On the Heels of Ignorance
The Measure of Times Past
Appetite and Its Discontents
Returning Home with Glory
The Longing for Myth in Germany
The Intellectual Properties of Learning
Science, Community, and the Transformation of American Philosophy, 1860-1930
Aesthetics, Industry, and Science
Popularizing the Past
Living in the Future
The Politics of Petulance
The Moral Meaning of Nature
Remembrance of Things Present
Learned Patriots
The Art of Memory
Notebooks, English Virtuosi, and Early Modern Science
A Final Story
The Gestation of German Biology
A Nice Derangement of Epistemes
A Democratic Theory of Truth
Feminism and the Abyss of Freedom
Whose America?
The Passionate Triangle
The Surrealism Reader
State of Exception
The Delight Makers
Engineering the Revolution
Kinaesthetic Knowing
Designs of Destruction
The Institutional Revolution
Rationalizing Capitalist Democracy
Bleak Liberalism
Imaginary Cities
Marx at the Margins
Nietzsche’s Earthbound Wisdom
America’s Philosopher
A Genealogy of Manners
The Human Condition
On Hysteria
Scientific History
Rethinking Therapeutic Culture
Fictions of the Cosmos
Jean-Paul Marat
The Water Kingdom
Becoming Historians
Collective Memory and the Historical Past
The Symbolic Construction of Reality
Vulgar Marxism
Erasmus of Rotterdam
Sacred Relics
One Discipline, Four Ways
Triumph and Solidarity
The X Club
The Huxleys
Madness and Enterprise
The Creighton Century, 1907–2007
People, Texts and Artefacts: Cultural Transmission in the Medieval Norman Worlds
An Artificial History of Natural Intelligence
Arthur Schopenhauer
The Invention of Madness
Hayek and the Evolution of Capitalism
The Virtual Haydn
The Culture of Feedback
The Forbidden Image
The Light-Green Society
Thinking in the Past Tense
Galileo, Courtier
Making and Unmaking Intellectual Property
A Violent Peace
Maps and Politics
Philosophy in a Time of Terror
Evolutionary Restraints
On the Edge of the Abyss
Darwin Deleted
Spirit and System
The University of Chicago
Another Freedom
Magical Criticism
The Law of God
The Legend of the Middle Ages
The Wisdom of the World
On the Future of History
Beyond the Frontier
Richard Hofstadter
Hope and Scorn
Time Travelers
Islam and World History
After Freud Left
A Peaceful Conquest
The Making of Tocqueville’s America
The Teaching Archive
From Natural Philosophy to the Sciences
Follow Your Conscience
Sociology in America
With the World at Heart
History as a Kind of Writing
The Individual and the Cosmos in Renaissance Philosophy
Bentham and Australia
Shaped by the State
The Climate of History in a Planetary Age
One Planet, Many Worlds
Turning On the Mind
Canada’s Voice
Proceedings of the British-Chinese History Conference, Peking University, Beijing, April 2009
Empire of Religion
Objects in Air
A Defense of Judgment
Promiscuous Knowledge
The Curious History of Weights & Measures
Visions of Sodom
The Scientific Revolution
The Open Mind
The Birth of Theory
Rhetoric in the European Tradition
History’s Shadow
Museums and American Intellectual Life, 1876-1926
Worthy of Freedom
The Young Descartes
The Cultural Turn in U. S. History
The Perfection of Nature
Regimens of the Mind
Religious Intolerance, America, and the World
A Date with Language
The Scientific Journal
Music in Golden-Age Florence, 1250–1750
Curious and Modern Inventions
Preliminary Discourse to the Encyclopedia of Diderot
Nietzsche’s Journey to Sorrento
The Best Effect
The Moral Authority of Nature
The Political Thought of Aneurin Bevan
New Technologies and Renaissance Studies III
Show Me the Bone
The Returns of Fetishism
Aesthetics at Large
The End of the World
Homosexuality and Psychoanalysis
Far Afield
The Mountain
Company Men
The Culture of Male Beauty in Britain
Darwin’s Sacred Cause
No Exit
Atlas, or the Anxious Gay Science
Eugene O’Neill’s America
The Promise of Pragmatism
What Nostalgia Was
People, Politics, and Purpose
Inventing the Alphabet
Essays on Individualism
The Chastity Plot
The Enlightenment
On the Spirit of Rights
Power and Time
How the Clinic Made Gender
Plowshares into Swords
New Technologies and Renaissance Studies IV
Reading Darwin in Arabic, 1860-1950
How Reason Almost Lost Its Mind
The World the Game Theorists Made
Lines of Thought
The End of Kings
Figuring Jerusalem
You Are Not a Kinesthetic Learner
The Limits of History
Free Expression and Democracy in America
Narratives of Low Countries History and Culture
The Maggie Murphs 1906-73
Feminist Economics Today
Jane Addams’s Evolutionary Theorizing
Sartre, Foucault, and Historical Reason, Volume Two
Jewish Universalisms
Political Arithmetic
The Limits of Matter
In the Long Run We’re All Dead
Making Time
Lies, Passions, and Illusions
The Passing of an Illusion
Science in the Marketplace
Guilds, Society and Economy in London 1450-1800
Baroque Science
Sidereus Nuncius, or The Sidereal Messenger
Telling It Like It Wasn’t
Deep Refrains
Imagining Judeo-Christian America
Plough, Sword, and Book
The Naked Truth
Pain, Pleasure, and the Greater Good
The Human Body in the Age of Catastrophe
Scientific Perspectivism
Sovereignty and the Responsibility to Protect
Buying Power
Modernity and the Jews in Western Social Thought
Battle in the Mind Fields
From Power to Prejudice
A Precarious Happiness
Basel in the Age of Burckhardt
The Secret History of Emotion
The Courtiers’ Anatomists
On Collective Memory
Political Descent
How to Do the History of Homosexuality
After the Death of God
The Globe
Medieval Arabic Thought: Essays in Honour of Fritz Zimmermann
The Lost Promise of Patriotism
Dreamers, Visionaries, and Revolutionaries in the Life Sciences
Outsider Scientists
The Scientific Literature
The Territories of Science and Religion
Of Bridges
Coming To
Karl Marx in America
A War for the Soul of America, Second Edition
Memories of Odysseus
The Sensory Order and Other Writings on the Foundations of Theoretical Psychology
Forming Humanity
The Hoarders
Wrong Turnings
The Cosmic Zoom
Becoming Mead
The Culture of Disaster
Human-Built World
Wicked Intelligence
Modernism and Masculinity
Dewey for Artists
In Defense of Disciplines
Magical Nominalism
The Genesis of Values
The Nature of the Book
Paris Concealed
A History of Trust in Ancient Greece
The Invention of Infinite Growth
Magic’s Reason
Putting Wales First
The Burden of Responsibility
Welfare for Markets
The Enlightenment and Original Sin
Groovy Science
Imagination, Meditation, and Cognition in the Middle Ages
A Language of Its Own
The Participant
The Alpine Enlightenment
The Religion of Existence
Materials and Expertise in Early Modern Europe
Lifespan Narratives
Speculative Communities
Nightmares in the Dream Sanctuary
Time’s Reasons
How Knowledge Moves
Roads of Excess, Palaces of Wisdom
Utopias and the Millennium
The Queen’s Dolls’ House
Savages, Romans, and Despots
Béthanie et Nazareth
No Place of Grace
Socrates and the Jews
The Rise of Common-Sense Conservatism
Naïve Readings
Playing the Fool
Fortunes of War
Powers of Distinction
Allies and Rivals
Dreamland of Humanists
The Autonomy of History
A New Orient
The American Adam
Anatomy of a Train Wreck
Music and the New Global Culture
Victorian Popularizers of Science
Victorian Scientific Naturalism
The Legacy of the Enlightenment
When Science and Christianity Meet
Philosophical Melancholy and Delirium
Putting Science in Its Place
Excavating the Memory Palace
The Force of Truth
Eros and Inwardness in Vienna
The Mismeasure of Progress
Contesting Medical Confidentiality
Preserving the Spell
Lives of the Great Languages
Germany’s Ancient Pasts
Talking History
The Knowledge of Nature and the Nature of Knowledge in Early Modern Japan
Dublin and the Great Irish Famine
American Jewish Thought Since 1934
The Weimar Origins of Rhetorical Inquiry
The Genesis Quest
The Signature in Law
Desiring Arabs
Islam in Liberalism
The Capital Order
When Spinoza Met Marx
The Forgotten Sense
The Science of Walking
The Bourgeois Virtues
The Chattering Mind
Making Spirit Matter
On Knowing--The Social Sciences
Chinese Migrant Networks and Cultural Change
Reproduction by Design
Historical Knowledge, Historical Error
Philosophy Between the Lines
The Rise of the Research University
Terms of Exchange
On the Shoulders of Giants
This Radical Land
Early Civilization and the American Modern
Conserving Active Matter
The Atheist’s Bible
Image Science
Revolution of the Ordinary
Max Weber and German Politics, 1890-1920
Kindred Spirits
Developing to Scale
The Outward Mind
The Ashtray
Race and Photography
Novelties in the Heavens
Mozart and the Mediation of Childhood
Maker Space
Pan-Asianism and the Legacy of the Chinese Revolution
A Cultural History of Heredity
Capital of Mind
Exchange of Ideas
Monuments and Memory, Made and Unmade
Enlightenment Biopolitics
Limits of the Numerical
Gehennical Fire
The Politics of Linguistics
Michael Polanyi and His Generation
A Tract for Our Times
Yearning for Immortality
The Politics of Utopia
Out of Stock
The Victorian Eye
On the Animation of the Inorganic
The Lucretian Renaissance
Who Owns Religion?
Pragmatism’s Evolution
Dethroning historical reputations: universities, museums and the commemoration of benefactors
The Marvelous Clouds
Speaking into the Air
Acolytes of Nature
Looking Forward
The Culmination
The Price of Misfortune
Politics, Language, and Time
A History of the Modern Fact
The Specter of the Archive
Walter Ralegh’s "History of the World" and the Historical Culture of the Late Renaissance
A Heart at Leisure from Itself
Decay and Afterlife
The Correspondence between Princess Elisabeth of Bohemia and René Descartes
Disputed Inheritance
The New Prometheans
The Worldmakers
Terrestrial Lessons
The Experimental Fire
After the Map
American Nietzsche
Epidemic Empire
Conceptual Harmonies
The Making of Romantic Love
Light in Germany
Osiris, Volume 34
The Cuban Cure
Permanent Crisis
Ethics and the Orator
The Third Lens
The Gene
Darwin and the Making of Sexual Selection
Debating Darwin
Kuhn’s ’Structure of Scientific Revolutions’ at Fifty
The Romantic Conception of Life
Was Hitler a Darwinian?
Time and Narrative, Volume 1
Time and Narrative, Volume 2
Time and Narrative, Volume 3
Max Weber
The Restless Clock
Sentimental Savants
Before Nature
Image and Reality
Marx’s Dream
The Most Powerful Idea in the World
What Gardens Mean
The Pursuit of Harmony
Emblems of Mind
The Latest Catastrophe
Giordano Bruno
The Other Renaissance
Bursting the Limits of Time
Earth’s Deep History
Richard Owen
We Made Uranium!
The Control of the Past
The Refracted Muse
Demos Rising
Maps of Paradise
The Idea of Waste
The Natural Origins of Economics
A Philosopher’s Economist
Nietzsche Pursued
Nietzsche’s Kind of Philosophy
A Genealogy of Terror in Eighteenth-Century France
About Method
Quotations from Chairman Mao
Midlife Crisis
The Return of Resentment
The Geographical Imagination in America, 1880-1950
Courtly Love, the Love of Courtliness, and the History of Sexuality
Why Everyone Hates White Liberals (Including White Liberals)
Laughter at the Foot of the Cross
The Pocket Epicurean
The Pocket Stoic
Looking Back through Our Identities
The Most Secret Quintessence of Life
Catastrophic Thinking
Mathematical Recreations in the Middle Ages
Capitalism and the Emergence of Civic Equality in Eighteenth-Century France
Logics of History
Before Voltaire
The Newton Wars and the Beginning of the French Enlightenment
The Accommodated Animal
The Scientific Life
The Scientific Revolution
A Social History of Truth
Invisible Hands
Good Music
The Work and the Gift
Tortured Subjects
Vital Minimum
States of Terror
This Is Enlightenment
Sovereign of the Market
Becoming a New Self
From Sight to Light
Intoxicating Manchuria
Ways of Making and Knowing
History Within
Boundaries of the State in US History
Osiris, Volume 35
Violent Sensations
The Idea of India
Darwin’s Evolving Identity
Huxley’s Church and Maxwell’s Demon
A Global Enlightenment
An Unnatural Attitude
The Trouble with Wagner
Picturing Tropical Nature
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
Traveling in Place
Egyptian Oedipus
The Myth of Disenchantment
Inventing Philosophy’s Other
Theory as Practice
Action versus Contemplation
Wisdom from the Ancients
Apropos of Something
Abiding Grace
I Speak of the City
Latin America
The Man Who Flattened the Earth
Interacting with Print
The Opening of the American Mind
The European Revolutions of 1848 and the Americas
The Hidden Game of Baseball
Power without Victory
Against Innocence
The Old Regime and the Revolution, Volume II
Reading the Book of Nature
American Exceptionalism
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Pieter Geyl and Britain
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The Singer’s Needle
Unacknowledged Kinships
Androids in the Enlightenment
The Disordered Police State
Practicing Utopia
On Borrowed Time
Banquet at Delmonico’s
The Halle Orphanage as Scientific Community
On the Heels of Ignorance
The Measure of Times Past
Appetite and Its Discontents
Returning Home with Glory
The Longing for Myth in Germany
The Intellectual Properties of Learning
Science, Community, and the Transformation of American Philosophy, 1860-1930
Aesthetics, Industry, and Science
Popularizing the Past
Living in the Future
The Politics of Petulance
The Moral Meaning of Nature
Remembrance of Things Present
Learned Patriots
The Art of Memory
Notebooks, English Virtuosi, and Early Modern Science
A Final Story
The Gestation of German Biology
A Nice Derangement of Epistemes
A Democratic Theory of Truth
Feminism and the Abyss of Freedom
Whose America?
The Passionate Triangle
Titles In Subject
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